The Godkin

The wasp like creature has the head of an Executioner Wasp, and the body of a buffy human being, just like the ant creature this wasp like being also has five sharp ssh colored claws that shows metallic glint when touched by the light. Making it very dangerous and threatening to anyone who saw that pair of claws. Its feat was covered by black metal like boots, and it has a pair of translucent wings. The wings was the only part that's very different from the whole body of this wasp.

The wasp like creature flew towards the left side and entered a hatch and no one dare question what it was doing inside there, as no Godkin troop dare question what their superior commands or do. Absolute obedience was the first rule and the general trend of the Godkin race.

If any Godkin was disobedient or dare try disagree without any explanation then execution on the spot was permitted. After all they can create another one within the next minute, meaning that you'll just die in vain. And Godkin with higher rank have higher understanding and intelligence. The higher the rank the more intelligent they are, and the more it's hard to kill them as these higher ranking creatures are very cautious and careful with every move they make.

They knew when to retreat and take offense, this made them very capable and deadly strategist. But they aren't just strategist, they are also war machines that have the brain and strength to turn the tides on their favor.

This intelligence made them what they are right now, very powerful race that invades planets and never gets the opposite of what they are doing. They invade planets not just to find resources but for fun and to see who are the qualified leaders of each generation to lead a colony or replace the Colony Master's.

The Godkin Race itself was like an empire, and every city was one colony and every city and its own army that can defeat anyone that dare try estimate them. That's how powerful one colony is much less if you earn the ire of the whole Godkin race. Though most of the firepower of the Godkin race was raised on itself, if one colony army meets another then there is no friendly conversation that'll happen.

If the two sides will immediately launch a do or die war and it will mostly end with either one of them loses or bother loses. As long as one fighter can still fight then the war wouldn't be over, yet if someone dare try interfere with the fight then the two armies would gang up on you.

It's because a colony meeting another colony raises red flags on each other, and if the two colony masters doesn't have any friendly cooperation then the next event would be an all out total war. Because a Godkin army meeting another was like a starving wolf pack facing against another starving wolf pack on the same mountain.

Colony masters that won the battle though won't destroy the other colony, instead they'll integrate and become much powerful and then make other races within their vicinity go extinct. Yet because of the world barriers it's very hard to invade one planet even with enough preparations.

But now that the barrier of this world was weakened by a large extend, Maskis their princess and a candidate to become a queen mother sent half of her forces to destroy this world, while she sent the other half to the frontlines and fight against the the Prince of Hades of the Immortal Hades Race.

Maskis as a noble member of the superior and more powerful Godkin Race looks down upon the inferior race with contemp and sympathy. And as an Eternal War General of her Highness Krull, he will destroy this world and present her the most beautiful Origin Source that she needs to ascend for the Queen Mother Position.

Godkin soldiers were divided by ranks, the first were Diablo soldiers. These soldiers were comparable to privates and what their superior told them to do, they'll do it without any form of complain or hesitation so if a higher godkin told them to kill each other they'll do it without batting an eyelid, if they have one.

The next was the Divine Demons, these were the next phase of the Diablo Soldiers, the difference wasn't just the treatment but also the training and speciality. Most Divine Demons have their own group and hounds to work with and most of them rides High Racer vehicles. These vehicles are like truck mounted machine guns but more mobile as they are suited by the Divine Demons.

The next in line were the super soldiers and intelligent and powerful Marshall Sentinels of the Godkin Army, these godkin soldiers are the literal super soldiers as they can destroy tanks with one punch and can leap at least thirty meters off ground and land back safely while carrying that momentum to crash their opponents into meat paste. They also have hidden blades on each hand while they can spit venomous darts out of their mouths making them very deadly on close quarters and middle range.

Eternal War General were the super soldier of a super soldier, they can be easily distinguished by their wings as only high rankers have wings, the more wings they have the higher their rank is. Colony leaders for example has at least twelve wings just like of an archangel.

Massacre Commander literally lead wars against other superior race and are ride turners of any battle. The only problem is that losing one of them was like losing three legions of world conquering armies. There are currently a hundred Massacre Commanders within the Colony.

Slaughter Kings of the Godkin was very hard to produce and only through experiencing the five phases and evolution can they become Slaughter Kings and losing even one can be compared to a tiger losing one of its paws. Currently there are only ten Slaughter Kings within the colony that's alive while two died on war against a much stronger race six hundred years ago.

The last and most powerful were Chaos Emperor, most of the chosen Chaos Emperors absorb the Origin energy of Stars and not just Origin energy of the worlds. Having one of these bad boys can literally give you another security and make other colony's submit towards your colony without much fight. There were two of these Chaos Emperor warriors yet one of them died under the siege of other races, the only one left was the Colony Master who was on incognito after receiving some poison and severe injuries from another Colony Master.

Maskis entered a room that has a symbol of a broken hand with a ring on its wrist at the cenrer. Maskis slowly shook the crystal that's at least a foot big and immediately an order transmitted directly from her Highness Krull to his brain.

" Send Sargeses to scout the massive ocean floors, my sister Fluer and brother Scrall just found that there is a broken Pantheon on this planet and some powerful enemies from god race holds our fleet down with their divine armies. We are also finding some energy fluctuations coming from the other side where Immortal Hades are, I've message the Warlord and he should be sending some Slaughter Kings and Massacre Commanders there to stop and wake those peers of ours from their delusion, if not for the fact that our Lord is still recovering from the soul poison, then the Immortal Hades of that system should have already been wiped out."

