The start

While the students of Cloud Sea College are chilling and safe within their bunkers/apartment. The outside, no. The rest of the world was experiencing a very turbulent and an event that could potentially end an entire race civilization within a week if not dealt.

Currently within the ten continents and ten seas of the Rising Sun world, a great turmoil was currently happening that was out of the expectation for the masses. It was so adrupt that even those that are prepared are still surprised and caught off guard by this phenomenon. In fact you couldn't even call it a phenomenon, because it was very far from that, even the strongest magnitude of earthquake that hit the Sea Breeze country way back 5001 wouldn't be that shocking compared to what's happening right now.

This is a world ending event that many so called fortune tellers hypothesise and predicted, yet doesn't even on what exact time will it happen. They can only pick on the river of fate for ten seconds and can talk for a bit before getting the backlash and wrath of the almighty powerful heaven.

Their body would have a convulsion and their heart and brain would burst apart after the sixth second timer ends. No medicine or technology present within the era can prolong or counter this, no one, nothing. No mortal can survive the wrathful heaven after all.

But one man, an illustrative and very powerful yet eccentric man endured the wrath of the whole heaven for ten minutes before having the worst death. He was a legendary fortune teller and a fate seeker, the monk of the beautiful and powerful Golden Pantheon.

Alexander Dragovich. This man have many illustrative and famous titles that was from the viewpoint of the public towards his achievements. The great monk, the fate seeker, the most powerful and monstrous warrior of his era, who led the whole Golden Pantheon to a new era and the Endurer of the Heaven's Wrath.

He endured through sheer will and luck, the mighty and destructive heaven punishment and told a very important information and now an oracle when his two burned eyes peered through the gaps of the fate bridge and looked at the future.

The fate bridge or also known as the bridge of life and death within the Rising Sun World, was the symbol of the underworld for most religions within the world. This bridge was at least thousands of meters wide and thousands of meters long.

There was even a saying that the most profitable, yet very dangerous type of work and burden was being a fate seeker. Gazing towards the large river that contains the flowing past, the current present and the future. Looking at the future was the most deadly, as it greatly delves into the taboo, and seeking to peer towards the future is a great sin and it's unforgivable for the heaven.

Within a minute the punishment of Makhalel, the god of the life and death bridge would befall to those who doesn't abide this rule. This god was also associated as the god of death by other religions, yet most religions calls him the Guide of the bridge and the punisher of those who peers.

No one knew how long the bridge is or how wide the river is, but those date seekers who witnessed it clearly knew how mystical and dangerous it is, when they are standing on top of it.

One of the dying Fate Seekers of the Eighteenth Cross, another prestigious organization of the ancient era depicted what he saw when he look around the whole bridge.

" The tiles are made up of beautiful jade tiles that has ancient like carvings that even I couldn't decipher, while the railings are all made up of wood from an unknown tree. These railings are at least a meter and a half tall while they are carved just like the enormous waves of the raging seas. The sky was covered with a never ending ominous looking clouds and a faint hazy fog covers the bridge, sometimes obscuring my vision sometimes. When I looked around for the third time, there I saw the Guide."

" He was wearing a Kurata, that was just like the moonless night. His giant katana was imbedded in a protruding golden colored pillar. The pillar was at least dozens of meters high while the god himself looked at this insignificant mortal with his Oni mask. Those two red eyes that can be seen from the holes of the god's mask are just like two deep abysses that sucks your very soul out, upon staring. "

Though that's the only a part that this Fate Seeker can say before his whole body spasmed and he died an agonising and slow death. This made people realized that they have delved in the topic that they shouldn't and this is also warning for those who dare reveal the secrets of the gods.

Many believers and devotees were scared, but they became even more devoted and believed the gods.

Back to the topic.

Under his final breaths, Alexander revealed a very shocking information that made those who heard it in person shocked and turn cold from fear. Yet surprisingly the one who relayed the information was really calm, to the point that it's very scary. His voice, tone and gaze was just as serene as a lake, as if what hes saying doesn't affect the whole world when it'll happen on the future.

