A Girl Roommate (1)

Vince saw an opportunity, and he wouldn't miss it. He threw a fast round house kick, the kick connected to the cross guarded hand of his second assailant. He then saw the smug look of his opponent, yet then it froze for a second before coming back into a disdainful smirk.

Vince immediately retreated and repositioned and waited for the counterattack of his opponents, albeit he is doubtful if they can even release their full fire power upon being hit by his inner bizarre force.

Mark smirk upon blocking his round house kick, yet it changed before reverting back to the disdainful smirk. Mark threw some combo punches, and move out of the little right space. Putting the battle in the bed side areas, and giving him enough space to give full space of his advantage. There were enough space for him to now throw his biggest card, his two pair of deadly legs.

He threw six left and right punches within three second yet Vince dodged all of them, not even one hit his body, only the air was hit by Mark's fists.

Mark swung his fists for a few times to dissipate the hidden force that just invaded his body after he was hit by this child. His pair of wolf like eyes never left the four deadly parts of this kid. Mark was again amazed for the third time within just fifteen seconds of the fight. This child's force would be kept within the body of his enemy, making it hard for his enemies to recover their strength as this bizarre force kept bugging their body.

The strength that this child punched every time was also astonishing, he felt that he was hit by at least five hundred pounds of frozen meat just from this punch. Add the fact that there is this bizarre force that doesn't leave the body, this child is very deadly.

This force that Mark describe was one of the elite techniques, that circulates within the inner and elite circles of the warriors or martial artists. This can only achieved when a certain breakthrough from the body was done or when in a life and death match. Many elites are called top tier elites because of this force.

This force was one of the many things that even science couldn't explain by much, and there's no way for those that doesn't have a force know who have them. Every force has its own category but unfortunately Mark doesn't know anything about them. Only those large clans and organisations or countries knew about their categories.

With enough space to work through, Mark raised his right leg in a swan position, while his eyes became cold and a pressure slowly enveloped the room. At the center of it was Mark, who was now wary of the kid he was facing.

Unlike other kids that he fought against, this kid was a total abnormal. His fast punches couldn't even land, and this child has a bizarre strength and force, add the fast speed and reflexes, this child is deadly. Good thing, though Mark couldn't feel any hint of killing intent towards this child.

Mark and Vince exchanged few more fast moves within the span of ten seconds before breaking. Ryan then pounced by the side of the bed and threw a kick towards the of Vince, it was just to distract the kid and bid some time for the much experienced and more skilled Mark to recover.

Ryan saw Mark panting already even though their fight hasn't even crossed the thirty second mark, yet Mark who has large amount of stamina looks to have just ran a three miles marathon within ten minutes.

Mark also threw a swift leg to the right arm Vince, trying to pincer him together with his partner. But with just a back step and a side kick to counter Mark's kick, the pincer that they failed.

Mark's facial expression changed before reverting back to normal, But that didn't the eagle eyes of his partner, Ryan. Ryan noticed it, and he became more wary of their enemy, he knew very well how strong one kick of Mark was and his pair of legs were also his strongest body parts.

Mark even used it to kick metal, without even changing his stoic expression. He was surprised to see this man changed his expression for an instant. Now he knew that this kid is the real deal and not just some students who mastered some arts.

The two partners looked at each other before nodding their heads. For years of working together these two men already have some tacit understanding, any nod or signal that the other face would be understood by them.

Ryan raised his hands and turned them into a boxing guard position, while Mark raised his left foot in a swan like position before they launched an attack towards Vince who was just looking at them with the same pair of cold eyes.

Even though his internal body couldn't immediately get rid of this force, he still can throw dangerous leg attacks and potentially hurting this child in the process. He doesn't even know why this child attacked, but since he was the first one to move against them, then this one can be called self defense.

For him right now, saving himself and his partner to an embarrassment was more important. After all they had a prestige within the Blue Saints as they are in the top 100 marksmen duo's.

Just as they are launching attacks towards Vince. Vince suddenly looked at them closely, every posture of theirs was captured by his eyes. Nothing can be hidden from his eyes, even a fly could be analyzed by them within seconds after it flew.

He suddenly raised his pair of soft and porcelain like hands, then he made a claw sign using only his thumb, his index finger and middle finger.

Just as their attacks were about to connect Vince hands made its moves. Bone cracking sounds reverberate throughout the room, then two loud grunts rang out before they were silenced.

Vince looked at the two unconscious men on the ground, before fixing and putting back some items that are thrown out of their places from the small dispute.

He opened the door and noticed that some students are still outside, indicating that he can't throw these two men out just yet. He went back inside and studied the two unconscious men beside the bed.

The fist thing he noticed even before he knocked them unconscious was the, blue bulletproof vest with a Blue Saint written on them. He felt familiarity within the letters written at the vest, yet he couldn't pin point on which power they came from. Though he is sure that they came from the northern parts of the world.

He waited for another thirty minutes before peeking back out. He coolly look at the left side and the stairs, seeing that there's no one outside of the hall, he picked up two beaten strong men of the Blue Saint elite units and dumped them next to a bin. He then went back to sleep as if it was nothing and there wasn't any sort of right that just happened within the very room that he will be sleeping.

