What a Trope!

Not gonna lie, this has some shit humour in it lol.


Almost immediately after walking into the forest, Su Yang came face-to-face with a beast.

In front of him stood a pure white wolf-like creature. The only thing that differentiated it from normal wolves, were the horns on its head.

"Good. Let's start with this then!" Su Yang yelled charging at the beast.

As he came charging, the beast seemed to notice him, swiftly howling attracting all the nearby wolves.

"Calling for help won't change your fate!" Su Yang yelled, quickly stabbing the dagger into the beasts eye.

"AWOO" The beast squeaked before crashing to the ground. Dead.

{Ding! Congratulations for killing a Horned Wolf. 100 Exp Awarded. 10 SP Awarded.}

"Nice." Su Yang muttered to himself with a grin on his face.

However, once he looked up, he found himself surrounded by at least 50 wolves.

"Good! Come at me!"

As he yelled, he charged at the smallest wolf, once again stabbing it in a weak spot ending its life quickly.

He continued to use this method to chop through all the weak ones. All that was left now were 15 wolves. Each one had bull-like horns. They all had stronger raw strength that surpassed Su Yang's by a long shot.

After killing the large amount of wolves he was starting to breath heavily.


He slapped himself as hard as he could in the face as to make sure that he didn't lose his focus.

"Haha! I'm just getting started you bastards!"

As soon as he finished talking, he activated all of his equipment, instantly becoming faster and stronger.

{Cloud Wind Steps}

As he activated the skill his speed increased even further. As if he teleported, he appeared right in front of one of the large beasts, stabbing it under its chin, a soft spot on the hide.

{Ding! Congratulations for killing a Great Horned Wolf. 1000 Exp Awarded. 100 SP Awarded.}

"Haha... at least the rewards increase."

Distracted by the notification, he almost got disemboweled as a claw flew towards his waist. However, reacting at the last second he managed to {Cloud Wind Steps} narrowly avoiding a deep cut. However, he wasn't unscathed, a shallow cut stretched across most of his stomach.

"Fast bastards... I'll have to end this quickly." Su Yang said while panting.

His cultivation was still too low. His body was the problem here, it wasn't yet capable of this kind of lengthy battle.

"Looks like I'll be testing out this skill faster than I thought.

Instantly reactivating {Cloud Wind Steps} Su Yang charged at three beasts. As he moved past the three of them, {10 Thousand Cuts} was activated.

Almost immediately after he activated this little 'combo', blood began to shoot out of the heads of the three wolves. Sure enough, just before they died, the shallow wound on his stomach began to heal itself.

Smiling, Su Yang just outright charged into the middle of them, recklessly using {10 Thousand Cuts} on his enemies. This ability to heal himself was seriously op!

Swiftly this massive battle turned into a battle of attrition, a battle of which Su Yang had great chances in winning.

For every cut he took, he was healing it by cutting his enemies.

After another 5 minutes, he had finally slain the last beast.

Although his health hadn't even decreased by a fifth, he was exhausted. Although the blade healed his health, it didn't restore his stamina.

{Ding! Congratulations to host for reaching Body Refining Stage 10!}

Huffing and puffing, Su Yang decided to take a break. Sitting down amongst the dead demon beasts, he was interrupted by a system notification.

{Ding! Does Host wish to assimilate with the Great Horned wolf? Assimilation allows host to gain the skills of the beast.}

"Is there a limit to how many beasts I can assimilate with?"

{Ding! Yes. At current system level, Assimilation is limited to 2 demon beasts.}

"Then no."

{Ding! Does host wish to sell all demon beast parts, including the core to system?}

"Sure, I have no need for them."

{Ding! After selling all items... x5000 SP, x1000 Silver Coins has been awarded!}

Looking at his now blood covered body, Su Yang decided to go wash off in the nearby lake the system pointed out to him. Only about 2km from him, with his full speed, he'll be able to make it in only a few minutes.

As he arrived at the lake, he looked down at the water.

Since actually transmigrating, this was the first time he had seen himself. Yeah, he had some memories, but even those weren't really enough for him to know exactly what he looked like.

He was an outstandingly handsome young man, looking to be about 16, later confirmed by the system. He had black eyes, sword-like eyebrows, and long, silky black hair, which flowed the whole way down his back.

Seems that his clothes, somehow had no blood on them, he took them off, and leapt into the river.

after finally washing off all the blood, he got redressed and laid in the water, letting the current lightly drift him down the river.

After starting to doze off, he was woken by a woman's scream.

Opening his eyes and looking up, he noticed that the stream had taken him directly to a lady about to get undressed.

"Wait wait wait wait wait! Before you go screaming and attack me, I should let you know, this is totally a romance flag!" Su Yang yelled.

"... What the fuck are you talking about? Fucking peeping tom! I'll gauge your fucking eyes out!" The woman yelled, drawing her sword.

"Come on! You really don't want to do this!" Su Yang yelled.

"Die!" The woman yelled, swinging her sword viciously at Su Yangs head.

Narrowly dodging the attack Su Yang lamented:

"You're seriously trying to kill me huh? Do you have no shame? I was just aimlessly floating down the river. Besides, you had barely started undressing! It's not like I saw much!" Su Yang said shamelessly.

"Damn you!" She once again yelled, this time however, a rainbow-like attack flew out of her sword.

Once again narrowly dodging the attack Su Yang said.

"Qi Refining realm!?" Su Yang exclaimed.

Although the realm wasn't very high, from Su Yang's memories, anyone who reached the realm before the age of 18 was considered a genius.

As she once again swung her sword at Su Yang, he grabbed her wrist, pulling her in close.

"It was an accident okay? Please just forgive me? I swear on my life, I'll never tell anyone of this."

The woman started blushing, and relaxed her arms. It seemed that it was working. However, being a woman, obviously she threw a complete curve ball. (Fuck man It's a joke, don't @ me.)

Out of nowhere, she suddenly became aggressive again, sending a slap right at his face.

Right as her hand should've connected with his face, it passed right through.

"If destiny brings us together, we'll meet again!" Su Yang yelled, swiftly disappearing into the forest.

The 'him' that she hit, was nothing but his after-image.