
A plan

"First, I would like to know your abilities, so that I can start strategizing."

"Although I have a rough understanding of what you can do, to fully utilize your abilities, I will need for you to demonstrate. Tori, you go first... Tell me about your strengths and weaknesses."


Nodding, Tori started forming hand-seals and then bit her thumb to draw blood. She then placed her hand on the ground, and with a big puff of smoke, a massive bird appeared in the courtyard.

Its feathers were pitch-black, and it was big enough to easily carry her on it's back. From the looks of it, it probably was very speedy too.

"This is Dākubādo or Daku for short. He's really fast and makes absolutely no sound while flying. Daku is also capable of reaching heights most sensors would have trouble checking."

"Also, he's capable of controlling smaller birds."


"As for me, I'm capable of seeing much farther than normal people, and my hearing is also great. My main weakness is stamina and lack of physical strength."

"Hmm... Fine. That's perfect."

Smiling, I walked up to Daku and scratched its neck. It wriggled happily, getting closer.

"A fine bird. May I ask how you established a contract with it?"

"That's personal information, sorry."

Well, if she doesn't want to talk about it I won't pry. Looking to my left, I walked over to the triplets.

"First off, you have individual names... right?"

The one in the middle walked forward. He was the tallest one, and also seemed to have seniority.

"Yes, Shamon-san. Our names are, from the oldest to youngest, A, B, and C."

Hearing this, I couldn't help but look confused. What kind of names were these? Then again, things like names weren't important to some people.

"I assume that you are A?"

"That is correct. On my right is C and on my left is B."

"We're professional assassins. Moving in the dark is not new to us it's our specialty. Brothers, demonstrate!"

Hearing A's commands, the other two brothers dispersed. They were so fast I almost didn't see where they went.

Suddenly, I lost track of them. Even if I concentrated, I could only faintly feel their chakra signature. It was probably some sort of jutsu that allowed them to erase their presence and almost mute their chakra. Impressive.

Then, I felt a faint disturbance behind me and saw a familiar scene. One of them had tried sneaking his way behind me, but my sand armor stopped him in his tracks.

"Wow, this is the first time someone has found me out! I'll call you boss from now on!"

A looked at me with surprise and a little admiration. I felt kind of guilty since my sand shield did the job for me.

Satisfied, I moved on to the cloaked woman, Shiso.

Her face was covered in a shroud of darkness, so I couldn't tell what she looked like. Everything about her just gave off an eerie vibe.

"Shiso, right? Could you show me what you can do?"

Nodding, she walked up to me, getting real close. Before I could say anything, she placed her hands on my shoulder and I felt like my head drifted off in a certain direction.

What I saw were a bunch of chakra signatures all clustered up in one place. Although it was all pitch black, I recognized a few of them.

This was the brothel we came from!

Then, before I could analyze any further, my head came back to me, and Shiso removed her hand from my shoulder.

"Incredible... You can sense things up to tens of kilometers, and you can also show visuals to your allies by placing your hand on them. Why are you a missing-nin? Any village would enlist your services without asking questions!"

Hearing my words, Shiso shook her head, retreating to her spot. She probably had her reasons.

Well, whatever. This ability will do very well in conjunction with the new jutsu I want to test out. I can't wait.

"Ok, now that I know all of your abilities, let's talk about business."

After I said this, all of them paid close attention.

"As I said, we're going to be robbing one of the richest people in the world. I want a single item of hers, but she always carries it on her body. Everything else, you can take at your own risk, but I have priority."

Hearing this, I could feel the tension rise in the air. They were all interested.

"I have a vague idea of where she is currently located. It's a fortress not too far away from the hidden leaf village. I know this because I have inside information."

Hearing this, Tori seemed to look at me in a new light.

"Now, I'll explain the plan. Pay attention."

"Tori, although I have a vague idea of where it is, I don't have the exact location. I will need you to scour the skies in search of the place. once you find it, send smaller birds as scouts, but have them act normally. Can Daku tell you what they're hearing?"

"Yes, I can talk to Daku, and understand what he says."

"Perfect. I want you to find out when most Jonin go to sleep... Then, let us move on to the second part of the plan. Shiso, this is where you and I come in."

"I have a special jutsu, which lets me spread specialized particles of sand around a radius of many kilometers. through it, I can discern the presence of bodies that come into contact with it. Once I have everyone in the fortress located, I will have you gauge all of their levels accurately. Can you do that?"

She nodded her head.

"Alright, next up, you three. Once we have located all enemies, I'll have you infiltrate the fortress. Your job is to take down every single night watch since we'll be attacking when everyone is asleep."

"Everyone else, I'll take down myself. The reason why I enlisted your services for three days, is because I'll need at least three days and two nights to prepare the attack."

Taking out a handful of scrolls, I placed them in front of me.

"These scrolls contain an inordinate amount of sand sealed within. I'll slowly fill the fortress with sand, and with it, I'll be able to wreak havoc... believe me."

Although they were confused, they all agreed. Smiling, I put the plan into motion.


(AN: Friendly reminder!

If any of you want to support me and get early access chapters, check out my p.a.t.r.e.o.n. at toxinfraser. Just type p.a.t.r.e.o.n.com/toxinfraser

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