End Of The First Day

Everyone except Konstantin turned and looked towards Rei's back as he went for one of the doors. He chose door number thirteen and then opened it and got sucked by the attraction power of the door.

After Rei went inside, the door still didn't disappear but no one dared to go after him since they knew that he's a titan and just the aura of his power can easily kill anyone of them.


Suddenly, Konstantin moved so fast and left the others as he went towards the door. Wanda saw that and yelled, "No! Sir Konstantin, you can't do that! we need to wait for Miss Olenna".

Konstantin didn't stop and just said few words before he entered the door, "Tell Olenna that I will deal with Rei myself".


The door immediately started vanishing as it turned into light after Konstantin got sucked into it. Wanda and the others felt numb as things escalated quickly without them feeling anything.

After a few moments of silence among the group, Abrat spoke first and said, "We move too". Wanda who heard that retorted and said, "Sir Abrat, What about lady Olenna? she told us that we need to start together".

This time, it was Nolan who answered her and said, "The plan already failed Wanda. Lady Olenna isn't with us and Sir Konstantin is gone too. What's more, we have three Titans on the loose if not more which makes it very hard for us to stay together. our only choice now is to continue and end this trial and then reunite with the others at the end".

Abrat nodded and didn't say anything while Wanda didn't find anything to say more as she knew what Nolan said is true. In the end, she just sighed and hoped that everything will be alright.


[In another place]

"Seems like your friends have split up even more. If this continues, some of them won't make it"

Dian Long looked towards Aiden as he wanted to see how he will react but to no one surprise, Aiden just continued staring at the screens showing the other participants and he didn't seem to care too much about what will happen to his friends.

Charles: "Stop it already Dian Long, you always ask these kinds of questions. you've been going after Aiden and Hu Zhao for some time now. just watch the trials for now and don't do anything stupid".

Dian Long hmphed and looked away as he didn't want to argue with Charles right now. Charles stopped Dian Long because He knew how he likes to steer people's emotions through taunting making them show their true selves.

Hu Zhao: "I wonder how things will go on this trial. I want to see who's gonna be the first one to finish all the trials".

Charles: "The squabbles among the people of the powers of the present era don't interest me but looking at the people each side sent, it seems like the black market alliance attaches great importance to this mission even more than the adventurer guild".

Hu Zhao: "you can't be too sure. Maybe they sent someone from the HQ without notifying the Adratram branch".

Dian Long: "Can they do that?".

Everyone thought about it for a moment but they couldn't find an answer as all three of them are people who lived in the past and don't know much about the current era but then they looked at Aiden who may know something and waited for him to answer.

"I don't know much either. I've been in the adventurer guild for only six months and so I can't tell you that much".

Charles: "Guess we'll have to wait".

Dian Long, Aiden, Hu Zhao: "Yes".


[Hours later]

Alex: "You gotta be shitting me. I thought that we may get an easier test after the first one but we're already in the third one and it's not getting easier at all".

Alex Holding both his blades is evading the attacks of a big-sized Arachnid swinging its two legs around.

Lyssia: "Well, it's your luck that failed you. remember when you won the lucky draw in the previous test. Now, it's our turn to fight".

Lyssia was also evading the attacks while trying to go through the defense of the arachnid and take it down but the spider immediately shoots her with his web that has some acid properties that can even destroy some high-leveled armors.

It was very shocking and scary because this showed the difficulty of these trials and just like the first trial, this one's goal is to eliminate as many people as possible.

The good thing about this trial is that it only required a group of thirty people and so it wasn't that hard to clear. This time Olenna used a bunch of straws to decide who will clear the previous second test.

Olenna, Saya, and Emelia lost and cleared the second test so it's Alex and the remaining ones turn to clear the next one, the current third test.

Lyssia, Alex, Morgan(Emelia's father), are the ones in the group trying to clear this test together with other participants who also entered this door.

Alex looked around him while evading and said, "It seems like not a lot of people will survive this. well, we're not saints who will help every person we meet along our path. Even true Saints don't do that hahaha".

Lyssia: "It's a lame joke".

Morgan: "You two, can you please concentrate on killing the monster. I don't have that much mana remaining and we've been fighting for five hours now".

