
Too easy

A/N: The next two chapters are longer, I promise. Bare with me, at least I updated right...? Right?


"Dodge!" Sasori quickly got out of his puppet, using his metallic wire to draw some distance. Seeing this, Deidara threw some clay in the air and made a confrontations seal.

Suddenly, the clay became much bigger and took on the shape of a bird. Hopping on it, he sped away.

The metallic branches quickly spread, filling out the area. Sasori and Deidara managed to dodge, but very narrowly.

Watching Gaara, Sasori narrowed his eyes. "You... I'll have to get serious." Taking off his cloak, Sasori revealed his body. Raising his hands, he sent a fireblast in Gaara's direction.

"Art is an explosion! Hm!" Nearby, Deidara flew above Gaara and dropped a bomb, which increased in size and threatened to land on his head.

Smiling, Gaara raised his hands and said the words he had been waiting to say.

"Shinra Tensei!" A massive forcefield appeared around him, completely blocking the fire and explosion. Seeing this, Sasori and Deidara stared dumbfoundedly at him.

"He's like the leader..." Clicking his tongue, Sasori wondered if it was a good idea to stay here and fight. Not too far away, Deidara thought the same.

As he was pondering, the sand around him started moving, wrapping around his feet. Seeing this, Sasori furrowed his brows and tried to escape, but was unable to.

Before he could react, a thin, black rod sped out of the sand, piercing his exposed core. Feeling it, Sasori fell to his knees.

Gaara smiled. With his knowledge, this hadn't been a fight. If Sakura and Chiyo could defeat Sasori, he definitely wasn't going to struggle.

"Sasori!" Up in the air, Deidara saw everything through his left eye. Seeing Sasori die that easily, he started running away.

"As if I'd let you!" Crossing his arms, Gaara used his sand cloud to fiercely pursue the Akatsuki member. Of course, he already had a sand clone securing Sasori's corpse.

The sand cloud under Gaara's feet increased in size, growing two extensions which took the form of Shukaku's head—opening their mouthes, they generated two mini tailed beast bombs.

Gaara had practiced with Shukaku to use this technique in the past three years. Now, he could use the beast bombs, like Naruto in the war arc.

"You can't run!" Gaara spoke in a dominant tone as the two heads released the bombs. With incredible speed, they flew towards Deidara.

"Shit! Hm!" Deidara furrowed his brows as he had to stop mid-flight, going up instead of forward. The bombs passed by him, landing on two nearby hills and causing massive explosions.

"That technique is way too strong, Hm!"

"You're in my grasp now."

As Deidara was going up, Gaara appeared right behind him. The beast bombs had slowed him down, and now he was ready to kill him.

Deidara was unable to react as Gaara placed a hand on his head, yanking out his soul.

"GUAAAGH!" Deidara screamed in pain as Gaara consumed his soul, and through it, his memories and life. Like a puppet that had lost its strings, Deidara became limp and fell on Gaara's sand cloud.

The clay bird became small again and plummetted to the desert underneath.

"This was way too easy..." With his eyes, Gaara felt like a God. He felt like he could kill anybody he wanted to.

Dusting himself off, he took Deidara and Sasori before heading back to the village. Now, phase two could start.


Special thanks to Frozoka Swaggins, God Erebos, and Daniil!

Don't forget to drop some stones!


There are currently 2 more chapters on P.a.t.r.e.o.n! Consider supporting so that we can reach the goal and start the manga!

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