West Palm City

Within one of the first class cities of the world of Rising Sun, near the vast ocean where millions of people lived lays one of ancient military empire, the clan of Tan. The clan of Tan who were infamous for their guns and ammo businesses, and their marks towards the military of the country of Venus.

This clan lived for thirteen generations and every generation has their own stars. Just like the founding father, and the current children of the patriarch. They are intelligent and powerful that their other peers bowed their heads in defeat just by witnessing their brilliance. These five children of the the patriarch of Tan are in highschool and College, yet the power they wielded and maturity was definitely on the next level compared to their peers.

Together with their scary backround, no one could boast that they are the best against academic much less family backround and Martial arts. Four of these children can play with guns ranging from pistols towards the heavy machine guns and RPG since the age of ten. They are abnormals if compared to their peers, no matter which angle you looked. These four children are monsters in martial arts, while sages in academics and kings and queens in their influence.

Albeit these four kings and queens wage war with each other for the past six years to determine who'll get the ancient throne. For the past six years their father and the current patriarch of the ancient empire, just turned blind within their conflicts and secret dealings.

Many called the current patriarch of the Tan clan as ruthless and cold devil who overlooked the whole world and played with people on the palm of his hands. He doesn't have the emotions of the normal human being had, and is called the executioner by his enemies. That's what people called him behind his back.

The current patriarch of Tan Clan overlooked the whole city, that his ancestor built from scratch. The whole West Palm City and its region was the patriarch's playground and no force dare shake his position as the head of this region. That's how scary and powerful his clan is, and Vincent knew well how to use that force to deter and extinguished those who tried in the past thirty years he sat in the throne.

While watching the bustling city's night time inside his office. His secretary went inside his office and put down another document, before silently waiting for new orders. His boss, albeit has the handsomeness of an Immortal, is actually an incarnation of the devil.

A deep voice coming from the one sitting within the room sounded out." What is the situation between the four children of mine?"

The secretary immediately answered." Your first son, James just waged another turf war to the Northern Gangs. A large scale shootout happened and fifty men died, six civilians are injured from stray bullets. The second son's, and first daughter's forces clashed for the fifth time this year, currently it is still in a stalemate. Your second daughter was expanding her influence inside the campus."

Vincent just nodded his head before going back to signing papers, after appreciating the beauty of the bustling night city.

The assistant hesitated for a moment before clearing his voice." As for him... mistress Snow was beaten by him, while thirteen Black maids are in the infirmary beaten black and blue. But no need to worry, after all he lived the life of a normal citizen and away from harm of those four."

The Tan patriarch knew his four children well, except his fifth child. Even for him his fifth child was too abnormal, that even he pondered if his fifth child was a human or not. After all, he wasn't there for the past sixteen years of his fifth son's childhood or birthday. It's not that he is busy, it's just that he doesn't want to.

After his fifth concubine gave birth to his fifth son, she died. Leaving his son with a heartless father, and dead mother. After his son turned three years old, he made a decision to send him out of his influence sphere and to another region of another force. His secretary wanted to opposed his decision but with just a table slam, his opposition was silenced.

The secretary of Vincent has been with him for the past years that he's sitting on the throne with an iron hand. Vincent and his secretary were also childhood friends, and Vincent's last childhood friend, It's because for the past few years many of his friends betrayed his trust and allied with his enemies. Now all of them are dead, living in the underworld with their families.

Vincent just took a sip of a coffee before dismissing his assistant. The assistant looked at the man who was again busy in the papers stacking up in his office.

The secretary knew many things that even Vincent's wife doesn't know. For example, when he's hurt emotionally, he'll smoke and drink for a while before being irritated by any sort movements.

And he clearly knew why Vincent sent his fifth child away, Vincent Tan sent his son away because Vincent knew that he'll kill his son because of what happened to his mother. The fifth son became an outcast since birth, and never ever in his life got the fatherly love he need.

The secretary wasn't aware of what really happened but he witnessed the rage of a monster, when Vincent knew about the death of the fifth lady. Elric John was there and witnessed how Vincent loved and cared for the Fifth lady.

The fifth lady was beautiful, caring and lovely woman, no one hated her throughout the whole Tan clan, even though she hailed from an ordinary family. Even the moody and very hard to cope first lady was in good terms with her. So it was not surprising that the other three ladies are also in good terms with her even though they are hostile towards in each other.

Upon hearing her death the whole clan mourned and grieved for a long time. The fifth child was transferred to the care of the fourth lady, for three straight years before being sent out of the region, under the strong opposition of four people.

One was Elric the secretary, the second one was the first lady, the third and fourth were the fourth daughter and fourth lady. Yet even with the strong opposition the patriarch was very determined to send him out together with four bodyguards.

Elric walk out of the office and greeted the workers within the office before going near to a pair of bodyguards taking their break. He coughed twice, getting the attention of the two men who looked at him with respect. Upon getting their attention he calmly stated. " After your break, go back to your position and do not let any personnel destroy his peace."

Then he entered the elevator, checking his phone for new mails or messages Upon seeing that there is no new mails or messages, he turned his phone off and watch what time it is, upon seeing that it was already nine pm, he pressed the ground floor button.