" In the future, the sturdy World Barrier would weaken for a decade before reverting back to its peak, yet with that given time they will come, bursting and tearing apart weakened barrier and setting foot through our lands. Wreck havoc throughout the whole world, within their bodies bears the hatred and thirst to humanity and its extinction. When exceptional natural phenomenon occur one after another, is also the time when the barrier weakens and also the opportunity of them to enter our world with ease. "

These words circulated for over ten millenniums straight within the powerful clans and organisations and countries. These powers have been preparing for it for the past ten thousand years after Dragovich aforesaid before his death.

Now the exceptional natural phenomena are happening one after the other in a very fast pace. Just after the withdrawal of large amount of marine life within the reefs towards the large and dangerous Blue Hole. Another huge natural phenomenon happened, that should have been common for these type of animals. Yet the hour it happened is what makes it very bizarre, almost all species of flying animals migrated towards the Deserted Lands, located at the Tenth Continent or Ahri's Western Regions.

The third phenomenon was the fast growth of flora and fauna all over the world, at 1 in the morning. This event shocked all the botanist all over the ten continents, as the growth of the Flora and fauna was very shocking.

The fourth phenomenon was the located at the Cold continent where only amphibians can live and no human can survive from the freezing cold. The Glacier of Eternity. This glacier span over three thousands miles located within the top of the world. This plain that only has ice suddenly became much colder that no life can survive even if their body structure is compatible with the frozen environment and started to freeze the sorroundings water, killing all life within the water.

The fifth was the super typhoons formed within weeks even before the first phenomenon started. They are formed in the the eight and currently the smallest ocean yet also the second most dangerous part of the ocean. The Lashing Sea. Most of the signal number four storms are formed in there, hitting two continents shore countries and many islands.

For the past weeks almost seven super typhoons scourge the ocean, none of them landed. But at least sixteen typhoons made a landfall and devastated millions of human lives; destroying billions of properties. The Rising Sun Alliance of All Countries Committee have already sent almost a billion dollars of help towards the devastated countries.

The sixth and most bizarre phenomenon was the changes of the constellations within the sky, all astronomers were shocked about this phenomenon that lasted for two hours before the constellations came back to their original positions.

The seventh was the Great Forest Fire of the jungle and mountainous continent of Sky Haven. Almost sixteen kilometers of ancient trees and vegetation were eaten by the roaring and rampaging flames. Just within four days, a forest consisting of ancient trees that have seen the rise and fall of the sun fell from their grace. Turning into ashes, leaving behind nothing but ruins of a once beautiful forest.

The last and also the indication that the great calamity has finally started was the meteors. Though it wasn't disclose to the public by their own governments yet a certain phenomenon just happened at exactly five A.M within this very day.

Hundreds of meteors that space agencies still can't tell how big hit the skies of the world yet they also burst after impact and turned into dusts. Not before long after the last and the biggest asteroid hit the skies. Large sci-fi like ships entered the atmosphere of the world yet these ships didn't really enter as they hovered between the juncture of mesosphere and thermosphere.

The design of these ships are bizarre as they looked like giant centipedes without any limbs and the head of these ships are like bullets. These ships were all grey in color with thousands of giant turrets mounted on the gaps of each side of the ship. These cannons may small when you look them from a far, but trust me the barrels of each cannons alone are thrice of the main battery cannons of world war two battleships.

One of the bigger centipedes like ship has a giant smooth metal platform connected to its back by four large iron pillars, that's at least a hundred meter tall each. This ship was also the most distinguishable out of the other centipede like ships, as no other ship was near on its ten thousand meter circumference. The platform was at least thousand of meters wide, while some known language and writings written across this platform. Though it looked messy on top when you look down, but if you look closely you'll notice that they seemed to be in a perfect order. The four pillars are at least nine hundred to one thousand meters apart and these four pillars are also covered from top to bottom with carved writings and unknown words.

