
In the middle of the night, the sky was up and down with heavy rain, and the dense black clouds piled up like hundreds of millions of evil spirits, watching the dark world fiercely.

Countless glaring Thunder electric snakes swim between the clouds, bursting with deafening thunderous sounds, and the world is shivering. As the clouds threatened to overwhelm the land with immeasurable amount of water droplets.

Inside one of the apartment buildings within the city of Cold lake. A teenager with handsome looks, is currently looking at the news. The whole house was pitch black darkness, and only the light from the television illuminates the living room.

But you can still sea the decorations within the apartment, paintings and picture frames are hung on the walls, while the wall itself is painted by a jungle like biome. It was beautiful and vibrant, it makes people find their inner peace even if it was artificial.

Yet compared to the boy sitting at the sofa, it was different as the boy looks cold while the whole living room and house are colorful.

The boy's gaze was only at the television, while on his hands is a potato chips that only half of it left, a cup of water was near the glass table on his front; silently watching as the reporter reports the latest news with a lackluster expression.

" Currently within the sea of Riya, Hantu and other major fishing spots within the country was experiencing a large amount of migration. Scientist from different institute within the country are puzzled by this phenomenon as it isn't just one sea but many seas of our country and different others are also experiencing this phenomenon currently. The fishes swam towards the deeper parts of the ocean, living corals deprived of any marine creature."

A video taken by a fisherman was played while the reporter kept rambling." As you guys can seeing the video even crabs and eels are going towards the bottom of the ocean. This time the migration was so bizarre and big that it left scientist puzzled and shocked, because this phenomenon was never written by the ancient scientists."

The female then speak after the male was done. " Now we have doctor Irabami, a marine scientist on the line directly from Izugawa Marine Institute Study. Sir can you explain what is currently happening or can you tell us what are fishes doing right now?"

An old brown man with mustache appeared on the left side of the TV. This man still has his diving suit on, while three other men with diving suits are at his back. This man was Irabami, an middle-aged man that has dedicated his life in researching and understanding the sea and its interactions with its organisms, sea floors, coastal areas and the atmosphere.

Mister Irabami cleared his throat before answering." Currently, Michelle we can't find anything or explaination ok why this is happening, and why is this happening all over the world. Currently we are trying to find anything that we can link and use as a lead on what's really happening or why are the fishes migrating towards the deeper waters."

Michele the female reporter nodded her head before asking again." So sir, from the report that we got, is it true that this phenomenon had been happening for ten hours now?"

" It's not exactly ten hours, but Nine and a half from the time we noticed this phenomenon. We were alarmed, because we saw on our screen a huge amount of marine life going to deeper waters at the same time. We immediately responded by sending all our available marine biologist and volunteer divers to see what is happening down there. And also we are not marine scientist but Marine Biologist." Mister Irabami ended his statement with a smile etched in his face.

The female reporter was speechless before nodding her head off." I apologise for it sir, but based on the data that you have collected, can you hypothesise what is happening down there."

The marine Biologist went silent for a while before sighing." Michele even I, who studied the sea for thirty years can't find any idea on why this is happening or what is causing this phenomenon. But from our findings, which is really weird, we found all of the marine life that migrated goes into the same direction. The Blue Hole."

" So if we sent divers there then can we find what's causing this? Is that what you're saying sir?"

" Yes, but you do know the horrors of that place. Currently, LARS Institute sent three vessels to try finding out what's happening there."

"Um for those viewers that doesn't know anything about the Blue Hole, can you please explain it to them sir?"

Irabami nodded and said:" For those people who doesn't know what is the Blue Hole. The Blue Hole is basically a large deep and at the middle of the largest ocean on the planet hole. So large that two ten thousand feet high mountains can be fit in without a hitch. Currently no divers or equipment or even submarine can measure the depths of this large tunnel like hole. And it would be a suicide trying to find out as the current and electromagnetic waves there are stronger than any other places of this world."