Elric then walked out of the elevator, calmly walking towards his car. After driving our of the parking lot, he immediately drove towards one of the pubs within the red district of the city.

Instead of entering the main entranced he went to a much secluded entrance that has the sign of "employees only". Upon entering two buffy men immediately came to his view, when they saw him they immediately greeted him and made way for him.

Elric smiled and nodded his head as a sign of respect.

These two men already who this man is, in fact almost all people of the region knew the legendary assistant of the devil. Elric John.

After walking towards the third floor of the pub and opening one of the doors. His gaze was greeted, by two fierce and beautiful pair of eyes. The room was beautiful with plant pots, and paintings on the wall, it was not cramp. It was just fit, while a table and two couches are at the middle of this room.

Sitting within the middle of the room was a fiery beautiful woman. She wore a businessman like clothing, but it couldn't hide the two mountains within her chest as they are bulging. She has a blonde long hair that's up to her back, her two white porcelain like hands currently on her head.

While the other one has a sexy gown that shows some parts of her body, her eyes were like that of a gem, glittering but fierce just like of a lioness. She was sitting at the couch, with her long legs in a proper woman like position. Her hair was red like a rose, that is up to her back.

Elric nodded his head as a sign of respect before sitting on the opposite side of the red haired woman. Not bothered by their unfriendly gazes.

It was an awkward silence for a minute before being destroyed by the blonde beauty.

" So mister judge of death, why bother our reunion here." Even though the blonde woman was smiling, and her white teeth was like pearls glittering under the light.

Elric, just chuckled before looking straight to the eyes of the red haired woman." The left grand elder of our family has ask me to relay a message to the red countess.

The red haired woman just looked at him with an interest. " What does the left grand elder of the infamous clan has to say to this young child from the south? "

" The grand elder stated that if you or your goons dare cause troubles within the region of the clan, then he'll sent the Shadow Regiment to clean up some troublemakers." Elric then smiled at the blonde before continuing." As for miss Eve, the same thing will happen if your interested in disrupting the peace of the underworld of this region. After all some people forgot about the sleeping devils of the north."

After saying his piece, he nodded his head before leaving in a calm collected manner. Leaving two silent hot women, looking at each other with complicated gazes.

After seeing him out, they sighed in helplessness. They knew just how fearsome the underworld of the northern regions of the four countries of north are.

The biggest underworld clan was the Tan clan of the Venus country. Although this clan was the biggest underworld power of the four powerful countries, this part wasn't their strongest one though.

The Tan clan was infamous for their weapon business and great generals. Every generations of this powerful clan has hundreds of geniuses sprouting. And the who sat at the throne and control all this geniuses is the most powerful.

Jaya Smith, the Countess who came from a powerful country from the south was also a powerful figure in the underworld, yet compared to any of the thriving underworld figures within the northern part of the world. Her is just like that of a small child.

It was heaven and earth apart in comparison and she clearly knew that, Elric or known as Judge of Death wasn't lying when he said to clean up some troublemakers. She just knew the horrors of the Shadow Regiment.

Shadow Regiment, was the equal of a whole third world country of this world. They have the latest technology and weapons, with skills at their disposal.

The Shadow Regiment although small in number, still a deadly weapon. They are also called Shadow Regiment, because of their way of operations and how they clean up some things.

Shadow Regiment always strikes when the least expected, killing in broad daylight yet can't find where the killer was or the total massacre which these people loved to do. They leave nothing behind, no evidence, footprint or even bullet rounds.

They leave nothing for the authority to chase them or link them to the Tan Clan. But many knew that they were from that clan, it's just that no one dare try confirming it. The people of the underworld only knew for the fact that there are only three people that can command this group.

The patriarch, and the two Grand elders. In fact Shadow Regiment isn't the only hidden force of the Clan, from what Jaya knew. They also had four more powerful groups under their banner, but three of them are inactive and the last one can only be used by the patriarch himself.

For the past generations only the Shadow Regiment was known by the public, but not the other four, and this what made the leading force of the underworld terrifying. So terrifying that every move with Shadow Regiment mobilisation would make the whole northern underworld tense for some reason.

The Underworld till now doesn't understand the reason the Tan clan entered the Underworld without invitation, three hundred years ago. But they knew that the first thing this clan did was purged many regions off their underworld hegemonies for months before crowning themselves as the king.

Eve the blonde and beautiful lady could only look at her with complicated yet sympathizing gaze. She knew too well of the reputation of her junior sister in the southern underworld. Her sister was infamous for the killing of sixteen policemen who fought against her gang.

" You should adhere to what Elric said, Jaya. After all, Tan hegemony is a huge pressure by itself and now add the Shadow Regiment at the two old foxes disposal. Your move would be monitored for everyday and hour you are here."

Jaya who was silent for the past events finally spoke." I'm just trying to make a cargo trade with you. What does this got to do with the big players? We're just small guys trying to get pieces of meat from the leftover of theirs."

Eve stand up and took out a wine in the wine cabinet, she then took our two wine glasses before filling them with the wine on her hand and giving it to her. " Jaya... I just hope that you're saying the truth, because even I am struggling to spread my forces within this land and just a wrong move we'll disappear on this world forever."