Maskis chuckled happily, yet for the people who heard him, they'll feel creeps no matter what angle they look." Don't worry your Highness, Sargoth just contacted the commander. together with fifteen more cruiser class Sea Kings he'll launch another attack after six months. By that time even if these inferior race put up some resistance it will just prolong their suffering."

The crystal shinned again and a reply immediately transmitted towards the brain of Maskis." Don't be cocky, the Queen mother told me yesterday that, that race your facing have some good fighters one hundred thousand years ago. They defeated sixteen legions and persisted for twenty years before that annoying barrier strengthened."

Maskis answered:" But didn't they persisted because of the help of the Immortal Hades and some half blooded bastards of the Titans?"

The other line went silent for a while before a reply finally came." Just don't underestimate them, we don't know if those half bloods are still there or some remnants of the Immortal Hades armies are laying low down there. Worse comes to worse leave behind the army and use the Folded Space Creator together with the commander. Be safe little brother."

Maskis went silent for a while before a breathtaking aura surfaced throughout his body. This aura was full of malice, contempt and bloodlust, especially the bloodlust it was so intense that some energy of it started to physically manifest.

The workers downstairs also felt that aura and even though they had their armors on they still felt cold sweat threatening to pour down on their backs. All of them just knew that if there's anything or word to describe the commander of this ship also known as General Maskis was Psychopath.

This Godkin can literally kill someone while eating or just for fun. Yet no one dare complain as he is the brother of a princess and soon to be a candidate for the Queen Mother position. But not just that, this general also has the potential to become a Massacre Commander. Maskes was also a very competent leader; his obedience to the colony was slow proven even before he became what he is now.

The terrifying aura also retracted just as fast as it came out. Maskes flew out of the hatch with something on his hands, it's a blue sphere that's just a foot big. Maskes slowly landed on the cold metallic floor, there are at least a thousand ant like creatures on their hands are long cylindrical metallic weapon.

These ant like creatures are the Diablo soldiers and on their hand was the standard weapon of the Godkin army. They also shoot bullets just like rifles, yet they can also shoot explosive rounds making them deadly. They have the same weight of an Ak-47 without any magazine; this made the Diablo soldiers very mobile.

Maskes issued a screech and immediately five blue armored godkins with helmets covering half of their face came out from their camouflage state. Unlike the two meter tall Diablo soldiers, these five are three meters tall and twice the size of Maskes yet the aura and pressure they radiated are clearly inferior from Maskes by at least ten times; unlike the Diablo soldiers the armors and weapons of these new type was more advance and complex.

Each one has spiked shoulder guards that's at least six centimeters long and a centimeter wide and their helmet that covers their head and back also has two large curved horns, making them look weird yet menacing. Unlike Diablo soldiers and ordinary warriors of the great superior race of Godkin, these five Godkin warriors were the superiors of the Diablo soldiers; personally trained by Maskes himself. Their current rank right now were Marshall Sentinels.

These five, no, the whole elite troops that Maskes trained himself also known as the Blood God Troops are one of the most deranged and one of top five most bloodthirsty legions of the Colony. Under the claws of two thousand Divine Demons, sixty Marshall Sentinel, four Eternal War General and his Highness Maskes, sixteen million lives were claimed by them for the past sixteen years that the Blood God Troops were created on a whim by Maskes uncle the Venerable Great White.

Maskes looked at the five before issuing another loud and authoritive screech. Immediately the whole lining Godkin soldiers boarded a large rectangular ship that has two turrets on each side.

This ship was atleast a hundred meters big and ten meters tall, and it was a plain ash colored paint. The ship was covered in all corners with metal, while at the front of the ship was the control room. The thick armor plating that covers it's whole body made it hard to be shot down; making it safer for the armies to safely arrive on their destinations without much harm. The downside though was that these kind of transport ship was very slow and loud making it nor ideal for stealth attacks or fast shipping of units.

The control room was protected by a bullet proof golden hue colored glass and a little turret can be manually used on the nose of the ship. Just like a B-17, but instead of bombs their baggage were troops.

This was the standard transport ship of the Godkin army. Even though it's not suited for fast operations its more efficiency on sending down troops safely is unquestionable. The ship can fit at least one thousand six hundred units of infantry men only, if the vehicles are added up the whole ship's speed would be impacted by how much weight and how many are the vehicles inside of it.

After one thousand soldiers and their officers entered the ship, a four by four meters tall gate suddenly opened and immediately sixteen giant life forms with armors donned on slowly entered the ship using their six legs. Then four much bigger, bulkier and terrifying life form than the first sixteen slowly entered the ship. These four are four meters tall and weights at least five hundred kilograms.

These four bigger life forms had their heads covered by a Spartan like helmet that's grey in color, while their hands weren't claws but weapons imbedded. The left was a large circular gun this thing was just like a cannon but much shorter and lighter than the tanks. while the right looks like a machine gun as they have four barrels sticking out.

The feet were just like of of an elephant, very robust and strong. After all this four strong feet holds up the tanks of the Godkin Army.

Masked nodded his head towards these four before entering the ship last. Then slowly the gates closed enclosing the thousands of godkin within. Even when there are thousands of people inside no one made noises and quietly waited for the general to come towards the center of a smooth metallic stage that's elevated a meter away from ground.

" Your current mission right now was not just test the firepower and bottom line of our prey but also scout if any remnants of the Immortal Hades or half-god armies are lingering within this world. As for the hounds just send them to wreck havoc and have fun. Enjoy your stay in here." After that, he nodded his head towards the pilot and eat on a seat before a heavy silence descended throughout the whole ship.

No one dare try make any unnecessary noises as they knew that their general was sleeping and being interrupted on his sleep was a sin that can make him go in for a rampage.