First Mission (Or did I do one earlier?)

(lol I did say b4, but he is clothed. At least I think I did. Anyway, even if I didn't, let's not think he's running around stark naked!)

After his little escape (running for his life while pretending to be mysterious), Su Yang continued through the forest, killing weak beasts and staying the fuck away from stronger ones.

Even though he knew full well that with the help of this system, he could definitely be seen as op, however, he wasn't an idiot. He wasn't going to push his luck and plot armour by going to fight some strong demon beast, just to get his ass kicked.

However, when it comes to his pride, those kind of thoughts always seemed to fly out of his head.

As Su Yang was approaching the end of the forest finally, he could see that only a few kilometres away, there was a massive city. Covered in huge stone walls.

Searching through 'his' memories, he was able to guess what city this would likely be.

'Stone-rock City.' A rather bland name right? I guess whoever named it was just really uncreative.

Stone-rock city was a mid-class city in this country. Although it's a substantially large city, actually being one of the 10 largest cities in the country, it lacks strong cultivation clans. The strongest man in this city, is only a Xiantian 3rd Stage cultivator.

In this country, patriarch/matriarch levels are like this:

(Non-Noble Clans)

Low-class Clan: Low-Mid Houtian Stage.

Mid-class Clan: High-Peak Houtian Stage.

High-class Clan: Low-Mid Xiantian Stage.

{Noble Clans)

Low-class Clan: High-Peak Xiantian Stage.

Mid-class Clan: Low-Mid Golden Core Foundation Stage.

High-class Clan: High-Peak Golden Core Foundation Stage

{Sects (A/N: Don't necessarily have the word Sect in them!)}

Low-class Sect: Low-Mid Golden Core Refining Stage

Mid-class Sect: High-Peak Golden Core Refining Stage

High-class Sect: Low-Mid Golden Core Stage

(A/N: Just for clarification, Low = 1-3, Mid = 4-6, High = 7-9, Peak = 10. Also, do you want me to make this section an aux chapter?)

To put this in retrospect, Su Yang's mother, her, and her husband (Not Su Yang's father), are part of one of the top 5 strongest sects in the country, both of them being in the Golden Core Stage. (2nd and 4th stage respectively.)

His father however, should've been at least in the Nascent Soul Realm, considering how he treated the (formally) 4th ranked sect as his stomping ground. (So you don't get confused, what I meant earlier wasn't that he destroyed the 6th ranked sect, but that there used to be 6 High-class sects.)

Why a man as powerful as himself would ever go after a woman like Su Yang's mother, was completely unclear to him.

Anyway, this city was only the home to a high-class family, a few mid-class families, and a few dozen low-class families.

As Su Yang was approaching the city gates, a new notification came up.

{Ding! Mission!}

{Details: Slaughter the arrogant Zhu Family Young Master, and live!}

{Rewards: +3 Cultivation stages. 5000 Exp. 5000 SP.}

{Penalty: Death}

{Time Limit: 10 minutes (first half) 24 hours (second half)}


While Su Yang hesitated for a second, he almost immediately agreed.

Wondering where he was going to run into this young master, he heard the sound of hooves behind him.

"Get out of my way!"

Su Yang heard a high-pitched voice scream. Obviously, he didn't move.

"Hmph! Insolent bastard!" The voice yelled again.

The person on the horse, cracked his whip at Su Yang, only to have it grabbed, and thus be thrown off his horse.

The man was quite chubby, and also quite ugly.

"Hmph! Do you even know who I am!? I'm Zhu Lao! My father is the city lord! Do you know what that means? It means I could kill you, and no one would even ca-"

Su Yang had gotten tired of the boys constant groaning, so he cut the boys chat short, slicing his vocal cord.

Before the kid could bleed to death, Su Yang hacked at the tip of his neck, swiftly decapitating the boy.

"Annoying." Su Yang mumbled.

Although he probably could have just killed him, he wanted to make sure it was a death worthy of the term slaughter.

Hell, the kid hadn't really done anything that bad to Su Yang, but... with the quest, his death was imminent anyway.

{Ding! Second half of quest has started! Host should flee the scene as quickly as possible! Find a good place to hide!}

Up until now, Su Yang was confused as to why the notification was so immediate.

Suddenly, 10 Houtian stage warriors, 30 Qi Refining stage warriors, and 50 Body Refining stage warriors came charging at him.

"Fuck!" Su Yang yelled, instantly going to his max speed, running back towards the forest.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!"

If they were even of equal strength to himself, with his dagger, he might have some chance at killing them all, but 90 people? 40 of which were stronger than him? That just wasn't happening!

After finally reaching the forest, he continued to run, however, he was running towards a certain smell.

Dodging attacks and fleeing for his life, it was beginning to finally look like it was paying off. He was beginning to lose more and more of them, and now there were only the 10 Houtian Realm warriors left.

"Kill that bastard!" They all roared.

Su Yang finally arrived at the source of the smell.

The smell was blood. The cause?

A huge fight had gone on between two Xiantian realm demon beasts. One, a giant leopard, the other a giant red python.

At the climax of their fight, the python stood victorious.

Arriving at the beasts, Su Yang took out a strange item from his pocket, spun around and threw it at the people tailing him.

You see, while running in this direction, Su Yang purchased a little something from the shop.

{Attractive Ball}

A ball, which would attract nearby demon beasts to the area it went off, enraging them when they finally got near it.

As the ball hit the ground, the python almost instantly shot at the men tailing Su Yang, hell, it almost hit him and sent him flying!

"Bastard!" The men yelled, preparing to flee.

However, they soon realised that was an impossible feat. The python instantly began devouring the men.

"Die!" The men yelled, trying desperately to fight back.

Even though the beast was greatly weakened, they couldn't defeat it, though they did injure it further.

Within 5 minutes, the last man was devoured by the snake.

Su Yang however, took this opportunity to strike.

Lunging at the snake from behind, he flipped over to its head, using his {Ten Thousand Cuts} skill on the snakes eye.

The mighty beast threw Su Yang off, sending him crashing into a tree.

Spitting out mouthfuls of blood, Su Yang's situation looked shit, hell, he looked shit. However he was still grinning.

"Thanks for the exp." He muttered.

As the beast lunged at him, it suddenly fell mere metre's away from him.

As the beast died, his face began to regain its colour.

{Ding! Congratulations for killing a Red Blooded Python. 100,000 Exp Awarded. 10000 SP Awarded.}

{Ding! After selling all items... x5000 SP, x100 Gold Coins Awarded!}

{Ding! Congratulations to host for reaching Qi Refining Stage 1!}

{Ding! Congratulations to host for reaching Qi Refining Stage 2!}

{Ding! Congratulations to host for reaching Qi Refining Stage 3!}

Woo... three breakthroughs in a way. Killing a beast far stronger than yourself is seriously worth it! Hell, some points were deducted because all he did was finish it, and hadn't done any real damage himself.

{Ding! Host has received Breakthrough Gift Pack! Does Host wish to open it?}

"Yes!" Su Yang yelled happily.