
Hard work pays off

The last five stayed still, waiting for orders. Smiling, Gaara spoke in a warm tone.

"Tori, Shiso, and of course, A, B, and C. All of you have completed my training and have perfectly integrated with the curse mark." Smiling, he crossed his arms. "Your squad shall be named mirage. Don't worry, I'll reveal your leader soon, and you'll head out to capture the eight tails."

"Hai!" All five former bandits bowed in respect. They had known Gaara for years now and had a deep respect for him. He had granted them power above anything they could've ever imagined, so they were more than thankful.

With that said, Gaara nodded and went deeper into the lab, reaching a sealed room. Placing a hand on the door, he watched as it creaked open.

Turning on the lights, Gaara saw his permanent clone, floating in fluid. Its eyes were closed, and its arm was completely white.

Taking a deep breath, Gaara used his sand to remove him from the fluid tank and carefully placed him on the autopsy table. Walking up to him, he slowly opened its eyelids.

Soon purple eyes came into light. The clone's eyes were completely purple, with black rings... It had awakened the Rinnegan.

"Success!" Roaring with vigor, Gaara clenched his fists with excitement. Quickly, he removed its eyes and, through a technique he learned in the last three years just for this moment, implanted both its eyes into himself.

As soon as he did, he felt power coursing through his entire body. Knowledge flowed into his brain like a stamped as he felt o his knees, suffering terrible pain.

"I saw it!" Gaara now knew things that others would never have access to. Rising to his feet, he copped off his own arm without batting an eye.

As hot blood dripped on the ground, he sliced off the clone's arm made out of Hashirama cells and stuck it to his shoulder before performing a strange hand-seal.

Suddenly, purple flames burnt the ground as a massive demon head protruded out of the ground. Its eyes also had the Rinnegan as it looked at Gaara with a fierce expression. On its head, the kanji for 'king' could be visible.

Unafraid, Gaara jumped into its mouth and allowed himself to be munched. Soon after, he came out of the demon's giant mouth with a new, functioning white arm.

As soon as it fulfilled its purpose, the king of hell produced an eerie sound and disappeared. Smiling, Gaara laughed maniacally.

"Hahaha! Finally! All my hard work paid off!" Looking at his palm, Gaara relished his newly gained powers. Through his eyes, he could see chakra flowing through his veins. "This... This is power."

The Rinnegan contained extraordinarily powerful chakra, and boasted enormous ocular power, such that unworthy wielder would risk 'losing themselves' upon implanting one. Their full potential could only be brought out by their original owner, particularly when wielding both eyes.

Gaara remembered all of this and rejoiced. These two eyes were his... he was the original owner.

"Now, my plans can officially begin... Time to rule this world." Finally releasing the shadow clone, Gaara walked into an underground room. Its size was enormous, with the ceiling being hundreds of meters above Gaara's head.

Feeling the overflowing power from his eyes and his arm, Gaara channeled all of the energy as he slapped his hands together and roared.

"Summoning!" As soon as his words trailed off, the ground shook, and the Gedo Mazou crawled out of it, destroying its surroundings. Roaring, it looked at Gaara before sitting down in a meditative position.

"I need to be quick." Using the system, Gaara quickly used the finger-carving technique and wrote down a powerful space-time seal around the statue. Now, it couldn't be summoned anymore or sensed.

Catching his breath, Gaara used the curse mark in conjunction with Hashirama's cells to replenish his chakra.

"So, you're finally starting it..." In Gaara's head, Shukaku spoke solemnly.

"Yeah... You sure you don't mind?"

"I don't. You do you. it's not like I care about the other tailed beasts anyways."


Gaara smiled. Soon, he would beat the Akatsuki to it and capture all tailed beasts.

"Alright, now that this is out of the way, I have some guests to meet."


Nearing Sunagakure, Sasori and Deidara both had hats covering their faces. As the hat's bells rang in the sandstorm, they confidently continued forward.

"As we said, I get to fight the one-tail, Hm!" Licking his lips, Deidara smiled.

"Sure... But the next one is mine..." Sasori's grave voice resounded, emotionless as always. To him, it was just another day on the job.

As their feet left dents on the sand, they continued walking.

Suddenly, they felt a disturbance in the air.

"Someone's coming!" Feeling the enormous chakra coming their way, Deidara reached for his clay pouches. "Heh, it seems like it's the one tail... Saves us the trouble, Hm."

By the time both of them got ready, Gaara arrived on his sand-cloud, watching them from above with his arms crossed.

"What brings your organization to my village?" With a dominating tone, Gaara looked at them with a small smile. Seeing him, both of them gasped in surprise.

"Those eyes... Is he...?"

"Actually, don't answer that question. Both of you are going to die." Raising his hands, Gaara generated two massive orbs of iron sand. Merging them, they melded and created a rain of spikes.

"That jutsu...!" Sasori opened his eyes in shock. "Deidara... dodge!"


Special thanks to Frozoka Swaggins, God Erebos, and Daniil!

Don't forget to drop some stones!


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