The First One

[On the highest floor of the magic tower]

Dian Long: "It's been sometime now since we started. Most people are in the sixth or seventh level with few in the eighth level. It seems like this trial is almost reaching its end".

Hu Zhao: "To be frank, I didn't expect that many people will die along the way, especially on the fifth trial. It was the hardest trial up to now and it left many casualties. Now, only two thousand people remain from the initial fifty thousand we started with, and by the end of this trial only a thousand people will remain".

Charles: "One thousand are good enough. I expected fewer people to survive this time since we raised the difficulty but it seems like the current era isn't as weak as I thought. What do you think Aiden?".

Aiden: "I never said they're weak. I just think that compared to me, they can't hold a candle except maybe for a few. By the way, you've been looking at where the majority are this time and forgot that there are already three groups who are about to finish the tenth level"

Charles: "What? impossible!"

Charles waved his hand immediately and the three watch screens that Aiden was looking at previously on the side appeared in the center of the table and became bigger.

Hu Zhao: "Hmmm, is this even possible?".

The three screens showed three different groups each fighting in their trial. Some were even alone.


"I thought that if I chose door number one, I might get the most difficult challenge at the last level. Unfortunately, the task was just to kill a horde of angry cows".

"Sigh, master. Only you would call hunting and killing a thousand minotaur something like the hunting of a bunch of cows".

In one of the trials of the last level, two shadows could be noticed walking through the smoke that was hiding their Appearances. You could also notice that behind them are many different parts of the bodies of minotaurs that are turning into stone just like in the previous trials.

The two shadows got out of the smoke and walked towards the exit door that appeared in front of them. Finally, the smoke around the two cleared and showed that the two shadows belong to two women.

One of them was an old lady with a dwarfish height that won't pass 150cm(4,9 feet). She has a body that looks relatively well-built even though she was short and old. Her skin is dark and she has pointy ears and oval green eyes that matched well with her clothes.

Even though Her hair was grey from growing old, it still looked beautiful, especially with the hair plaits on the sides and the golden ornaments all over it. Even her big earrings had a golden color to match the ornaments.

It was clear that the woman was a dwarf and that she was even using a hammer that had a short handle to hit the minotaurs earlier and kill them. It's because of that that the stone bodies of the minotaurs were all destroyed and turned to rubble, scattered all over the place.

the old dwarf woman looked around her and rolled her eyes, "Tch, the Mage who built this place is very stingy. All the monsters we fought aren't real so we didn't get any materials to use".

The Tall woman beside her shook her head and smiled, "Master, you have a lot of materials back ur smithy in the adventurers HQ so why are you even trying to get more from this place".

The woman who answered the dwarf woman looked younger and different since she was from a different race.

a long Blonde hair, green eyes, and suntanned skin that could only come from being exposed to the heat for an extended amount of time, and unlike the dwarf, She didn't wear that many clothes.

She wore blue clothes that were quite revealing as they covered only her private parts and showed her long beautiful legs and her stomach that was also beautiful. You could also see a blue headband that matched her clothes and made her golden hair even more beautiful.

"You still have a lot to learn my young disciple. There is never "enough" for us blacksmiths. What we yearn for is our goal, our dream to create the ultimate craft that can make us known throughout history just like the great Blacksmith Saint, Luthor Guillory. Also don't forget, a true blacksmith is by nature".

The young woman interrupted and answered, " a person who can turn even the trash into something divine. Master, although you repeat these words many times, you still can't restrain yourself when you see some good material for you to use. I saw you even steal it".

"Cough, cough. Please, Maria, be careful of what you say. I'm sure you just saw someone who looks exactly like me and nothing else. Anyway, let's go. I want us to be the first ones to finish this trial"

The young woman, Maria gave a child-like grin as she laughed behind her master's back and answered, "Yeah, let's go, master".


Inside another trial on the last level was a whole other environment different from the cave. It was a Volcanic mountain that looked like it was about to explode at any moment.

The earth itself was also trembling not only because of the volcano but also because of the huge battle that was happening there.

Two huge creatures were in the midst of fighting each other while destroying everything around them. One of them was a huge Wolf that was three meters high and ten meters long. He had dark blue fur that was adorned with deep black lightning bolts marks. His eyes were blue as clear as the sky showing how beautiful they were.

