A Girl Roommate (2)

Vince Anderson, gazed at them for a second before he said something that made them surprised before they playfully smiled. But inside they are all speechless by his answer, even Zack was at loss for words. He couldn't even make word for his reply to report back at those three people sitting at the top of the pyramid of powers.

" Self defense for trespassing."

*sigh* " You little fucker, do you think those five dogs would just let you off, remember they just got an upgrade in strength for the past six months after those armed men came back here. You better watch out, after all being defeated and played by you before getting that humiliation is very pride killer, I tell you. Those dogs have been training like crazies for the past six months, just trying to surpass their defeated past selves from a certain monster in a human body." Zack helplessly advised before looking back to the "little girl" sleeping within one of the beds. Zack as a good friend of this monster, gives out some advise for him from time to time that they meet, yet he clearly knew that all of those advise and saliva he wasted for this guy wouldn't be appreciated by the slightest bit.

Arlo, with his blonde long hair and beautiful features also chipped in some advices." Don't be overconfident that those 'saints' will fight fairly now that you beat up two of their instructors. They'll use either strength boosting injections or they'll use some chemicals to weaken you, after all we all knew that even if they trained like crazies for the past six months... they can never beat you."

Zack also furrowed his brows, as he considered what chemicals or drugs those "saints" would use just to have a higher rate on winning against Vince.

Han, who has been silent from the start finally said something. But what he said made the other two devil kings eyes quiver.

" From what I heard from my father, the western Cartels developed a new strength boosting serum and they have been selling it on the underworld on Cloud and the other four countries here. I also learned that a unit of Special Drug Unit from Cloud tracked one of the dealers of that drug to here, and that unit should be in here right now. And I'm sure that I knew that dealer, but because we are called the four notorious and troublemakers they'll first investigate and spy us for the oncoming months."

Vince Anderson also known as the infamous Cold Devil King, smiled coldly before he started cracking his knuckles. The other three smiled before bursting into an uncontrollable laughter. Even though they were defeated by this teenager they didn't resent it even the slightest bit. They just knew what kind of monster this kid is, just the pressure that he gave off against their battle was on a different level even against those elites that trained the five saints.

Han suddenly turned his head and looked at the little lady slightly trembling within her bed. " Vince, didn't think you haven't beaten or kicked your roommate out, after all you were known as the White Tiger. So when are you going to kick this one out, just don't fractured any bone after all being with those three is annoying as hell."

When he said that, he clearly saw the tremble within the blanket and he couldn't help but Google slightly. Clearly amused by the scene he just saw, and quite interested in this girl. What he said wasn't exactly a lie, and that's why he's at least four kilometers away from the campus and also the reason why that he's not in the apartments of the school.

Three boys with broken hands and ribs were suddenly rushed to the nearest hospital on the island. Those three tried to play a prank on him and he clearly doesn't like it, with just his hands he made them unable to move for months. This news was like a wildfire, it spread throughout the whole campus within the span of twelve hours and this event also cemented his name as a candidate for the devil kings position.

Arlo nudged Hans on the shoulder, while a asked smile was also plastered on his face. " Don't do that little Vince, all of the rooms are already occupied. Besides having obedient dogs are rare right now."

Zack then looked at them before he whispered something, yet his gaze nerve left Vince. Suddenly the two of them have an all knowing smile and they laughed at the same time before slowly went out of the room. Yet their boisterous laughter can still be heard throughout outside of the door.

Vince then looked at the lunch pack on the side of the sink. There were two of them, one for him and one for the girl who acted like she was sleeping even though he can clearly hear her rapid breathing meters away on what Han said.

He put the lunch pack on her bed and two plastic water bottles. While he put his on the small mahogany table that's sandwich by both beds. He opened it slowly, trying to smell the aroma of the food and also try discerning if there is another chemical out into his food or not. Even though he already smelled it before even opening the styrofoam lead, it's not bad to double check.

After smelling and discerning that there is no sort of poison he finally started eating,yet his roommate is to scared to even change her position. Much less try her food.

She was very dumbfounded upon finding out that the most notorious king was just sitting and calmly eating next to her and he is her current roommate. When she heard what the other devil kings said, she was really afraid because she heard about rumors of a certain four devil kings and their five saints counterparts when she entered her class a week ago.

Especially the cold emotionless tiger of the four devil kings. She heard that he's the most violent and unreasonable of the four, yet even with the elite skills of the five saints and their right hand men joining the frey on trying to subdue this scourge.

It was futile and suicidal for these five top students, because when they finally challenged the tiger, they found out that their preparations and cautions were all worth nothing as no tiger would be afraid of any bugs on its territory.

