Demon Subjugation

"Magic-CONTRIBUTE!" Every mages simulataneously casting a spell.

The spreading of demonic creatures around the forest which came from the hole below the shore which was summoned by the cavekeeper called Terrantrum has created a huge devastation in a different places.

While all elite mages is contributing their magic to create a huge ball of magic upon the forest, Hem has detected where some part of the forest were ablazed by the demonic monsters. The fire is spreading slowly and giving off smoke which can be already seen on the Kingdom.

Back on the Kingdom of Mirosolis, after the warning, all people were preparing for the worst situation. One guard at the tower has detected a demonic monsters heading toward closer to the kingdom.

These monsters is capable of destroying the wall that is built using hard materials that can resist powerful force attacks.

As they get closer, all military were ready to fight with the commander named Elias, he is a dual elemental aptitude holder. He is also one of the great educator on the royal academy and King Dives' most trusted person.

With his ability to comprehend the situation and create a strategy with accurate outcome, there's a huge success rate that they might defeat those demonic creatures.

"Heh! This is easy!" Elias was confident that they'll be able to subdue those monsters.

Because Elias thinks that it's easy, he commanded all units to go on the other side of the wall to form a position.

Straightly aligned, simulataneous movement, and well-trained mages. All of these mages are titled "Elite Warriors".

The title "Elite Warriors" is different from the title of the elite mages who were with the King. The title possession of the elite mages is called "Elite Noble Warrior" which is a title given to the people who are capable of damaging the Demon Creatures. There are actually much higher titles can be achieve aside from Elite Noble Warrior. King Dives and Elias as well as Fulmen Diaz have the title of "Super Elite".

The combination strength of these 300 Elite Warriors is enough to defeat the demonic creatures within a single blow once they have attacked in the same target at the same time.

As Super Elite Elias calculated their distance, size, magical emission strength, and body thoughness, he commanded all of the Fire Elite Warriors to cast a basic spell "Fireball" and aim at the same target.

"All Fire Mages Unit, cast a Fireball spell, Now!" Elias commands.

"Yes Sir!"

While at it, all mages waited for the order when is the attack is going to be released.

As soon as one of the demonic monsters gotten closer to the boundary…

"All Fire Mages, Release!" Elias commanded.

All Fire Mages release their attack simulataneously. This combined attack created a super devastating effect on the surroundings after hitting the target.

The first demonic monster was severely damaged but still alive, however, since it's gotten weaker, it would be easy to subjugate it. The monster they targetted and damaged is called "Aesbrae", it is an Earth aptitude monster living underground, it lives longer than human, living about five hundred to eight hundred years.

After all Fire mages released their attack, they continued to attack with other fire spell.

After that, the other mages began their attack.

"All of you! Aim to that monster!" Elias exclaimed.


"Next one!, Aim and Fire!" Elias exclaimed.


It's been half hour, but, there are some demonic monsters standing, it's as if they appear after one died. The mages are getting tired and almost out of magical powers. They need to get rest to regain their mana and strength.

"All of you GET INSIDE!" Elias commanded.

All mage units rushed through the gate to get inside the kingdom as well as to take a bit rest and to regain strength.

This time, Elias will be the one to attack.

"Alright… What spell shoud I use?" Elias is deciding what spell is he going to use.

The demonic monsters are getting closer as Elias deciding the spell that is going to be used.

"Oh… Right… Hehe!... Here goes nothing…"

Elias takes a deep breath.

Then he began casting magic spell.


The initial magical word had been casted, and with that, fire had appeared in his hand which was directly aimed to the target.


The releasing attack creating a beam of light heated using the previous word "Blaze", but, the attack hadn't released yet.

Then for the final magical word of the Three Word Spell…

"BLAST!" Elias exclaimed the final word.

The attack had been released. Since it was Elias' signature spell that is used for finishing blow, after using it, his mana drastically drained. Elias suddenly felt dizzy after using it, the other mages went outside the gate to pick up Elias who was lying on ground. He's still alive but very exhausted.

When mages went outside, they were shocked seeing how big Elias' spell can destroy. The result of Elias' attack made a huge crack splitting the land, the gap between was protracted while all demonic monsters were killed after Elias attacked them using the beam of fire which was able to cut them on half simulataneously.

After that, there are still demonic monsters appearing again after killing so much monsters.