Strangely enough, it had only three long legs as one of its forefeet was missing and instead if it, a leg made out of blue lightning energy was in its place.

The other beast creature was a huge Snake that had black skin with red marks and a big head that looked very terrifying. It had a big mouth and also six eyes and also had metal Spikes on the top of its head. It looked like a creature that came out of hell.


The snake started glowing red around the mouth and as he opened it, it started spitting Lava toward the wolf but the wolf easily dodged as he jumped sideways. It continued his Lava attack while the wolf also kept evading the attacks.

The wolf then jumped high into the sky making the Snake lava attack unable to reach him. The wolf fur around its chest started glowing blue and then the glow started moving upwards towards the wolf mouth. At that moment, lightning started forming around the wolf fangs and it then glides towards the snake to attack it.

It seemed as if the wolf has bet on this attack to finish the big reptile. The devious snake Did not stand idly by as it also decided to not wait and it used its ribs to stretch its body into a flattened strip and soared into the air towards the wolf.

It opened his mouth and was preparing to fire Lava again. At that moment, both of them passed eachother in the air and landed on the opposite side of where they were at the beginning.

Both kept standing for a second but then the snake fell to the ground immediately as blood started gushing from its neck that was half bitten off.

Unfortunately for the snake, it didn't get to do his attack as the wolf moved faster than him in the last second and bit his neck with his teeth enforced by the lightning magic.

The wolf turned and looked towards the dead body of the snake that started turning to stone as it signified that he won the trial of the last level. The blood that was on the wolf's mouths started to dissapear too together with everything else.

The wolf turned away from the stone body and stared at the huge black door that started appearing in front of him. After waiting for a few moments, the door finally appeared completely.

Suddenly, the wolf started trembling and its body started changing. Its huge body started getting smaller while the fur started slowly dissapearing.

its one forefeet started turning into human hand and the lightning leg started dissapearing. Its hind feet also started turning into human legs. His tail also started getting shroter until it dissapeared completely.

Its nose started retracting inside his head and teeth started going small inside and his mouth too. Finally, the whole wolf dissapeared and only a naked young man with wolf ears and an amazing body remained.

A red bracelet that was around his arm shined a little bit and the light engulfed his body and his clothes appeared around him. He then started walking towards the door without saying anything.

The man was none other than Seath who was previously fighting the snake while using his true form. Unlike the beastmen race who are demi humans who only have their hybrid transformation, Magic Beasts have a third form which is the true form of magic beast.

This form offers more physical strength and more natural use of magic making them able to exert more of their strength and a better fighting capabilities.

"I finished all the trials. All that remains is getting the hand. Although I don't need it much but it won't be bad to have a divine weapon. Wait for me Aiden. I'm coming fir you" .

Seath only said these few words as he passed the huge door and existed the last level of the trial.


Inside a large dimly lit throne room, a huge throne was floating in the center. Sitting on the throne itself was a skeleton that was holding a book in its hand while having a boney white wand in the other.

The Skeleton didn't have clothes but still shrouded himself in dark purple miasmas taking the appearence of a robe. It even covered his head showing only the eyes that had a purple flame in them and his teeth that kept moving and giving a creepy smile.

Sorounding the throne and the skeleton king is a skeleton army that kept fighting against the two people who entered the trials previously.

One of them was Konstantin while the other was Rey. Both of them kept fighting whatever test they had while also fighting eachother at the same time. They chose the same door each time and passed to the next level until they reached the tenth and last level.

Even outside the tests, Konstantin kept chasing after Rey in the tunnel until they reached the doors of the tenth level.

Fortunately, the door that Rey chose only required two persons and as they walked inside the throne room, they found the floor covered with bones of different skeletons bodies.

Human, beasts, Elves, dwarves and even wyvern bones were there. As they stepped on one of the bones, the lights around the hall illuminated and the throne started floating while skeleton sitting on it started moving as purple light appeared in its eyes.

The skeleton then took the the wand, the magic book and started casting some spells in an unkown language rasulting in the revival of the dead bodies around making the hall full with his undead army and thus Rey and Konstantin kept fighting the skeletons army bringing them to this moment right now.

