
About a hundred meters deep, a hole was found by one of the elite mage and informed the king that it could lead the way to the magic stone. As they look from above, down there is very dark. Fulmen Diaz, a lightning mage, used a light magic to illuminate what's below the hole.

The King ordered the four elite mages to go first down. In order to get down, they need a mage that can use a slow-falling magic. There's only one mage that can use it during their travel.

A wind mage named Lyra has been given an order by the elite mages to lend her power. She's one of the strongest mage in the army that helps other mages to fly around, but, she can only hold four to seven people depending on their weight.

As the spell has been casted, elite mages along with the king went down the hole while constantly using a light magic to illuminate what lies below.

As they go deeper, they heard a strange noise and it is getting louder as they keep going down. Lyra can only cast the slow falling magic to them within fifty meters in radius. Since the elite mages and the king had no idea that the hole was much deeper than they expected, in about thirty meters below the surface, King Dives decided to go back on the surface.

One reason why the King wanted to go back in the surface is because he can sense the emission of demon magic, it is so powerful that it may have been absorbing the power of the magic stone below.

So for safety, they had to enlarge the hole, so all mages could go down. King Dives decided to expand the hole and dig slantways. This method requires all earth mages to use their power to dig faster and efficient.

"All Earth Aptitude Mages, I order you to dig diagonally until we reach the underground cave. Be cautious, we sensed a demonic magic underground. Now execute!"

"Yes! Your Highness!"

All Earth Mages started to use their magic to dig a hole. By digging, they were able to find some expensive items buried underground.

After digging for few a minutes, they have reached a cave underground. The king along with the elite mages went down to see what lies below. As soon as they reached the cave and keep walking on the dark area, they encounter another demonized creature.

The name of this creature is Terrantrum which is in demonized form. Terrantrum are meant to guard around the cave and ensure that there's no one will be able to steal valuable items below. Terrantrum is a friendly creature or a neutral in a sense. Once attacked, destroy or steal something on their properties they'll fight back with no hesitation. They could kill a human or just throw them outside the cave and make sure human will never come back.

Now Terrantrum is in a demonized form, there's no way this thing could be friendly. This monster is way above the level of these elite mages combining their power, the magic "Cohesive-Force" would be useless.

Because of that, all mages, including the elites and the King ran away from the cave and get far away as they could as soon as the demonized monster started to attack.

Terrantrum can use a summoning magic which summon other monsters such as argium, aesbrae, and other mid-class monsters. Terrantrum summons about a hundred of them to chase all mages and kill them. What's worst is they are also in a demonized form.

While all King's comrade are running, some of the mages activated their magic stone enchantments "ultra-speed" in order to run triple than their base speed.

The other mages were killed by the summoned monsters and some are struggling which path should they choose to get to the safe place.

After that, the King was able to get away from the bad to worst situation, it is all thanks to the elite mages that protected him being close using a thick magic absorbing barrier, as well as Lyra which use her full power to make the King Fly above and move faster by using the crimson stone enchantments.

"*Relief* Thankfully, we got away." Harold Argen was very exhausted.

"Are you okay, your hightness?" Julius asks if King Dives is unharmed.

"Don't worry about me, instead, we have to come up with a plan to stop those hundred of demonized summons." King Dives wanted to come up with a plan which is needs to be executed sooner.

"Yes, and it is highly possible that those summons are going to raid nearest kingdom including ours." Clair tells what would be the effect of the situation.

"You know, I've never seen a terrantrum act that crazy. Aren't they friendly?" Harold was curious of something.

"They're friendly, but, the Terrantrum we encounter is a demonized one. Judging from its appearance, I think it's been living for 1000 years." Fulmen tells what's with the Terrantrum they encountered.

"Fulmen, I need you to go back at the Kingdom and tell other elite mages to accompany us, also warn everyone in the kingdom that there are demonized monsters on the loose." King Dives ordered Fulmen.

"But what about the people? They need strong ones to fight for them once they are in danger." Fulmen was worried about the people of the kingdom.

"Don't worry about that, I have someone who will be able to deal with them." King Dives already knows who will be protecting the people inside the kingdom.

"Yes, You're highness. I'll be back." Fulmen executed the order.

"Keep yourself safe Fulmen!" Clair was making sure Fulmen must come back safe.

"You don't need to tell me." Fulmen is confident that there's no way he woundn't come back while in a bad circumstances.

Now that Fulmen has received the order, they'll have to wait and come up with a plan before anything worst could happen.


Back in the town where Melvin Dives is, the brother of King Phaulius Dives. The people of the town felt that something is bad that is about to happen.

People had begun to prepare their weapons to fight what's coming in their way. They're not sure what is it. But Melvin knows what's about to happen as well as whose fault is this.

Knowing that the town is for "Failures", it is uncertain that they will be able defeat those monsters.

As they wait for the worst possible occurrence, Melvin has suddenly started to feel an extreme pain to his whole body.

His body is covered with dark and violet aura that emits something magical.

"Ahhh! It hurts, what is happening to me!" He exclaimed.

The extreme pain, the glow in his body. Could it be…?

To be continued…