
Homing-Beam-Blast, one of the most deadly magical attack created by the King of the Kingdom of Mirosolis. Few minutes before the attack is about to be released using the "CONTROL" magic, three of the elite mages had given up contributing their power on the huge ball of magic above.

King Dives is there at the center below the huge ball of magic raising his two hands while casting the "CONTROL" magic and linked from Hem's Wild Eye magic.

There are currently 157 demonic monsters roaming separatedly including the demonize monster called Terrantrum, some of them are already near at the boundary of the Kingdom, and some had reached the other Kingdom other than Mirosolis.

The huge ball of magic is almost complete, its power emits reaching the boundary of the continent. Its power can be felt throught out the other nation, and slightly on the other continent.

As the ball of magic continues to get stronger, it becomes a little bit unstable which may cause huge destruction at their standing that could kill them once it failed a launching the attack.

While Elias is defending the Kingdom from demonic creatures, he had felt that the attack is ready to be released or launched, which means, they have to get back inside the Kingdom and run before the homing beam of light kills them.

Mari Mirahelios is currently there, healing all exhausted unit of mages to save them in order to escape. Most of the mages are now activating their crimson stone enchantments to escape from it faster.

"Mari! Hurry, we need to get out of here!" Elias exclaimed.

"Yes, but I need to heal these people!" Mari responded.

"Okay! But you have to get away very fast four minutes before that enourmous magical attack hit the ground." Elias tells Mari to get away after.

"Yes!" Mari exclaimed.

"That goes the same to all of you, run immediately once you are healed." Elias commanded all of the injured units.

"Yes commander!" Mages exclaimed.

A minute before the attack is about to release, King Dives began casting the Three Word Spell that will activate the attack. The huge ball of magic that was formed was enough to destroy the entire nation of Mirosolis.

By casting the spell "CONTROL" the ball of magic will split into more magical ball and with the help of Hem's wild eye magic where there were 157 demonic monsters roaming, the ball of magic will be divided into 157 balls of magic.

And now for the Three word spell…


The first word of the spell has beed casted. The first stage of releasing the attack where after King Dives saw all 157 demonic monsters through Hem's wild eye, it meant to lock the target that when even if they move everywhere, the attack will track them and they will have no way escaping until the beam of magic depleted in the air. But since all demonic monsters were giants, they move slowly, which means, the attack will have a direct hit.


The second word of the spell has been casted. The second stage of releasing the attack where the light energy is activated and it illuminates everything that surrounds it. Because the initial attack is "HOMING", this means that the super heated beam of light will bend in a very long distance until it reached the target.


The third word of the spell has been casted. King Dives has successfully released the attack. The last word was meant for releasing the attack and what action should be executed when it hits the target. For the third word, King Dives has chosen "BLAST" because he thinks that a powerful explosion will destroy them or perhaps damage them severely. The third word can be changed into another.

King Dives used up all of his magical powers making him to lose conscious while the other elite mages remain conscious but very exhausted after contributing a lot magical powers.

Ruzy is the only person who isn't really very exhausted because she only used her magic to bring Hem above the surface.

Hem also lost conscious because casting three spells at the same time consumes a lot of his power.

"Wow, look at the sky… so bright and pretty." Ruzy was amazed from what she have seen.

"Yeah… but the question is, will this magic we contributed is enough to destroy most of them?" Juez doubts.

"Probably, most of them will die, and, there's only one demonic monster that is guaranteed to survive the attack."

"Yeah… The summoner of all of those monsters, Terrantrum." Fulmen thought so.

The beam of light has been released, they sky is shining, and all 157 beam of magic were currently on the air tracking their targets while the magical powers in it depletes as it travel in a very long distance.

In any moment now, the beam of magic will make a direct contact and make a super massive explosion and will also make a powerful shockwave.

Four minutes after the attack has been released, Mari still healing a lot of exhausted mages on the border of the kingdom. Her physical strength is being weaken as she uses her magical powers to heal the units.

"It's been four minutes, why Mari isn't coming back yet?" Elias is worried.

"Elias, where is my wife?" Mari's husband appeared.

"Joel…" Elias met Mari's wife, Joel Mirahelios.

"Well? Where is she?" Joel asks.

"She's still there healing all of the units that were injured and exhasted." Elias said.

"What?! You left her there?" Joel is getting very worried.

"No… I told her to get away from there in four minutes." Elias said.

"Huh?! That's a stupid reason, you're a genius, yet don't you even know how many units were injured and exhausted, and the fact that Mari will be using a lot of her magical powers to heal them?"

"Ugh!? You're right! I am very sorry!" Elias prostrate himself to apologize for putting her life in danger."

"There's no time for that! I need to save her!"

Joel Mirahelios, he is Mari's husband. He is also one of the commander and a former elite noble warrior of the Kingdom.

Joel is a dual element holder just like Elias. Elias possess fire and light aptitude. And Joel posses fire and wind aptitude.

As Joel runs and uses his green stone enchantment to move five times faster and reach his wife to save her.

"Damn it! In just a few seconds now, that attack is about to reach this place."

The beam of light is about to reach the target demonic monsters. Joel can see it with his own eyes when the super bright light appeared towards his direction. He can also sense the presence of the demonic monsters over there which made him more worried.

Because of that, he raised up the power level of the green stone, increasing the magic consumpsion three times, and with that, he can run 15 times faster.

Thanks to that, Joel was able to reach his wife, but, there's one remaining problem, there are about 13 units that were lying on the ground and hasn't been healed.

Joel started to struggle as the beam of light is about to hit the demonic monster and its massive shockwave will definitely kill them.

From up above the sky, the bright light can be seen. And from May's current location, it can also be seen.

"Wow… look at that, it's pretty" May Gem was amazed.

"Yeah…" Elm agreed.

"Well, yeah… I have a bad feeling about this." Lux said.

"Huh?" May was curious.

As the beam of light finally made a direct hit to the target, as what expected, a massive explosion occurred, then, followed by a massive shockwave that can devastate the quarter part of the Kingdom.

As shockwave occurred, Joel used one of the three word spell. He doesn't know yet if the attack will save both of them along with the 13 unhealed units.


The three word spell has been casted. The spell was meant to weaken the massive shockwave in front of them to save their lives. But, unfortunately, it didn't work as the three word spell didn't overpowered the super massive shockwave from the explosion.

"Nooooo!" Joel exclaimed while the shedding a tear on his eyes.

As Joel exclaims show that both of them had no hope surviving the shockwave…


Someone came and casted a powerful magical attack.

And he is a Dark Aptitude Mage.

Both of them along with the thirteen units were saved.

"No one dies today…" Says, a mysterious mage who appeared to save them.

"No way… who ar…" Joel fainted before he is about to ask something.

[Who is this mysterious mage appeared, could you take a guess?]