This time, the monster that appeared were more powerful than other monsters that were killed.

After the mages brought Elias back inside the Kingdom, a Life Aptitude Mage named Mari Mirahelios came and used healing magic to Elias to regain strength and mana.

That's right, Mari Mirahelios. Julius' as well as May's mother.

Mari Mirahelios has a blood of a noble while her husband is just a commoner.

"HEAL!" Mari casted the healing on Elias.

Then, Elias had regained his strength and mana.

"Thank You Mrs. Mirahelios." Elias thanked Mari for healing him.

"No problem… we need to do something about those things… Why are they so many?" Mari was curious.

"I don't know, one thing for sure is that they were being summoned by their master. I don't know what kind of monster is it, but I do know that King Dives knows about it." Elias said.

"I see… so, they wont stop appearing until we defeated their master." Mari figures.

"Yes, I hope the Elite Mages will do something about it quick before things could get worst." Elias was worried.

"ALRIGHT! EVERYONE!, Whoever are ready to fight, let's go and pulverize them!" Elias exclaimed.

Elias may have been healed, but not really completely, he still need some time to recover.

While Elias and the others were preparing for an attack, they suddenly sense a tremendous magical power on western direction, its amount of magic emitting is intimadating. Elias assumed that it was a magical contribution which was being used to create a powerful and devastating result.

"What was that? It's so powerful. Do you think it's another demonic monster?" one elite warrior was curious.

All mages were getting worried and started to feel afraid after sensing such immense power.

"You don't need to worry, I know who are doing that thing?" Elias is trying to make people calm.

"Are? That thing?" Mari was curious about was Elias knows about it.

"Huh? Well, for sure, it was King Dive's and Elite Mages doing… I mean, they were in that direction." Elias tells Mari.

After that, all people become a bit calm. Elias said that they shouldn't get distracted about that immense power in that direction and focus on the target to protect the Kingdom.

Back on King Dives and Elite mages location, it's been forty-five minutes since they contributed their magical powers.

King Dives is preparing to ready his control magic.

Phaulius Dives is actually a Space Aptitude Mage, which means he can control things like gravity, air pressure, and other space related. But Phaulius Dives takes time to cast his magic, after all, if the aptitude is Space, then the mage will have a hard time to make a successful attack, and it takes time for their magical spell to be casted.

While King Dives raises his both hands and standing under the ball of magic where magic was is being contributed, he began casting the spell "CONTROL" and close his eyes to perfect the spell when it's about time to release the attack.

After spending much time contributing, all eight mages who were contributing magical powers upon are starting to feel dizzy. Losing so much mana can cause to kill themselves.

While the other two mages Ruzy and Hem, are still in stable condition.

By the time King Dives is now taking control of the huge ball of magic, Hem raised his magical power while using Wild Eye and Search Magic.

With that, Hem will be able to detect monsters few miles away, and also able to detect monsters from the Kingdom of Mirahelios.

"Hem, how many do you think are they?" King Dives asked how many monsters were detected.

"About a thousand of them, Your Highness." Hem responded.

"Specifically, how many demonic monsters were detected?" King Dives wants to know how many demonic monsters are there.

"There are one hundred and fifty-seven of them, Your Highness."

"Are you able to handle it?"

"Yes Your Highness, Three hundred wild eyes is my limit."

"Good, then, send those one hundred fifty-seven vision in my head… and I'll target them with this huge ball of magic."

Wild Eye Magic is capable of letting others to see what the mages is seeing in their perspectives when the magical word "-LINK" is added to the spell.

"Yes… I'll be linking it to you know… "Wild Eye-LINK"…"

And so, King Dives was able to see all hundred fifty-seven monsters. Now that King Dives knows their location, he will be able to track those demonic monsters.

"Great! Just a few minutes more, then we're ready to release the attack!"


May Gem, Lux, and Elm were in a midst of battle training. There are four days left before they go to the Demon Forest after training.

During their battle training with the sword, they felt an intimidating magic emitting on the eastern direction.

"What was that?" Elm felt the magic from far away and asked.

"Huh? That?" May have no idea what is he talking about.

"You just noticed? I have been sensing it a bit half hour ago, and it's getting stronger bit by bit." Lux said.

"Well, whatever is going on their, I hope the people there is safe."