" Thank you sir, We hope that you find the answer for this phenomenon." Michele thanked before the whole face of Irabami disappeared.

After Irabami disappeared, the news went back to the old ones where accidents happened, someone was shot and politics. Same shit, everyday, after the news finished airing John just turned the thing off before beelining towards his room and slept.

Leaving pitch black darkness that only the moonlight shine illuminate the places.

When he woke up, Vince immediately took a bath and ate his breakfast before packing up and going to school. That has been his routine for these past ten years and had never change, no matter what circumstances it is.


Cloud Sea Colleges, was a prestigious college of the country of Cloud, Although the country of Cloud was a fifth world country it has the number one scholar and number two scholar.

And the prestigious Cloud Sea Colleges, was own of the five colleges that was built by these two all over the archipelago country of Cloud. The current principal was the second scholar of the Cloud Sea College.

Cloud Country itself has atleast four thousand small and large islands, while six huge islands are inhabited by major cities and human settlements. Many infrastructure were in these large islands, but there are also mamy people in the medium islands till smaller ones, though bit behind from the six major islands.

But Cloud Sea College wasn't on any of these six major islands nor the medium size islands. It was built in an individual island, with mountains and beautiful beach.

The island was once uninhabited by people before the college was constructed, no house or any kind of infrastructure was built in here but, it changed when the prestigious college was built. Within a year thirteen towns and three cities are made, to hold students and teachers or just some civilians.

Military vessels also patrolled the area twenty four seven, while security within the island itself was better than those of the six major island itself.

The college was built at one of the mountains, this was mountain was neither tall nor short, just an appropriate one. From top to bottom, sorroundings the mountain, the terrain was transformed to be a suitable place for construction. The construction of the college, took a full six years and cost billions of dollars.

The whole college was magnificent and grand, while a six meter tall wall that's two meters thick sorround the whole mountain and there are four security post on four sides guarding the whole campus.

Vince just waited as the line of students get thoroughly checked by sixteen student council officers. In the Cloud Sea College, it is acceptable if you don't wear uniform or just wear sleeping clothes, as long as they present in every class.

Vincent waited for an approximate thirteen minutes before it was his turn to be checked.

Just as he raised his I.D. to be checked by the student council officer, the student council officer stopped and looked at him weirdly before looking at a black haired girl that has a blue bandanna on her arm. Waiting for her confirmation, many students also looked at Come with weird gazes, some are sympathy and pity, while most are scornful or mocking.

If Vince is just an ordinary student, then sure he can't take all the gazes, but he isn't, infact in the eyes of ordinary students he's a monster.

Vince Anderson, a tenth grade student of the college was infamous, not for just his otherworldly looks, but also because he is one of the four devil kings of the school. Albeit, unlike the other three devil kings, Vince was a lone tiger who doesn't leave his territory if not necessary.

Vince was also the only junior of the our devils and was titled as the Cold Tiger of North, although he doesn't have goons like the other three, he has the individual power to take down the wolves who vied for his title for these past three years of reign.

The beautiful girl looked at Vince for a while before approaching him with four other council officers, on their hands were polished forty inches tall and an inch wide stripped colored stick.

The four female students looked at him warily and it could be seen by the other students when the four officers approached him, but not the beautiful girl. She was still as calm as ever as if Vince was just an ordinary student, yet the students in the vicinity knew that this cold boy and silent boy, was the strongest devil king of the past three centuries of the school.

Students and upper class men still remembered that day as if it was yesterday.

A tall handsome boy, showed up to the headquarters of the Strongest devil king. Arlo, the infamous ten combo king, the second devil king Zack the swordsman, the third devil king Han the palm master, the fourth handsome devil.

These four teenagers where present and having their annual meeting that time when Vince barge into the room, he didn't say anything and just stared at them for a good amount of time.

