
After the 7:00 Am bell rang, the ten meter wide gate was closed and the school officially started it's classes for the day, yet many still talked and gossiped about what happened minutes ago.

The school buildings of the school were in pair or in three. There are twin buildings facing each other and three buildings facing in other, these buildings are the classrooms only facilities. The faculty room was at the bottom of this buildings, with nurse offices, and janitor rooms in each buildings.

While a massive library was erected right in the middle of the school, next to it where the large and spacious gymnasium and a wide field that can be used for soccer and any other games.

Someone finally touched the unapproachable and that made the one who touched blushed to the point that her whole face was just like that of tomato. From left and right gossips about this news was spreading in a very fast pace within the rooms, just like a fire burning down dry leaves on ground.

One student looked at her desk mate before whispering. " I was there, and it was very eye opening! I think the cold devil, I'd finally melting the ice that he wrapped himself up. How lucky was the Valkyrie of our school to be the first one to have a casual contact with that King without getting her body injured or broken."

The girl who was copying some notes cranked her more sideways waiting for the next gossips, yet after a minute or waiting she found out that her friend was already writing notes on her notebook. She was pissed, and nudged her friend to tell her more about that incident, but she just received a finger pointing towards the direction of the back door of the class.

At the opposite side of the door, a woman in office uniform was staring at her with cold yet menacing eyes.

This woman was blonde and had a green gem like eyes, with a rosy red lips. She was at least a six feet tall woman, as the student could see the two mounds on the glass of the door.

The student immediately went back to taking notes, clearly terrified of the woman just stating at her coldly. The teacher also noticed this incident but just shrugged it off and secretly gave a nod towards the woman.

After all this woman, was the girls headmistress, and one of most intelligent female of the country. She has broken many world records at the age of sixteen and now vying for the position of becoming the number one scholar of the college.

She is Amanda Wong, a Star Sky immigrant and now a Cloud professor. Star Sky country was located at the south east side of the Cloud country, yet unlike Cloud who was a fifth world country, Star Sky was a third world country with large armies and stable economy.

That's before a civil strife occured from the Sky Royal family and its people. Now the country was plagued with rebels and activist who vowed to bring down the Royal family's reign. Because of the terrain and mountainous regions, it is hard for the military of the Star Sky to extinguished the fire of rebellion and bring back order.

The once powerful country was still powerful, yet it's once booming economy became stagnant and even if it moves, it isn't that fast to catch up with the needs of the ever growing population of its citizen.

So her parents decided to move to Cloud, a country of archipelago that has most of its islands in peace, only those small islands weren't that much in peace as the islands became the lairs of terrorist groups.

Amanda have been working hard for getting the title of the dean as the dean himself was about to retire from old age, yet the boy's head master, Anthony Johnson always defeat her in academics and Martial arts prowess. She just never win, and this made her really frustrated.

Amanda always patrols the halls of the highschool department to the college department. That's everyday, even in sundays where there are no students.

Amanda have already heard about that incident and she herself was kinda surprised from what the students accounted on what really happened. Vincent that boy, wouldn't even let nurses, either male or female try touching him, but let one of the right hand of his enemy?

Although Amanda also couldn't say that the eldest saint could become Vince's enemy as even she has to admit that Vince Anderson was a monster in martial arts and maybe even the headmaster of the boy's department would be beaten by him on a one on one situation. Vince Anderson doesn't have any power that can suppress or injure him within the school, many dare try injuring him yet no one was able to even land a hit to his body except the saints and herself or those four devil kings.

Aside from them, no ordinary student can or even dare. Only those people who train hard and can endure their bones being broken and bleed can have a chance against him.

Inside the room of grade 10 sulfur, thirty students are quietly reading the words within the blackboard, one of them was the strongest devil king.

Vince although called devil king wasn't a bad person, infact he was just silent and cold person, but he'll answer any question thrown by the teachers. Albeit teachers only, if a fellow student asked him something, he'll just remain silent or just stare at them for while.

While they are at the middle of class a sudden thunderous noise shocked the whole school followed by the whole school being rocked from top to bottom. It was just seconds and they are still shocked by the sudden thunderous explosion.

