Late Awakeners

Fire, Water, Wind, Earth, Light, Lightning, Life, Dark, and Space. All of these are elemental aptitudes. Every mages possess one aptitude. When young people aged 16 years old, their outer part of the body will glow and slowly getting bright in each day, they will also feel an extreme pain that could kill them when they can't handle the magic of awakening process. In the Kingdom of Mirosolis, 22% of people had died for the past 500 years because of this magic awakening, and it continues to rise up as population grows. But because the time when the rule "Failures" are not allowed to live in the Kingdom, the population had decreased drastically. The Kingdom of Mirosolis currently have about 460,000 population, and most of these people are the ones who survived the awakening.

When a person has aged 16 years old, they have only 21 days before a person declared as a failure for not being able to awakening their magic. And because of that, "Failures" get exiled from the Kingdom.

But, there are a people that after turning sixteen years old had awaken their magic days after or even years.

They are simply called "Late Awakeners", it's not common but a rare and special ones. Most of these "Late Awakeners" possessed a Dark Aptitude.

Of all elemental aptitudes, Dark differs when it comes to awakening. It would take months or years for it to be achieved. It is also an aptitude that during awakening process, the pain that person felt is much more excruciating than other aptitudes.

One of the Elite Mages named Hem Gin experienced the same thing. Hem achieved the magical powers five years after he aged 16 years old.

The way he survived and handle the excruciating awakening process is he trained eagerly before awakening unexpectedly occured to him after finding out that he had no magical powers after reaching the 16th age five years ago. After five years of training strengthening his body, the risk of awakening becomes less, and less painful. Hem becomes an Elite Noble Warrior ten years after.

Today, a beam of light had scattered on the sky above and tracking their target and make a direct hit in order to eliminate or damage these demonic creatures severely.

Few minutes after King Dives released the attack, six beam of lights had reached the near border of the Mirosolis Kingdom to hit the Demonic monsters directly.

Before it happens, Mari Mirahelios was there very close from the border where she is currently healing the exhausted mages to regain their strength and be saved from the massive explosion. Elias warned Mari to get away after or before four minutes. But, it was too late.

After Joel Mirahelios finds out the his wife Mari was still there at the border, he run very fast and even faster using the green stone enchantment.

After he reached the border and found his wife lied on the ground because of exhaustion along with other thirteen people who haven't healed, it was too late when the massive explosion occurred then made a super deadly shockwave that can destroy the quarter part of the Kingdom.

He even tried to use his Three Word Spell to weaken the shockwave in his surrounding, but, it's not enough to overpower it. Joel exclaimed because there's no hope for them to survive that explosion.



Someone appeared and saved them from the deadly shockwave.

He is a Dark Aptitude Mage.

Joel fainted after he had been saved along with his wife and the other thirteen unhealed mage units.

The Dark Mage used a powerful barrier that is more than enough to resist a nuclear explosion. Then after that, he used telekinetic magic that enables him to carry Joel and Mari and the other thirteen mages and bring them back to the safe place.

"I shall bring you back to safe place."

After he brought them, there, the Dark Mage met Elias.

"Do you know these people?" The Dark Mage asked.

"Yes… Who are you?" Elias asked, then, he felt that he recognize this person.

Elias stares at him to let himself recall that person's face who saved Joel and Mari's life.

"Could you please stop from staring me like that." Dark mage was annoyed.

"Uhh… Sorry, but, it's like I knew you somewhere…" Elias was trying to recall.

"*Sigh* My name is Melvin Dives, now I may take a leave." He told his name and left abruptly.

"Oh… I see, so your name is Mel… HUH?!" Elias was very surprised after finding out his name.

"No way, he is Melvin? It's been 49 years since he disappeared! He finally came back! But wait, isn't he a failure? Why does he have that magic… His element I think is… Hmm? Oh…I see now."

Melvin is a "Late Awakener", after he felt that something is bad that is going to happen, his body suddenly covered with dark and violet glow and emits such power. It turns out, what happened to him was he is about to awaken the power of magic.

Melvin was surprised himself as well. He suffered alone in front of many people of the town's resident. People started to get worried, and some other people were afraid from what's happening to him.

"This is…" Melvin said the moment his magical powers is about to arouse.

"No way, Leader Melvin, you have magic?" A town's resident had spoken.

"No… it's just I don't know what's happening to me." Melvin didn't know what's happening.

"Hold on, that's clearly the start of awakening!" The town's vice leader arrived and said after he saw what's happening to Melvin.

"Awakening? That means…" Melvin said.

Melvin couldn't believe himself that he awakened his magical power after 54 years. His magical aptitude was recognized after the awakening process. The pain that Melvin felt was extreme, luckily he was able to survive and handle it because of his strong physical strength.

From that moment, Melvin becomes a real Mage, a Dark one.

He immediately recovered after the awakening process, then after that, he used the Search Magic in a wide range to confirm if what he felt before was true.

And what he felt was true. He then immediately left the town.

"Everyone! You may remain here, I sensed a bunch of demonic creatures roaming nearby and at the Kingdom. I'll make sure that no one dies today." Melvin orders.

Melvin asked the vice leader to take care of the town while he is gone.

Several minutes after, the demonic creatures at the border had been eliminated by the explosion of the beam of light. Aside from that, most of the demonic monsters had been eliminated, it's not confirmed yet whether these monsters got killed or damaged severely. However, with Melvin's powerful search magic, he can still sense a number of demonic monsters roaming.

For one thing, he also sensed the demonic creature that emits very powerful magic.

"That magic, it's so powerful. Could it be the summoner?" Melvin was curious to know.

Melvin also knows that the cause of these spreading demonic monsters was because of his brother's reckless expedition.

Another few minutes later, Joel had regained conscious, his wife had been healed after consuming her magic for the mages.

"Hmm? I'm saved? By who?" Joel asked.

"By that Dark Mage, Melvin Dives!" Elias said.

"Oh right, that person… Wait?! Melvin?! You mean, that our King's older brother?" Joel was also surprised that the one who saved him was his childhood friend.

"Our King has an older brother?" Mari was curious because he don't know that the King has a brother.

"Oh right, you don't know about him, I'll explain it to you once all of these mess had been resolved."

"Yes… Melvin was also a great help here… If it weren't for him, that explosion could destroy the quarter part of the Kingdom."

Back on the western location where the King is, King Dives had regained conscious as well after Ruzy let him drink a potion of instant healing and recovery while unconscious.

"Your Highness! You're awake!" Ruzy exclaimed.

"Yes… How long have I lost conscious?" King Dives asked.

"Just about half hour,Your Highness." Ruzy responded.

"Could you tell me the situation, Fulmen." King Dives wanted to know the situation.

"Yes your majesty. Most of the Demonic monsters had been eliminated, however, the monster that summoned all of these monsters was still standing and heading towards the other Kingdom."

"You don't mean?" King Dives realizes.

"Yes… The Kingdom of Vesperum."

[The Kingdom of Vesperum is in danger?]