
Vince just shrugged his head before taking the stairs leaving behind his classmates who are still looking at the huge area with amazement filling their eyes.

The students didn't expect that the bunker looks like an apartment building. They though that it was just a large square where they can hide, never thought that it was completely different from their expectations.

He went downstairs for at least six hundred steps of a never ending tanned colored stairwell before hitting the rock bottom floor. There he noticed two signs directly at his front, A and B, the A sign was at the right side while B was at the left side.

Without even needing to think he went straight to B, while going to B he immediately noticed hundreds of students looking at every door's serial numbers, the serial numbers are located right at the top of the doors.

After walking through three floors, he finally arrived at his destination, B-104. The door was black wood, and instead of just a doorknob, a password was needed to enter the room.

Black wood itself was a very sturdy and long lasting material that isn't that costly. A black wood can block a bullet without a hitch and what's really amazing about this wood is that it is easy to plant and grow unlike other sturdy trees that needs special care or techniques to grow. A black wood tree can grow six meters tall within a year, making it one of the fastest growing trees in the world.

The leaves of a black wood tree was like of a pine tree but more denser, and unlike pine trees leaves black wood tree's leaf can be made as a herb to ward off insects when grinded. The leaves has a chemical substance that when crushed would produce a certain liquid, this liquid was like the band of all insects as within the radius of three feet away from the person who used the leaves, no insect dared trying getting closer.

The trunk of the younger black wood tree was at least five meters in length, and a meter wide. An older one's average built was at least ten meters tall and four meters wide.

Vince contemplated for a while before entering the code, B-104. Immediately after he punched the enter, the door was opened in a sliding action and he was surprised on what greeted him. The whole room was just like that of a hotel room, the only difference is that there are no windows to see outside.

There is a shoe rock at the side, upon entering the room and the right side was the bathroom that has its lights closed. The bathroom has transparent sliding door separating the bowl and the shower, while a sink with a mirror was just outside of them. Vince just walked s few steps and he was immediately greeted by two large beds.

On top of the beds are clothes, bathing necessities and individual names of their occupiers these items are neatly placed at the center of each bed. Vince inspected the clothes before undressing and went towards the bathroom.

There are three shirts and all of them have different colors, one is red, the other is blue and the last one was grey and all of there are made up of cotton, the pants and shorts are the same, black.

Anybody who would walk into the room would be given a shocked of their life. Vince back has many scars, the biggest of them was at the back, it was a five claw mark of a certain animal in the northern rainforests. While the other parts of his body are also riddled with scars, most of them are slashes and bullets.

He then took the towel and went to the bathroom to shower, even though he just took a bath like an hour ago. It's just his daily routine, upon leaving the room he'll immediately take a bath and eat before studying or just went to sleep.

The shower turns on at the press of the lever, immediately thousands of droplets cascades from his inky black hair down to his toes. It was refreshing and cold at the same time, giving Vince a nice time. While the cold droplets of water hit his hair and whole body, the door was unlocked but Vince didn't noticed it as he was busy feeling the droplets of water running down through his whole body.

The cold water hitting his body makes Vince peaceful and he likes this feeling very much.

Just as Vince was about to put on shampoo to his hair, his ears twitched, he was sure that someone just put his or her thing down to the floor. His cold eyes just became colder than usual just like a thousand year old glacier, without even saying anything he slowly opened the sliding door while leaving the shower head on. The first sound he heard, he just thought it was an air passing, but then he remembered that there is no natural gale in this room as it was literal inside ground.

He wrapped the white colored towel on his hips before walking out of the bathroom. There he immediately noticed a small brown bag laying beside one of the beds. His gaze turned sharper than the usual as he became on guard on who was his opponent.

Never underestimate your opponent, even if it was a small child or the oldest man, because underestimating any opponent already puts you in a disadvantageous position. And Vince learned this the hard way.

Just as he turned around the corner to face against his opponent, yet upon seeing his opponent he was speechless upon seeing his intruder. Albeit his intruder was just given a shock of a lifetime upon seeing his attire.

His intruder has a short inky black short hair that's just about her to neck, while a black glasses was on top of her two beautiful phoenix like eyes. She has a stature of 161 cm and she was a beautiful girl, albeit Vince have already seen many beautiful ladies, but he's kinda intrigued by the aura she was giving off.