Suddenly the platform on the ship started to have whirlwinds and electric arcs manifested out of thin air around the thousand meter radius of the ship. The four large pillars suddenly started to emit purple electrical arcs and all of them immediately shot straight towards the center of the smooth platform. Where a circular writings of an unknown language or civilization was written with symbols. There are at least four circles that's inside of each other before a diamond like symbol was at the center and an a crack was at the center of this diamond.

Then the four electric arcs meet at the crack, then a loud cracking sound resounded throughout the whole sky, the loud noise circulated for at least miles before dissapating. After that a white smoke started to come out of the crack, and within a minute they enveloped the whole platform. This white smoke slowly changed its color as it became much bigger and just like a mist. This smoke spread towards its sorroundings and the white colored smoke finally turned into a heavy gray color.

It was already too late as a very large cumulus cloud wrapped the entire world. Yes, they wrapped the entire millions of miles giant world of Rising Sun, to the point that not even an inch of land could be seen by the satellites up on the atmosphere. It was clearly seen by hundreds of satellites as the large spaceships slowly descended towards the world with great momentum.

There are at least fifteen of this kind of ships and at the same time they released this mist like substance, and then these platformed ships suddenly released an intense green lights that could be seen even under the direct line of sight of the sun. Many people saw them, and heard that loud sound, making them look at the sky with confusion and some interest.

Another Bizarre looking ship also sticks out form the others. This ship is very different from the rest as it looks like it have a huge hole the center of the ship and this ship was at least thrice the size of the four pillared platformed ship. The ship looks like a rail gun but this rail gun doenst have clutch, at the bottom of the ship are two giant and long red lines. In this lines are cannons and machine gun like things. These weapons of mass destruction sticks out from the window like triangular holes on the red areas. Every machine gun like things would move every fifteen seconds on other directions and in every one cannon were at least four machine guns on a circular direction.

At the center of this ship was smooth platform with no symbols or any kind of lettering. But at least thousands of large metallic objects were placed, there are at least five kinds of different metal like objects on the platform of the ship that's at least thrice the size of any coliseum.

One of the five different kinds of metallic object was a slim her like object that has a window on its front and machine guns and missile like things on the wings. The color of this metallic object was like that of an Ash and it was breathtaking to see.

An insect like creature creature was currently doing something on its nose, this tall and large insect like creature was very bizarre. Its head was just like that of ant, while it has a body like of a human and five claw like hands and black metallic colored armor like object encased this insect like creatures body. The armor looks like that of an ancient knight but with many small gaps on its arms and legs, maybe to make these things body very versatile.

The head of this insect doesn't have antenna just like that of insect and its eyes are like almonds yet blue in color and very chilling upon looking. This insect checked every part of the metallic object before slowly nodding in satisfaction before moving to the next one. This insect like creature thought went the only one within this large hanger like base. There are at least thousand of them checking the whole bizarre metallic objects.

Then suddenly a loud screeching noise rang out throughout the whole base, making many hardworking ant like creatures raise their heads. At the middle of the ship was a large bridge like structure that connects the left to right and the middle pillar. There are at least six thin metal pillars holding the whole ship to not collapse from its weight.

Currently a wasp like creature with a bizarre humanoid creature at its back was at the central pillar of the whole ship. It then screech loudly and made some hand signs. This wasp like creature has two foldable wings that's translucent in color whole it's whole body was covered in dark red carapace that shows metallic glint when hit by the light. It was very cool and grand, yet the pressure that this wasp like creature was very breathtaking in a literal way.

" In the next thirty minutes, we shall send our hounds and scout these species fire power before sending a legion. Our princess mother ship already found a suitable location on this planet for our landing and headquarters. The Princess issued that all Peace Keepers and up hounds shouldn't be released. Then together with 102-3 we will send a thousand Godkin troops of Diablo soldiers with sixteen Seraphs and Siege Walker, while a Sky Serpent would provide an air support."

After finishing what this wasp like creature said it flew towards the left side of the ship, the humanoid creature then issued another screech and when those ant like creatures heard the screech they immediately went back to their works.