Lyssia who looked at him started thinking and then nodded and said, "Yeah, I think we should end this monster already".

After saying that, Lyssia immediately sped up towards the arachnid head passing through his front legs attacks easily but then she saw him firing his acid webs towards her.

She smiled and easily evaded the attacks and then poured mana into her daggers and said, "I've already seen enough, 16 daggers of mist".

Lyssia passed the arachnid and then suddenly its legs stopped moving and Alex retreated as he saw the blood appearing around the neck of the monster.

He then saw the head falling while the huge body also stopped moving at all and started becoming stone just like the previous time with the wyvern.

Morgan appeared and stood beside Alex as he said, "If she could deal with him all this time then why didn't she finish him from the start? We lost twenty-one people because of her".

Alex: "the monster this time isn't that strong but was annoying to deal with. Also, we lost twenty-one people that were our competitors. We're not here to play heroes. We're here to take the treasure and go back".


Alex looked behind him at Olenna who was clapping while standing with the others waiting for them to finish killing the monster.

Olenna: "Alex is right mister Morgan. We're here to get the treasure and besides that, you might have not noticed it but almost all the people here were from the black market alliance so it doesn't matter".

Alex smirked and said, "Quite the cold treatment. you didn't even spare them a thought as you saw them get killed".

"Of course. We don't need to feel anything for people who have gone into the wrong path", Lyssia said as she appeared beside Olenna after she finished killing her prey.

Alex: "The wrong path, huh. For someone who chose the assassin path, you have a very strong sense of justice".

Lyssia: "Huh, what do you mean?".

Alex: "Nothing at all. Now that we finished the third test, we should move on to the next one".

Just when Alex said that a door appeared behind the sculpture of the monster and everyone started going towards it together.

While walking, Lyssia remembered something and asked Alex, "So, tell me something. I wanna how hard do you think these trials compared to the trials of the Dark Saint?".


Everyone was curious too about it as Alex was one of the very few people who went inside a Saint's last resting place more than once. Saints legacies are quite rare and sometimes a person can only enter this kind of place once in their lifetime but Alex is already on his second time.

Alex didn't say anything as he was thinking about the right answer. He can be very lazy most of the time. He may even be the laziest man on the western continent but he may have those once in a while serious moments sometimes. This makes it very hard you to recognize or relate him to his previous lazy personality at all.

Lyssia: "Hey, answer me. What do you think about the trials?".

"Well, I can say that The trials here are easier than The dark saint since Charles is known as a just and fair mage. Stories about him say that He's a calm-minded and kind person so we don't need to fear genocide or something. What's more, the current location plays an important role in our current predicament".

Saya: "Location? what does the location have to do with all of this?"

Alex looked at her and smirked while saying, "Do you think if the location of the inheritance was close to one of the empires or even an adventurer guild branch or main HQ, would we be having this much fun? believe me, if an inheritance appeared around those areas, I wouldn't enter even if you offered me an entire kingdom and a noble title. the kind of people you'll meet in those places are all greedy, dishonest, sneaky, and scheming. they will use all kinds of tactics to get what they want and even the average person level around that place will be higher".

Lyssia: "Isn't it the same here?".

At this time Olenna replied and said, "It's very far from being the same Lyssia. maybe in terms of greediness then yeah you're right but the average level of warrior or mage around there is way higher than here which makes it more difficult to get what you want".


Alex: "Yes. Imagine finding an inheritance ground and its location is squashed between two empires and a great kingdom. No doubt people from different backgrounds and all kinds of power will flock towards that place. It's very different from here and excuse me for saying it, the bottom edge of the continent".

Lyssia: "None taken. This place is a dumping shit-hole".

Emelia: "All the people who live or Lived here think the same".

Saya: "Well, it's also because this place is a shit-hole that it can go under the radar and no other person from the far parts of the continent will ome here"

"anyway, it's gonna be almost a day since this second trial started. Let's just rest and prepare for the next day", Morgan (Emelia's father) told them as they also nodded about what he said. Fortunately, they had rations they brought with them since they didn't know how much they will stay here.

After coming back to the tunnel, some of them decided to sleep while some others decided to replenish their mana pool through meditation.