
Chapter 3 The Exam

Grey and Liz walked from the place they landed and decided to kill who ever stands in thier way.

"We have do kill them don't we?" Liz asked as the walked from the place they landed."Since you have such a big target of you it'll be stupid to let anyone live."

"Yeah we have to even though I don't want to kill anyone." Grey said as he assessed his surroundings.

Grey noticed that they was on a planet that probably come support life on it but there was only space animals on it or it was the only thing Grey saw so far. The place they was at was a forest with ten to twenty feet trees before he had a chance to, two figures approached from behind a tree.

One figure approached and said"So your this Grey Lightning they want us to kill. You don't look so tough."

Grey noticed the person was a man based on his voice and looked like a tiger and lion mix that could walk.

"Yeah and what about it." Grey said unsleathing his light blade.

"Its just my luck to be able to finish the exam so fast.." Grey didn't even give him a chance to finish talking and he exploded from where he was. He sliced off his head with little to no effort before he could use his medallion to put on his cloak and get stronger. And Liz grabbed her impulse pistol and shot the other figure right between the eyes without missing a beat and they continued to walk.

"Wow your quite the aim Liz." Grey teased as they found a cave to rest in and used KI to sense if anyone was in it and found no was in it.

"Yeah I know it's a gift." Liz teased as they both laughed. They rest there for awhile and found what looked like a deer to Liz but had at least 30 antlers. Grey said it was called an elnter a type of delicacy meat. They killed it and Grey used his Lightning to cook it without making a fire.

While they rested all the top ten students had formed a pack to hunt down Grey and kill him.

"If only everyone on this planet would be that easy to kill." Liz said as they ate the Elnter. "Then you wouldn't have to worry about protecting me so much."

"Yeah if only it was that easy." Grey said as he finished eating and said they should keep on moving.

A day had past before they met thier next opponent.

"Hey do you think we're just hide too good for any one to find us."Liz asked Grey as they was resting by a river bank.

"We're not hiding, we're just walking and no because theirs someone behind that tree in front of us. And the top one hundred is close by." Grey said as he pushed Liz behind him and grabbed his light blade.

"We know your there." Grey said as he unsheathed his sword.

"Oh so ya finally realized I was here." The person came from behind the tree already in his assassins cloak which was pitch black."I'm Zefer Kamikaze and I'm going to kill you."

Grey turned and whispered to Liz."Get away from here, find his scouter and take the scouter out as fast as you can. It'll take me awhile with this guy because he's strong." Grey said something else to Liz as she before she rushed out of site.

"You think I'll let your scouter get away that easy."Zefer said as he grabbed his impulse pistol and shot at Liz.

"Yeah because your opponent is me." Grey said as he blocked the shot with his sword."Tell me something before we fight why do you all want me dead?"

"Well isn't obvious." Zefer said as he put up his pistol and grabbed his light sword."We want to kill you to get recognized by one of the squads. Didn't you know that all the squads hate you Lightning people except the squad or might I say division your brother commands." He said walking to the river bank just in front of Grey.

"Wait you know why they hate us?"Grey said as he walked to the river bank in front of the bank in front of Zefer.

"Of course I do but you'll have to kill me to know more." Zefer said as he charged Grey and Grey charged him.

Both met swords in the middle of the river and knocked each other back. Grey used KI in his whole body to go against a cloak. Zefer came flying at Grey and swung at Greys head but, Grey dodged it and Zefers blaced sliced his right arm making it bleed but didn't cut deep. Grey staggered back and then charged Zefer and swung for his chest. Zefer didn't expect him to come back this quick and he couldn't dodge it enough and it cut clean through his cloak and scratched his chest. They both stood there for a second and charged each other. This time Grey went for the kill shot and aimed for his heart. Grey jabbed his sword at Zefers heart but he dodged it. Zefer capitalized on this and used Greys momentum against him, as Grey flew past him he sliced Greys back. Grey went flying to the ground because the wound was deep and blood came pouring out of his wound. He started to get up but Zefer came shooting towards him and kicked Grey him at a tree. Grey went flying through ten trees before he came back to the ground.

"I hope they're watching this Grey because I'm about to kill you." He said walking to were Grey layed down motionless."If it wasn't for my cloak I think I would be dead now. Which reminds me why didn't you use yours or maybe you can't." He laughed as he walked closer to Grey then he felt like his heart had exploded. Zefer went to his knees and coughed up blood and saw a bullet hole right were Grey had sliced his cloak.

Grey slowly got up and picked his sword up and walked to were Zefer was.

"I'm glad I told Liz to help me after she got her job done." Grey said as he pointed his sword at Zefer. "Tell me everything you know and I'll make my blade swift."

"Alright but answer me this." Zefer stammered as blood came pouring out his wound and he threw down his sword."Why didn't you go full strength against me? I fact you hardly used any strength."

"Because the top one hundred are close by and I couldn't cause too much of a recuse." Grey said looking down at Zefer.

"Wouldn't have made more sense to just kill me fast to get away." Zefer said with pain in his voice.

"It would have and I was going to do that but you said some things that I wanted to know the truth about." Grey said as he drew his sword back. "Why do they want all of the Lightning clan dead?"

"Isn't easy to tell. It's because you pose a threat to the top assassin and his". Zefer said as he fell down dead from the bullet wound. The fight didn't even last ten minutes but I felt like awhile to Grey.

Liz came running back to Grey saying she could see the top hundred ten miles west of them. They decided to go the the east and find a place to hide them out.

"You should of seen them the looked like a horde or something like that because with their scouters there was two hundred of them." Liz said as he put bandages on Greys back wound at a cave they found. "But why did you have to get cut this deep just to learn a few things."

"It wasn't just a few things." Grey said as Liz finished putting the bandages on. "I found out why they hate us so much or at least why the top assassin does."

"Why?"Liz asked with wonder."Because I've always wondered that too."

"He said it's because we pose a threat to the top assassin." Grey said as he walked a put the cloaking blanket over the enter to the cave. "I fell like he was going to tell me more but he dead before he could."

The sun went down and Liz and Grey was going over how they was going to do the sleep schedule.

"I'm just saying Liz we can both sleep because I have the cloaking blanket over the entrance." Grey argued with Liz as he pointed to the cloaking blanket which you couldn't even notice.

"That's not the piont, what if someone just accidentally leans against it and it comes off." Liz said making her case as she leaned against the wall.

"Well if you want to stay up the whole night then your welcomed to." Grey said as he layed down.

"Fine we'll both go to sleep but if I die I'm going to kill you." Liz snapped as she layed down too.

"That doesn't even make any sense." Grey said as they both fell asleep