
Two days later after I left the town, I take out my sword in my magic bag that my mother gave me. The sword is actually heavy, and it's hard for me to swing it with my weak arms unless I use my crimson stone.

My crimson stone has three enchantments and I can activate them by saying the words. Those enchantments are: "Swift" – to move twice as speed, "Barrier" – to create a protective magic shield, and "Strengthen" – to triple my physical strength.

I don't really know where to start, but I think the best way to start is by increasing my stamina by running.

With the place I am standing, there is a steep road where I can stride, and jump of and avoid some obstacles on my way.

By that time, I started running to build up my stamina. I didn't use my crimson stone enchantment called "swift" because that would be cheating and it wont help me to gain stamina.

Following steep road where the path leads to unknown, as I run, there are many obstacle appears on my way. I am also aware that this place is also home for the monsters and hostile creatures. I've been running for about 300 meters and I am getting exhausted.

And so, I decided to rest for a bit and continue after a few minutes of break. I drink a water and sat on the ground at the side of the steep road.

I take out my sword again on my magic bag and improve my physical strength. I don't know if this is a dumb idea because all I had to do is to lift it like a dumbell on the gym while lying on the ground facing upward.

The sword weighs about 40 pounds, and it's crazy that I had to lift this word many times.

For half an hour, I was only able to lift the sword four times and of course I got exhausted from that.

I take a break again and drink a water and rested for a few minutes.

After a few minutes of break, I am curious of something. What if I use my crimson stone enchatment called "Strengthen".

I decided to lift my sword with my stone's enchantment.


Then my body was filled with magic as if I can use magic which is not really.

I tried to lift my sword and when I did, I was like…

"Eh? What?!" I was surprised.

I was able to lift my sword with an ease, and it's like the sword weighs only 10 pounds. It's still a bit heavy but I can swing it.

After awhile, my crimson stone deactivated the enchatment itself because there's no mana left inside the stone and it needs to be refilled my a magician.

"Sigh. If I was only able to use magic, then I would be able to replenish the stone."

Now that the experiment is done, I decided to run again to build up my stamina more.

I don't really feel that I'm getting stronger bit by bit, and if there is only a person that could train me, then it would be very efficient.

I ran for about 1 kilometer on the road without resting. I am sweating entirely, heart beating rapidly, and breathing deeply in every seconds. I was very exhausted running for such a long distances.

When I decided to go rest for the rest of the day, I walk on the direction where there is a cabin with no one inside. I went there if there is something I can find.

But it seems the cabin is empty. And with that, I decided to rest and sleep inside the cabin.

By the time I woke up, it was already night. And the worst case is, nothing can save me if monsters suddenly attacked me. My crimson stone is out of mana and there's no way it can protect me.

I remained silence and look on the little holes on the wall to take glance outside.

When I saw what it's like outside, I saw a bunch of hostile creatures competing against and killing each other, they even ate their opponent and their blood is continuously dripping on the ground.

I was very afraid from what I've seen. By that time, I remain silence inside the cabin for the rest of the night and sleep more until the sun rises.

It's already morning and I woke up when the sunshine beamed on my face.

I take a look outside if it's safe and when I did, there no monsters lurking around.

I remain cautious walking outside and continue walking until I find a new civilization.

Well, it's been 13 days since I left the kingdom and 3 days after I left the town. I don't have any food left and I need to get to next place where there is food I can buy.

There's only one problem…

I have no money.

But I also have an idea. When I saw those monster fighting against each other, the one who got killed dropped something and I assume it's an expensive item.

And yes, I approach the place where they fought. The ground is covered with blood when I witnessed it, but now, those blood on the ground turned black.

What I picked is really an expensive item, it's rare and can cost for 6000 sol each.

The item is called "Sun Bone". It's a magical item that let the user strengthen their magical powers twice.

Well, it's really unfortunate for me not being able to use magic, so I'm gonna need to sell it soon before I starve to death.

A few hours later, finally, I reached the new civilization. It's a nation that I don't know, I wonder if I can get inside and I don't know if there's the same ridiculous rule like on the kingdom I live. And if there is, then I'm done.

I went to the gate where there are also guards or gatekeepers guarding the entrance.

When I get there, the guard asked me a question.

"Identify yourself..." The guard said.

"My name is May Gem, don't worry I am not a magic user and I am traveller, I just need a place to stay."

"In that case, come here, I will testify you. Stand on the circle." The guard commanded.


What they did is to detect whether I am a threat to this kingdom by detecting my true and honest intention. And since I have no magic, there's no way they wont let me in.

After the testification, they confirmed that I am not a threat to this kingdom, and since I am new to this place, they gave me a guidebook to learn about this kingdom.

Before I learn about this place, I really need to eat food, and I need to find a place where I can sell this item "Sun Bone".

I asked the guard where I can sell the item "Sir, may I ask where I can sell this "Sun Bone?"

"Oh, wow, that's an expensive item, I mean… Ahem, If you go walk straight over there and turn left then right then you'll be able to reach the selling store."

"Okay thank you for your guidance." I thanked him while smiling pretty.

"Yeah! No Problem!" The guard blushes.