
The Kingdom of Liffos is a nation that was established and recognized 3500 years ago. The kingdom was widely known for being a great source of plants, vegetables, and others that are being exported through other nations. The 94th king Chrysan Themum was known to be a king who likes to see people live happily, that's why many people praised him for his doing that he is working hard just for his people.

"Let us record your attendance before we start our class."

"Maria?" …. "Present!"

"Falcon?" …. "Here!"

"May?" …. "Here!"

"There are two absent today… I see. Alright then, we shall start our class. Today, we are not having a lesson about magic, rather, this is an order from the King. He wants all of you to learn the history of this kingdom."

All of my classmates suddenly put their mood down, they thought that the history will going to be a boring subject. But come to think of it, it's been four weeks since Benjamin enrolled me here to learn, I've never learned the history of this kingdom. Even the history of the kingdom of Mirosolis, I only know very little about its history. But it is actually good, I don't possess magic at all, after all, I am the only person in class who have no magic and it would very fitting for me to learn the history.

"Quiet all of you! If you don't have the motivation to learn the history, you may volunteer yourself and I'll have you drop to all subject."

Ahh… This educator is strict as always.

"Now let us start. Let's begin with a question… Do anyone of you know how was the Kingdom of Liffos recognize as a kingdom or how did the kingdom becomes one just like what it is now?"

"So none of you… Heh! I knew you wouldn't know."

"It is because of war, the ." Someone answered.


"That lady… He just spoke?"

I didn't expect that someone would answer a question, but to be her to answer the question? Was she correct?

"Yes, that is right. 3500 years ago, the Kingdom of Liffos becomes a nation because of the war. In relevant, the war at that time has not ended yet, because the world war had began 4900 years ago when most people obtained the power of magic and the war has ended 500 years later after our kingdom has been recognized. Magic is the reason why the world war had begun, and it lasted approximately 2000 years."

"Good answer, Rose!"

I've read some book of history, and I've read about it that the war lasted for 2000 years. But to think that the war would last that very long is very insane. Just what could be the other reason? Other than "because of magic", why would somebody would declare a war at that time?

"The very first King in the history was King Liffos, and if you think that name of our kingdom was named after his name, then you are correct."

"Now, I want you to focus on me and listen to all things that I am about to say."

3550 years ago, a never-ending world war annihilated mass number of people within the area where the Kingdom of Liffos was established before its recognition. In order to protect the area, the armies of magicians were deployed by Commander Liffos, all units were dressed with enchanted armor, holding a weapons, and a green stone with enchantments which are powerful enough to protect themselves from massive force of magical explosions. The enchantments that were installed in their green stone are "Barrier" "Strengthen" "Healing" "Swift" "Resistance". All are activated at once during the war.

"Everyone in the front, I command you to attack on the northern direction, the group of enemies are approaching. Everyone at the back, take the southern direction, annihilate all of the enemies. Now MOVE!"

Enemies were approaching in both directions, but, there are also enemies approaching from the east and west, Liffos did not realize knowing that the enemies were concealing their magical powers so they won't be detected by their magic.

"Huh?! Ah! No way… Why I didn't notice that? Damn it all!"

At some point, Liffos began to struggle as the enemies are getting closer to their territory. Liffos have no choice but to proceed to another plan. He didn't want to use this plan, because this plan may also kill his own army as well. If he had to execute this plan, he needs the army to go further so they won't get affected by his magical attack. Liffos' plan is to execute his Three-Word-Spell in both directions. As his armies are getting farther from his current position, he immediately initiate the first word.


The first magical word has been initiated, then after that, it took a few minutes for the magical powers be enough to form an attack he desire.


The second magical word has been executed, this time he did not use the magical language, but, he used his local language.


The third magical word has been executed and is about to be released in a few seconds. Liffos now aimed in both directions… then…


The attack has been released.

Liffos' attack was very successful, as a result, the attack consumed three quarter of his magical power.

Without realizing, Liffos and his army have already won the war. Liffos lost conscious after because he used most of his power. One of the unit let Liffos drink a potion of recovery to regain his conscious.

"Commander! We have achieved victory! We protected our territory!"

"Is that so?"

From this point onward, Liffos declared their victory and began expanding the land of their territory and it becomes a kingdom 50 years later of establishing more building structures, and government organizations. Population rises as time passes, and the kingdom's territory expanded after a hundred years.

The kingdom was recognized through victory.

"And that's what happened."

Hmm… Should I ask what happened before the war began? Like how did the war occur? For what reason?


One of my classmates raises his hand to ask a question

"What is it, Allium?"

"This may not be related to the history of the Kingdom, but how did the war occur? I mean, I know it is because of magic, but why would someone start a war?"

"Allium, I have no intention of answering that question."


"Don't "huh?" me, 'because I don't know either."

"Oh… I see… ahahaha"

"Don't laugh… Anyway, we are moving forward. 500 years later after the nation was recognized."

So she didn't know. Sigh, why would I become interested about what happened very long time ago. More importantly… 500 years later, this means… the calendar has been made.

The calendar is not really much different back on earth. It's is the same. 24 hours in a day, 30-31 days every month, 365 days in a year, except that there is no leap year. I wonder why this world would have the same set of calendar.

Putting that aside, I think I know one relevant topic now that she is about to tell us the history 500 years after… and that is…

"I have a question to all of you…"

"Do anyone of you know…"

"The Gray Eyes Mage"