You’ve Misunderstood Me!

Heavenly Forbidden Immortal Stone!

It was one of the universe's most extraordinary immortal stones. It could be inscribed with the spells of forbidden systems, and was the main material for making magical and rare instruments.

However, given his current poor ability, Ye Feng could only make it into a typical magical instrument.


When he recalled Master Gu's words, Ye Feng's eyes flickered as he decided to take a look inside.


Gu's Auction House was a nationwide private auction house. It existed in the Antique Row of every city and province.

When Ye Feng arrived at the gate of Gu's Auction House, he had noticed a youth slowly approaching him.

"Grand master?"

Ye Feng became shortly stunned. He quickly turned around and found it was Xu Teng, Xu Guang's grandson.

Previously, Xu Teng's leg was broken by Xu Guang after he offended Ye Feng. It seemed that he had almost recovered.