

After a week, our team was close to reaching Konohagakure. We would arrive in less than an hour, keeping our current pace.

Suddenly, I felt a bunch of chakra signatures about fifty meters away from us.

"There are people in front. Fifty meters."

This wasn't the first time, so no one was surprised. We all just headed in the direction of the leaf village, as if nothing happened.

We were quickly greeted by the sight of three ninja wearing rebreathers. Their headbands indicated that they were from Amegakure. (village hidden in the rain.)

The three of them smiled after seeing us, clearly blocking our path.

"Sigh... How many of them have we fought so far?"

Temari couldn't help but sigh in desperation. I mean, I can't blame her; We've fought at least five teams since entering the land of fire.

"We? You've destroyed every hostile team we've come across, beast-woman."

Hearing Kankuro, Temari almost punched him right in the gut. Ignoring her, he continued with his ramblings.

"Idiots... They think they're smart, trying to eliminate competition before the exams even start. Can I take care of them this time?"

"It all depends... They look hostile, but I'd rather not resort to unnecessary violence. Gaara, how strong are they?"

Looking at me, Baki had a serious look on his face. Concentrating, I carefully analyzed the chakra signatures of the Ame nin.

"They aren't a threat."

Nodding, Baki led us to the group, disappearing before they could notice him. He wanted us to deal with these altercations ourselves.

Once we got close enough to talk, Temari went straight to the point.

"Do you have any business with us?"

Noticing our headbands, the ninjas laughed.

"Business with people from the sand? You guys don't have the resources for that!"

"That's right! Don't act like we don't know your poor village's situation!"


Their laughter filled the area, angering Temari. She was about to reach for her fan when Kankuro placed his hand on her shoulder.

"Let me... I want to test out this new toy this time."

Hearing this, Temari removed her hand from the fan and crossed her arms.

"Hmph! Just make it quick!"

"Hai, hai... I'll be done in no time."

While this happened, I remained by Shira and Kiyo. They both seemed eager to watch their senpai fight since Temari had stolen the show so far.

Well, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't excited. Ever since I got reincarnated, I haven't seen KAnkura fight even once. Furthermore, he'll be using THAT thing...

The three ninja from Amegakure looked extremely pissed. After all, Temari and Kankuro were talking about them as if they were trash.

"Listen here, kid. Do you know what situation you're in?"

Getting serious, they all took out kunai from their pouches, ready to pounce. Kankuro just stood there, lazily.

"I think it's you who doesn't understand the situation, idiot."

Smirking, he took out a scroll and opened it, placing a hand on the paper. After a puff of smoke, a puppet appeared behind him, floating in the air.

It was none other than Mezawari, the Puppet I got from the guy that almost killed me.

Since I had no use for it, I gave it to Kankuro to boost his strength before the Chunin exams. Ever since then, he started treating me very well.

"What the hell is that?"

The three of them were Genin, and even though they were grown men, they had never seen a ninja puppet before.

And this one... Its appearance was nightmare-inducing.

"You'll find out soon enough... go!"

Moving his fingers, Kankuro had Mezawari open its mouth, from which a liquid-doused kunai was shot out. Unable to react in time, the closest ninja got hit right in the shoulder, falling on his butt.


He screamed in pain, realizing the kunai had dug deep into his flesh. Steeling himself, he tried to reach out for it, wanting to pull it out.

Before he could though, he realized his body wasn't moving.

"My body! I can't move!"

Watching the man scream, Shira looked at Kankuro in amazement.

"Why isn't he moving?"

"It's poison. A paralyzing one to be exact."

Shira turned his head towards Kiyo, who had noticed the liquid on the Kunai. He then turned back to the man, understanding showing on his face.

"Kiyoshi! Grrr... How dare you!"

Realizing that they were in a bad situation, both of the Genin grabbed their injured teammate and tried to flee.

"Gone so soon? I don't think so!"

Receiving Kankuro's commands, Mezawari bolted towards the fleeing ninja and hit one right in the stomach, piercing him with the massive needles on its arm.

He was sent flying, causing the other two to crash on the ground.

"Now you're the last."

As Mezawari approached the last Genin, the latter couldn't help but scream in fright.

"That's enough. Let's go."

Appearing out of nowhere, Baki stopped the puppet, returning it to Kankuro, pissing him off in the process.

"Oh come on... It seems like you get to live another day."

Smiling, Kankuro took one last look at the three ninja before sealing Mezawari back in its scroll. They looked at him like he was a monster, stroking his ego.

After getting back on our way, Kiyo and Shira started showering Kankuro with praise, making him rub his nose confidently.

"Yes, yes... I'm the best, I know."

Temari looked disgusted as she watched him behave in this manner. She then got closer to me, starting a conversation.

"Gaara, thinking about it, this is our first family trip! Although it's not with father, I'm really happy we get to spend time with each other!"

Hearing this, I nodded. It really was great to spend time with Temari and Kankuro, even though they had their issues.

"Yes, I'm happy too. Let's all become Chunin so that father can be proud."


In great spirits, Temari started picking up the pace, and we reached the leaf village in no time.

Seeing the gates of this legendary village, I couldn't help but get emotional. This was Konoha. The real one, from the original series.

The two towering gates had the Hiragana for 'Retreat' written n them. They were wide open, allowing me to see the familiar building inside.

Guarding the gates were a pair of ninja that I instantly recognized. They were none other than Kotetsu and Izumo. Like usual, Kotetsu had a bandage on his nose and Izumo covered his right-eye with hair.

Looking at them, The realization settled in once again.

'I really am in the Naruto world... I'm in Konoha!'

Recognizing us, Kotetsu and Izumo checked our papers before letting us in without much fuss. They had been doing this sort of thing all day.

After entering the village, Baki made us assemble before giving orders.

"You are allowed to visit the village independently or together, as long as you are back here before five o'clock. I'll take care of your registrations for the exam, so explore freely. Just don't cause any trouble, ok?"


After getting our confirmation, Baki disappeared once again, leaving us all alone. Not giving my teammates time to react, I did the same.

This moment is for me, and only me. I refuse to share it with anyone...

"Konoha, here I come!"

(AN: Kankuro has Mezawari sealed in a scroll, but he still carries Karasu wrapped in bandages behind his back. That hasn't changed. Just in case you were wondering.)