No one knew what happened next after he went inside, but one thing is for sure about it, the next day the most infamous devil kings were beaten up real bad and Arlo was uncrowned. The four devil kings who were infamous and are at the same strength of the five saints of the school were beaten black and blue.

They can't even get out of the infirmary for a week, because of the injuries they got when fighting against the cold devil.

The students at the backline of Vince Anderson immediately back off for six meters, not wanting to be the casualty of a potential fight. Especially when the one supervising the inspection was the Valkyrie of the Senior Saint John.

Marice sized up the cold and handsome boy without even caring about how powerful he is. She then slowly walked towards his front before stopping and sizing him closer with an interesting expression.

The four girls also circled him, all of their faces are calm yet their hands are shaking but not quite seen by those that have keen eyed.

" So the cold and noble boy, Vince the cold devil king, what's is your plan are you gonna let us confirm that there is nothing suspicious inside your bag and body or we'll settle this in the old way." Marice playfully smiled, while silently clenching her weapon.

She just knew that even the saints who are known as the best fighters and can beat the devil kings without much injury are afraid of him. She have fought with this monster for a while with the other lieutenants of the Saints and the Saints themselves when he took the throne.

They fought for thirty minutes before the monster of a human named Vince suddenly changed his way of approach and became more ferocious and merciless. Within just a minute he beat all of them and sent them to the infirmary just like the four devil kings.

" Be fast." Vince who was expressionless and silent for the whole time, finally spoke, yet what he spoke made everybody shocked.

Although just two small and insignificant words they are for the normal people, it was entirely different when the guy who they thought was mute said it. This is the first few words he said this two months!

Marice was also stunned, yet she was also the first one to regain her composure and act like it was the norm before touching Vince body. Albeit careful, as no one knows if this unpredictable cold devil would sprang out if she touch more.

The crowd silently watched as she approach the unapproachable boy, they stayed six meters away as it was a bit safe if a one side beating broke out. Many of these people already predicted that they will not see the Valkyrie for a while, recuperating from the injuries she will get here.

But suddenly they were dumbfounded again and this time, they saw an absurd seen that they will never forget. It was etched in their minds and even if years past they'll still remember this day. The untouchable was touched!

They clearly saw the Valkyrie slowly touched him and closed her eyes before peeking, but what the Valkyrie, the student council officers and the crowd didn't happen. Instead the devil king just raised his two hands and waited for her to "violate" him.

Upon seeing that he doesn't have any dangerous reaction Marice was secretly relieved, yet still tensed, as she slowly inspected his body, from up to down. The only thing she didn't inspect was the face and hair, because she doesn't know what catastrophic event would happen if she tries to break some boundaries.

Marice got to admit Vince Anderson was a different devil king than the past ones, he is handsome and very appealing, cold and ruthless, yet as pure as an untouched jade.

Especially the things in his abdomen area, they are firm and distinct, she can definitely feel the outline and their firmness even though she didn't "dig" deep enough. Marice face was already a bit red, yet she continued, slowly.

The four girls also sighed in relief, they just got a shocked of their day, but another bomb she'll hit their head upon seeing the famous Valkyrie blushed. They have never seen their supervisor's feminine side since the day they worked under hee, in fact they are even secretly debating if she is into girls.

But now they can confirm it and have the perfect evidence right in front of their their eyes. Although they can't deny the fact that they also wanted to touch the cold devil, as him giving permission to anyone to touch or go near him was rare just like the horn of a unicorn or a feather of a phoenix.

After a full ten minutes of slow inspection, Marice was finally done and her face was like that of a tomato, she didn't think that this cold boy has some assets down there she was still in literal disbelief.

She cough loudly and cleared her throat thrice before waking the four girls from their stupor, the four girls who were still dumbfounded immediately reacted and all of them dispelled the crowd.

Valkyrie then nodded her head and dashed towards the campus grounds, not caring anymore as she furiously blushed from that event. Leaving a silent and cold boy at the large gate of the campus, and three security guards who made "tsk tsk tsk" noises.