Rey decided to speak first and turned his head to Konstantin while still swinging his sword towards the swarming army of the undead, "How about we stop our little bickering and focus on them for a minute. I will hold them for some time and you go and take down their king".

konstantin answered him immediatly and said, "Do you think I will trust you? I know for a fact that you'll do something else the moment I move from here".

Rey replied to him, "I know that but I don't think you really have a choice. You have to trust me just like in the past."

it too but I really don't want to be responsible for what could have happen".

Konstantin said nothing as he couldn't utter the words but Rey who saw the conflicting feelings on his face smiled and said more,"Plus, you left those youngsters alone so you also wanna end this to go back to them, right? I really don't think you want to be responsible for what could happen to them, right?".

Konstantin didn't allow his mouth for any sound for a moment, "I'll … I'll go".

With that said, Konstantin didn't hesiate any more and ran with his sword towards the skeleton's king ignoring all the corpses around him and focusing on the one who was facing him.

"Just like the old days. Too easy to read and too easy to manipulate".

Rey also charged his sword with more power, which resulted in the formation of a red star surrounded by black energy in the middle of his blade. He then leaped towards the skeletons and spun his sword around his body in a semi-circle slash. The slash sparked a wave of fire, which cascaded upon all the moving bones that then turned into ashes.

"You better hurry up and end this!", Rey shouted as he continued fighting the undead.

"I had no intention of stopping!", Konstantin replied.

As Konstantin was about to speak again, he felt necromancy magic being casted. He looked towards the source and saw that the Lich king was casting a spell.


"I don't think so you bag of bones!", Konstantintin yelled while jumping towards the throne on which the king sat on.

he then immediately maneuvered himself to the dead king's side and evaded the spell and in that split second, he took the wand from his boney hands and thrust his sword in his chest stabbing him in the crystal core and at that moment, the flames in his eyes sockets dissapeared and with him, the undead army fell down. Rey saw the undead army falling down so he dashed over to Konstantin.

''Well looks like i am safe then. Vala would give me a great reward for this accomplishment when I give her the wand and the book of a Lich that has both dark and necromancy spells", said Rey as he was about to steal the two artifacts but he suddenly felt something and immediately stepped back from his previous position.

he then observed a sword slash as he saw Konstantin sword right there where he was still full of magic power and prepared to attack him agin

''Just because we fought together for a few moments, doesn't mean I'll let you go. In fact, this will be the perfect place to burry your corpse''' 'Konstantin said as he smiled with his hands clenching on his sword.

''That is great then. Well then, I would like to continue play with you but I have few things to resolve so please let me take those two things in the skeleton's hands and I'll see you later old friend".

"Oh no, don't think you can leave that easily old friend".

Both of them kept raising their swords looking for any opening they could use to their advantage but just as they were about to, start their battle once again, a huge black gate appeared to their right in the middle and Rey was a few moments faster and he dashed towards it.

"goodbye then!"

Konstantin immediately run after him but just as he was about to reach Rey, he saw him suddenly stop and Konstanin who didn't stop in time passed through him.Rey didn't waste time as he immediately charged his sword with more mana and threw a red slash towards Konstantin's back.

With that force and Konstantin's speed, he passed through the gate and only Rey was left in the hall.

Rey then turned away and walked towrads the the artifacts but he couldn't help himself but laugh while saying, "Just like always. Rushing a tad bit too much".


On the other side of the gate, Konstantin came out rushing right into the ground as created a cloud of dust right when henhit the ground.

Konstantin stood and clenched his fist in frustration. He knew he couldn't let Rey escape, especially with the powerful artifacts he has now. Determined, Konstantin sheathed his sword and quickly turned to the door but he saw it was gone.

"Damn it, he tricked me again".

Konstantin didn't think abou it too muc as he knew he'll meet him again in another trial. He noticed that the cave area ended and that there were stairs. He then waled and saw something new. As he entered the next area, Konstantin found himself in a vast, open field with a clear blue sky above. The air felt refreshing compared to the dimly cave he had just left. He scanned the surroundings, trying to locate Rey, but there was no sign of him.

Just as Konstantin was about to search further, a voice echoed in his mind. It was a deep, resonating voice that seemed to come from all directions at once. It was a very familiar voice too.

"Welcome, challenger. You are the first one to have cleared the final stage of the second trial. Prepare yourself for the ultimate and the last trial."

Konstantin tightened his grip on his sword and prepared for whatever awaited him.