The intruder was just standing there looking at him with a stupefied expression while he was just looking at her just like any other day, cold and emotionless.

Unlike other woman or girls he observed, this girl has the bad boyish type aura and looks extremely friendly. Two complete opposite persona in one person, making him quite confused and intrigued. But he still won't lower his guard down as the more friendly they were, the more his awareness needs to be taut.

Though the friendly aura that she emits makes it very hard to defend for ordinary people, but that aura wasn't that effective against a guy who was known throughout the campus as the cold Devil King.

While he was observing his intruder, his intruder was still on the state of shocked speechless from what she is currently seeing.

Vince then noticed the identity information of this girl that's still hanging on her body. Upon seeing the identification card he immediately noticed the large Cloud Sea student tag on her name, then when he look another inch down he just went back to the showers.

Continuing what he left just a moment ago, leaving behind a shocked girl just staring at the place where he stood just a moment ago. Soon the beautiful girl heard the water running through the bathroom, breaking her stupor in the process.

After thirteen minutes of showering Vince Anderson walked out of the bathroom, with a snack at hand. The snack was a hotdog inside a bun, without any mustard or ketchup, only plain hotdog. He took something out of his bag before he picked up the grey shirt and black shorts. He was still naked with only the hip area down towards the legs covered, leaving behind his whole upper body being exposed to the girl's eyesight.

The girl then heard the clothes shuffling around, and not before long the very man who just showed her a shocking view just went straight towards the left bed. Burying his head towards the soft pillows and the silky smooth bed sheet, forgetting that there's a new person inside the room that just saw almost all his body.

After three hours or so of sleep, Vince woke up with perspiration and sweat all over his body. He forgot to turn on the air conditioner, with a messy hair he looked around just like a lost child, while his eyes were half closed.

Vince then went back to sleep, simply forgetting something very important that he shouldn't have. That important thing was currently happening and almost every armed soldier within the bunker was currently looking for the teenager named Vince.

For forty minutes straight sixteen armed men are "ransacking" the whole A dormitory before another thirty minutes for the first three floors of the B dormitory.

After another ten minutes, Ryan an elite trained marksman of the Blue Saints. The Blue Saints was one of the sub regiment of one of the most powerful noble blooded family of the northern regions.

The Blue Saints has at least thirteen thousand men and women under their banner, but the ones called elites are very few. They are the best of the best within the regiment, they have passed the trials of blood and fire. Many of them died in trying, and he's proud that he passed with his other comrades.

He looked at Mark, another Blue Saint elite trooper and his spotter. Mark Shawn was an expert knife user and Mark was a very good bolt action sniper user.

Ryan used some hand signs before they used the number within a card that the management have them.


Just as they opened the door, Vince who was sleeping with his head buried in the smooth and silky pillow opened his eyes. A dangerous glint suddenly appeared at the surface of his eyes before disappearing in an instant after they surfaced, as if they were never there.

Vince then walked towards the side, before calmly waiting for his opponents to approach his ambush. Vince was very confident of his close combat skills, in fact just in close quarters combat he can confidently state that he was invincible.

And that's proven true, as the two intruders checked the bathroom. He came out of the corner and Mark immediately noticed him, but with just a quick left jab towards the throat he silenced him.

Mark went on his knees while his two hands was clutching his throat, while groaning in pain. Mark felt the pain right after the jab connected to his Adam's apple and it was very unbearable to the point that he felt his Adam's apple was destroyed with just one jab. He was also amazed on how fast this kid's punch is, he couldn't even raise his hands before being hit.

Ryan who just opened the door towards the bathroom also noticed Vince through the large mirror, and saw the sequence of Vince dealing with Mark with just one brutal left jab. Ryan was shocked by the brutally of a Highschool student but what really shocked him was the speed. When thinking about it, maybe even he couldn't raise an arm to block or even react as this kid's jab was as fast as lightning yet very solid.

Ryan immediately broke from his stupor and threw a left hook and right jab right after, to buy some time for his comrade to regain some strength. Then just as he was about to throw his next punches, he just felt a very stinging pain on his two legs and in the middle of his stomach.

Ryan felt like he was hit with a hammer straight to his body while he felt the strength within him left his body.

Mark also saw this and gritting his teeth he tried helping his comrade, yet because of how tight the to manuever, he couldn't use his two pairs of deadly feet to fight against this kid.