Vince only looked at the direction of the noise, before his calm expression turned into frown. That was the south of the town, and he knew that about of all the towns within the island, the Cold lake town was the safest, as it have a small military base and hundred police officers.

Almost half of the armed forces within the island was posted there, while the rest are scattered to the other towns. Before he thought about what caused the explosion, two security guards wearing white uniform and black pants opened the door.

Their faces are a bit red and they are painting, their eyes looked at the teacher of the class before looking at the student. One of the guards then said." Evacuate to the nearest bunker, terrorist groups have lain siege to the south of the town."

After saying their piece they immediately went to the next classroom. Then the speakers at top of the classroom sounded out for the first time startling and waking up the dazed students.

" All students and school staffs, please evacuate to the nearest bunker in your vicinity, the whole island is in grave danger. This is not a drill, I repeat, this is not a drill! Please be on standby for the next report."

The teacher gazed at his students for a while before nodding his head calmly packing his things up, the students also did the same thing in order, before going down to the basement area of the twin buildings.

Within this twin buildings, there are four bunkers built from the past years and only the staff or faculty of the school knew where their exact locations are. This is to avoid some students using this bunker areas as a place to loiter or do other things, and one security guard was always guarding the entrance towards the bunkers.

After they got out of the room, Vince immediately noticed that almost all of the students and teachers are already lining up, and some are already started walking downstairs.

It looked like a line of ants going for food, they are orderly and calm, yet fast. This is also the first time that he witness this grand scene, Vince himself never experienced this when he was at the large islands.

Most of the students there when evacuating are chaotic and always shouting no matter how the advisers and administrators try making it calm and orderly. These students just doesn't do it, on any drill either fire drill or earthquake drill.

After going down for three straight floors without stopping, they finally arrived at the forbidden floor, the basement area.

This floor has reinforced double door, that has a code lock password, only the admin or headmaster and mistress knew. This reinforced double door was always closed and there are only two scenarios when it was opened.

The first one is maintenance and checking, the second one was when a catastrophic event was about to happen. These were the only two scenarios that this door would be opened, yet this don't the entrance to the bunker.

Upon entering, he was greeted by a large spacious room, it was big just like a court and fifteen staff members are all busy doing something within this room while two lines of students are being inspected.

The entrance to the bunker was three meter tall and two meter wide iron gate. This gate was manually opened by three levers, but closed within ten minutes after being opened if no one was holding the three levers.

Three armed men with blue bulletproof uniforms and caps checked every student, before allowing them to enter. This was the first time Vince saw them, yet he heard a certain rumor that one of the most powerful family of the northern countries sent a group of theirs towards this college.

These men were elites handpicked by the dean himself, everyone of them can take down anyone without breaking a sweat and if anyone of these students think of anything funny, then the rifles hanging on their side would go boom.

The three men thoroughly checked the students before letting them enter the large iron gate, no one could voice out any complain as even before they could open their mouths they are all silenced by the scary stare that the armed men gives off.

After being checked he finally entered the bunker, there he saw a magnificent scene. The bunker looked like an apartment building itself with rooms just like in a hotel and an elevator at the side. While at the center was an open space, that's two times the size of a basketball gym.

At the center, a small stage was erected at the top of it was a man in a businessman suit with glasses and four armed men. The businessman looking person was at the center of the stage, reading out names in a loud voice.

Their teacher mister Gray, coughed to get the attention of the fascinated students. " Don't wander around, as after the elementary department are checked it would be the junior high school department's term. Do you see that businessman looking guy there? That one has the total number of counts of the students and their names in our department and sections, if any of you are lost then the one who'll find you are those scary guys. So do you understand?"

" Yes sir!" The whole section nodded their heads in understanding.

Mister Gray then distributed a coupon like paper in each students in his advisory. The coupon like paper has some numbers written on them, the letters starts with B.

After giving all of them some coupon, he then said." Find where your temporary shelters are within the B section the numbers on your paper is where your rooms are, two for each room. Aside from that don't lost your little coupons as they are your ways of getting food, water and necessities and just hope that this crisis would be solve within a day or else you'll stay longer in this confined piece of hard and metallic concrete."

After finishing his piece Gray immediately beelined to the stairway and went down leaving behind a bewildered and dazed students. He still needs to be brief by the situation after all, cause he's sure that there is something wrong within the outside right now.