After another hour or two, the door was once again opened, Vince again opened his eyes waiting for another fool to step into a mountain lion's den without it even knowing. But when his sensitive sense of smelling smelled the fragrance, he just went back to sleep, not caring of peeking on who it was.

He already knew just from the scent that this prey of his gave off. It was that pleasant women shampoo brand again, just like what he smelled many hours ago and some of its smell is still lingering within the room. Together with the sweat and a little bit of blood mixed in the air.

That girl with the same start of the name, V something. He just forgot about the full name, but he's a hundred percent sure that her name starts with V. He then went back to his peaceful sleep, not caring about what his new roommate will do, because even if this v named girl does anything funny, she still couldn't do any sort of harm to him.

After all, he was sure that this girl was just an ordinary student, because she doesn't have the muscles nor the posture to be a spy and martial artist. But even if she hides, she can never hide from the sixth sense of his. This v named girl also doesn't have the air of a warrior. So that's why he's so sure that this girl was up to no harm, albeit he couldn't say she's harmless cause even a peck of a chicken is painful.

After three hours or so of sleeping, his peaceful sleep was broken by the sound of someone going near his bed. His sense of smell wasn't just the only one of his enhanced sense. In fact all of his five senses are enhanced, making it very hard for any assassins to sneak to him.

His sense of hearing were like of bats, even if you disable his eyesight and smell, any sort of sound that would be pick out by his pair of ears would be immediately transmitted to his brain. Not just that, it was as if his brain can make a 3D model out of everything that he saw, smell or hear. Though only the rough outline can be modelled by his brain, I'd he can't see the other party.

Just this ability made him a terrifying analyser to his enemies and opportunistic bastards.

He also smelled three new scents, and he felt some slight pressure from these newcomers, the one who gives off the most pressure was at the left side of the bed, while the second and third one that gives off pressure are at the middle and at his right side, just two feet away from his head.

Though the pressure they gave off were still mediocre compared to those two even if they combined their pressure. Just one those two can topple this three just from the pressure that they released, add the fact that within the pressure of those two men, there's also some hidden killing intent mixed within.

He slowly opened his eyes, and turned his whole body facing his new opponents, with new interest on who they are. Yet upon seeing his new opponents, his little interest immediately died down.

Vince again rolled and turned his back towards these men, together with his roll was the white colored blanket. Wrapping the blanket all over his body, making him looked like a dumpling.

Not caring about the darkening expression of the three newcomers and the frightened girl by the other bed who acted sleeping out of fear from the three young men. She just heard rumors about the four devil King and five saints of this school.

They are the cream of the crop of the school and they represent the strength and intelligence of the school. Not many can be chosen as Saints, as they need to prove their qualifications to the masses. Before they can get the candidacy of being a Saint.

The four devil kings, are much simpler yet more brutal and crueler than the five saints. If you want to replace an old devil king, then you'll have to prove it using your fist and not just your wits. Because anyone called a devil king within the Cloud Sea College wasn't just all brawn's and no brain. They have both, and another characteristics that the saints of the school doesn't have.

The eccentric personalities or defect within their morals on looking at the society, and they are problems within the school. That's also the reason why they are named four devil kings and not five saints.

Now she is with three of the most notorious troublemakers within the school on one room, and they are looking at her new roommate with unfriendly gazes. She can also hear the muffled sounds outside of the door, she felt that this is a very bad dream, and she really wanted to wake up from it.

Yet she can't, because she's currently experiencing it, first hand. Three devilish handsome guys in a semi circle position, and are looking at the carefree sleeping teenager that's also her roommate. Yet the ominous aura revolving towards them, made them look like evil villains in a drama.

The tallest of them, and should be the leader of the three Evil swordsman Zack, looked at the bed of the girl before an understanding smile crept to his face. He then burst into an uncontrollable laughter, making the other two devil kings confused.

This also made a certain sleeping devil open his eyes and flip his whole body facing directly at the teenager at the middle of the room, who was infamous as the devil swordsman or the north swords master.

Zack stopped his laughter yet there is still a huge smile written on his face, and his face turned serious all of a sudden." Little strong cold devil, or also known as Vince Anderson. The two heads and the dean sent us instead of those five foolish dogs of theirs, to relay a question... no it's more like a demand if you think of it. So here's the quote and quote of our strong headed leaders."

Zack said that in a very sarcastic way while his two long jade like hands are making quote and quote signs. His face also has this mischievous grin like smile, while the other two devil kings can only roll their eyes, trying not to laugh.

They just knew very well of the habits and characteristics of Zack, and for the past few years he was the funniest one of the four devil kings, yet also the most troublesome troublemaker.

" Question that kid, if he just beaten two of our security officers black and blue, also ask him why he did that.' Hehe, I saw four nursed outfitted guys with two stretchers going up here many hours ago. I already knew that some guys accidentally entered a den of an eccentric person within the campus, yet this eccentric person is the most notorious and rare breed of a lone tiger. White Tiger." Zack's face has the all knowing grin of his.

Vince just raised an eyebrow as a sign of acknowledgment before he violently yanked the white colored blanket off his body before slowly standing up. He then two arms upwards before he walked towards the sink of the room. He then splashed his face with cold water before turning his head and confronting the three heads peaking by the door.