
Fulmen Diaz, the strongest elite mage of the Kingdom of Mirosolis has received an order from the ruler, King Dives. After he returned back on the country, he immediately rushed inside the castle and make contact to the other six elite mages.

Before anything worst could happen, a haste of action should be executed immediately. As Fulmen Diaz finally meet the other six elite mages, Fulmen brought up the message about the demonic creatures that are roaming around the forests.

About a hundred of them, all of these monsters are demonic summons from the underground cave who guards all valuable objects within.

The Kingdom of Mirosolis, we all know that this Kingdom is a powerful nation in the entire world. The fact that this kingdom is only for a people who can only use magic where someone known as "Failures" are not allowed to live but to exile them outside.

Inside the room of elite magicians, the other four mages were just entertaining themselves by playing a card games. In midst of their game, Fulmen came in very sudden in order to tell them about the situation.

"Everyone! We need to talk!" Fulmen exclaimed after coming inside very sudden with a loud noise after opening a door in a hasty manner.

"What is it, Elite Leader Fulmen? Can't you see we are in a middle of a game?" said by the Fire Elite Mage, Peril Realon

"Forget that! This is urgent." Fulmen exclaimed.

"Urgent? My, I never seen your face being to hasty of something." Said by the Wind Elite Mage, Ruzy Lacter.

"Anyway, if you have something to say, make it quick." said by the Lightning Elite Mage, Juez Light.

"I am your leader, how could you act like that in front of me." Fulmen wants respect.

"Huh? We've been acting like this since from the beginning." said by the Water Elite Mage, Marique Aqua.

"*Sigh…* Nevermind, let's start." Fulmen said.

"Hold on, where's the other two?"

"Oh you mean, Axle Ground and Hem Gin? They're at the magic academy." Ruzy told Fulmen where is Axle Ground, the Earth Elite Mage, and Hem Gin, the Dark Elite Mage.

"I see, then let's inform them after this." Fulmen now decided to start the talk.

As Fulmen had told all things about the situation, all six elite mages made an agreement to cooperate about this bad situation, after all, it can cause a large calamity when these demonic monsters has reached the border of the kingdom and break in with a powerful attacks.

"Okay, first we need to inform all guards on the border as well as the gatekeepers about this. We need to protect this kingdom with all cost." Fulmen set the instructions.

"Yes, let's warn all people of this kingdom to prepare for the upcoming calamity." Juez suggested that they should let people know about the situation.

Many people would die once it happened. After their talk, they informed all defender of the kingdom from the border as well as the gatekeepers to watch outside the border and order them to report immediate when they saw something is coming.

Then, after they informed all guards, Fulmen Diaz announced to all people about the demonic creatures that may attack the kingdom coming several hours from now.

The other two elite mages from the prestigious royal magic academy had heard the announcement.

"A demonic creatures coming in this kingdom?" Axle Ground wonders.

"Sounds like a big trouble, we should get back in the palace." Hem Gin said.

Few hours later, all preparation is almost done. Then after the two elite mages had came back to the palace, Fulmen and the others told about the bad to worst circumstances with haste. Then after they discussed all of it, Fulmen and others are now heading back to the King's current location. Heading to the King's whereabouts will take them two hours of travel. They move fast using the Enchanted Green Stone to go ten times faster than their base speed limit.

In the mean time, Phaulius Dives has been preparing a plan by illustrating it on the paper they brought. He draw it artistically on how they would defeat all demonic creatures roaming around the forest and other places where people lives outside the Kingdom like where his brother lives.

What he draw is a formation of all mages in a different separated area and let mages use their power to release and contribute their power upon. This preparation will take an hour before the attack completely formed.

So with the help of the ten elite mages, each of them will lead the group as what the king said. He will order all ten elite mages along with other survived mages to form a circle to their designated area.

To finish all things up, the King will decide and make a signal when is the attack is going to be released after the attack is completely formed.

The formation of attack that is decided by the King is called "Homing-Magic-Beam", a beam of light that is bendable and has super heated temperature that is more than enough to penetrate the ground deeper, with the help of search magic or wild eye magic, after the attack is released, the beam will automatically track the target until it makes a successful direct hit. It's a Three word Spell made by the king itself that requires several number of mages to complete the formation of attack.

There's only one remaining question. How are they going to find their target?

It's also a problem, the fact is that these demonic monsters are spreading on the forest from the underground cave at the shore, however, using one of magic owned by the Dark Elite Mage, Hem Gin, he can use a "wild eye" and "search magic" and cast them at the same time. Hem's search magic is the most powerful one amongst other elite mages.

By the the time all other six elite mages had finally arrive along with Fulmen, the King began the explain what will be the plan to defeat those roaming creatures.

"You're highness, forgive us if we are late."

"You don't need to apologize, now then let's start."

Before the king tells where elite mages are going to be positioned in a separated area, he first discuss the plan, then after that they proceeded to execute the plan.

"Ruzy, I want you to use a fly magic on Hem. And Hem, I want you to use your Search magic and Wild eye." The king gave an order.

"Yes, Your Highness!" Ruzy and Hem accepted the order.

The Wild Eye magic is magic the lets the mage to see anywhere. Something that they eye is travelling somehwere to see what's in there, the view can be also shared to other mage. The "Wild Eye" is casted by using his original language.

"Now the rest of you, do as what I said. Get in your position!"

While the eight elite mages are now in the position forming a circle, the king is now preparing to use the "Control" magic. It's a magic that lets mage to control the attack. Then Hem and Ruzy began to do their thing.

"FLY!" Ruzy used fly magic on Hem.

Then after that, Hem casted the magic.

"Search Magic!" "Wild Eye!"

"Now all of you! Begin contributing your magic!" The King exclaimed.