Young Mister, Wait a Moment!


After watching Mo Tao raise the price of the Blackvine Grass to 30 million RMB, Xu Teng's face instantly lit up bright red due to fury.

Seeing his provocative look, Xu Teng gnashed his teeth as he wished to beat him up.

However, appearing the complete opposite of Xu Teng, Ye Feng didn't look furious at all; instead, he smiled!

His lips were moving fast, as if he was whispering something.

Strangely enough, although his mouth was moving, he didn't utter any sounds.

Meanwhile, Master Gu who was standing on the stage became shortly stunned. He then scanned around the auction house.

When he caught sight of Ye Feng, Master Gu revealed a faint smile as he nodded.

Not until then did Ye Feng shout out, "40 million RMB!"


After hearing Ye Feng's price markup, the entire auction house went into hubbubs.