Now this Tiger was silently eating his meal in a slow yet very calm manner, this made the girl doubtful of he rumors and also doubtful if this guy was really the king of the mountain. Because from what she heard and understood, the tiger that they describe was wild and very unpredictable, as this tiger will leave his hunting grounds and trespass others for fun.

After another minute or two, Vince finally finished his meal, he then tidied up the place where he ate his lunch at before he went to the bathroom and brushed his teeth.

When he went to the bathroom, the sleeping roommate flip the whole blanket before silently eating her food. She did it in a fast pace, not wanting to alert or even make sound for a devil was currently just a wall away from her.

Yet before she could even do things, Vince already heard the noise she made when she released that with of relief. Though Vince for the first of half of the day, no maybe even for the rest of the day finally broke his expression. His face finally showed a different expression, as a small arc for a moment surfaced on his face before disappearing.

Just as Vince finished brushing his teeth and is walking out of the bathroom, his roommate also finished what she was doing and immediately tried going back to sleep. Yet because of how fast she tried to went back to her sleeping position, she accidentally hit one of the opened plastic water bottles and they splashed towards the bed and blanket of her roommate.

It is kinda amazing on how that event happened, as the two beds are at least separated by three feet yet for some reason the opened plastic water bottle still spilled its content on the matress and blanket.

This made the girl dumbfounded and speechless. She then heard the loud footsteps coming from the bathroom of a certain teenager with a deadpan face. She heard five to six clear loud footsteps of his before stopping. She already got the chills and bad feeling about this yet when she slowly turned and looked at his expression, her chills got more intense for some clear reason.

His face was slowly darkening by every millisecond that passes, and every time his face darkens her fear became more vivid and evident for him to see. With a dark expression he walk towards his bed and took the plastic bottle and threw it to the trashcan before releasing some breath.

Though every move of his was monitored by the culprit, and every move he made heightens the fear on her heart. Because she knew that this teenager can beat her and she can't do anything about it.

She was already expecting and thinking of ways how to evade his punches and negotiate with him. When she saw him slowly move towards her, her heart started to palpitate and fear started to overwhelm her. She then closed when eyes upon making eye contact with his terrifying eyes and forgot on her negotiation and just waiting for the punch while thinking on what part of her body will it land.

Yet the punches or beatings she expected never came, instead it was a sign of frustration and mix hint of anger. She slowly opened her eyes and she witness a scene that maybe she'll forget eventually.

The most notorious teenager within the whole school or even the whole island, took his shirt out and covered the soaked areas. He then sat at his bedside that's just the opposite of hers.

Vince observe this girl thoroughly, making the girl very annoyed and embarrassed for a reason. She was stared and observed by many pursuers or just curious girls, but not this obvious and close. The guy was just a meter away from her, staring closely to her, he didn't even blink, just staring at her with a placid and calm expression. In fact you couldn't even call it calm, as it was just expressionless.

Though she was still

In fact, Vince face is like that of a dead person, especially with his skin color that's comparable to snow. His skin is so white that he looks like he doesn't have blood at all.

" You're interesting."

" Wha... what?" She replied in total confusion and didn't expect that the "mute" would speak to her in this calm manner. She fully expected that he'll walk the talk and not just say the you're interesting line.

" I've been conflicted on whether to hit you or just laugh that you're that afraid of me and yet just made me feel some anger when you tried to not even make any noise, for it may anger me." A clear evil smile hung upon the immortal like face of this Cold Devil King as he said that.

She secretly gulped and then awkwardly smiled." Would your royal highness believe that I didn't do it on purpose?"

" Yes... no." Vince just stood up and then leaned towards her face, while she back away from him clearly afraid of the teenager she was facing. He then slowly backs off, leaving a puzzled and slightly scared girl.

" But... but I really didn't do it on purpose! Look if I really did it on purpose, I swear that the gates of god shall smite me with divine lightning!" She profusely waved her hands while trying to explain to him.

Vince just snorted before sitting on her bed without any consent from the current owner, he then laid down and started to close his eyes while his roommate stared at him with bulging eyes.

Vince smiled, yet a glint of ruthlessness surfaced from his eyes and his roommate clearly saw that glint. Her hair started to stand up and she slowly back away from him.

He slowly looked at her with a harmless smile, but to the one who he smiled it's not harmless at all, in fact it's the very opposite of what he's trying to portray. The smile was full of malice and danger, even a crying face is much better than the smile of Vince.

" Ho... Ho... Ho, I'll share bed with you now that you wet my bed. 'Accidentally'. " Vince specifically said accidentally with the creepy smile of his still plastered on his face.