
The transport ships started to hover from the and blue fire started to come out of the four large thrusters of this ship as the engine fires up. The loud engine roar rang out throughout the whole carrier ship as the whole body of the transport ship slowly ascends off ground.

After the transport ship left the carrier, another four similar looking carrier ships also launched three transport ships each. Only Maskes carrier ship launch one, then an eight hundred meter tall centipede like ship followed the ten transport ships.

Masked who was sleeping quietly opened his eyes before beelining straight towards the navigation room, four armored Godkin warriors are manually operating the whole system of the ship. Unlike the Diablo Soldiers body mass or the super warriors Marshall Sentinels, these four are different not just by armor but also by looks.

Unlike the ant like head of the Diablo soldiers, these four had horns that's identical to a beetle, though just thirty centimeters long. Their armor are almost identical to the Diablo soldiers, only different was that theirs looked more like a light calvary armor while the Diablo Soldiers are light infantry. The Marshall Sentinels though looks like the heavy calvary.

They are known as The Divine Demons.

The four of them bowed their whole body in a one hundred and eighty degrees. They showed proper respect to the psychopath who was known for his unreasonable and bloodthirsty nature.

Maskes, just stood there, waiting for the reports of the four. He can feel the uncomfortable substance within the air, this uncomfortable substance weights his body and makes him much slower. Maskes just wanna know what's happening, he knows how dangerous it is if even just a tiny amount of your strength couldn't be used in crucial moments.

After knowing that some God armies could possibly laying an ambush or a Heaven was created within this world, it already tilts his whole body. Add the fact that there are also some traces of Immortal Hades on the barrier and the reliable information of his sister. He doesn't dare underestimate this world anymore, and to prevent pointless death of his soldiers he'll personally test this world's best.

He doesn't dare underestimate the strength of the remnants of a powerful superior race. Especially if there are two, the Immortal Hades and Gods, any of these two can pose some threat towards his soldiers as these two have some techniques and technologies of their own that can rival theirs.

The Immortal Hades have the technology comparable to the Godkin's, together with their shadow constitution and hard metal like bodies. They also have some battle techniques that compliments their constitutions, but most of the Immortal Hades that can use them without any side effects and freely are noble Hades to the Royal bloods.

As for the God's, they are like the Hades but their technologies are much backwards than the two. They still use cold weapons on their armies, yet the defense technology on their armors and sharp weapons made them impenetrable for a large amount of time and their swords can cut steal like a hot thousand degree knife slicing through butter.

The Gods also have divine abilities and it's very annoying for any commander attacking a world where gods live. The Divine abilities and techniques are responsible for the massive casualties. And it's very taxing on time, because of those barriers that every Heaven had, it'll took dozens of years before being broken. But this barrier also has some disadvantage as no one can escape this barrier on a large scale.

" General, the air of this world is contradicting our constitution. I've already reported it to the commander and mother ship. We are currently waiting for further notice and instructions." One of them finally bit the bullet and talked, after all of them look at each other in the eyes. They just don't want to talk with this godkin general who kills when his mood change.

Maskes nodded:" Tell them to drop the cages when we hit the three thousand meter mark. Don't crush our hounds cages again. "

"Yes sir!"

Maskes went back to his sleeping position, trying to not mind the uncomfortable substance assaulting his body. This wasn't the first time that he experienced this kind of suppression, in fact most of the planets they invade he can feel this kind of suppression. Thanks to the Brood Mothers of the mother ship who creates special chemicals and serums to counter this effect, this uncomfortable feeling would be useless.

Yet the suppression that he received in this planet was the worst. On the ship, he couldn't feel the suppression, yet upon leaving it assaulted his whole body like a giant wave of a tsunami. It overwhelms his whole being and he can only pause for a good minute before his body slowly adjust from this suppression.

Almost fifty percent of his speed was taken away from him and a good amount of forty percent to his strength was also sealed. This made Maskes distressed and wary; there are still half bloods and Immortal Hades roaming of hiding in this planet after all.

While Maskes was being suppressed to his core, the ordinary Godkin's are still the same, their faces are without any hint of uncomfort unlike their superiors who bears the full brunt assault. The Marshall Sentinels also felt it, and it's making them nauseous, yet they held on. Maskes had it worst as the suppression favors the stronger individual.

The weaker wouldn't feel it, the stronger you are, the more you sensed it and your power is more affected. That's how this substance called Planar Suppression works.

And Maskes hates it very much, he had to frost adapt and couldn't immediately go into fighting because he is not on his best state. This stage of invasion was the most dangerous as his power regressed to just that of a Martial Sentinel that just stepped on the path. And for him this is a headache if they met a same level Eternal War General.


At Mount Shannon, an eighth thousand meter mountain of the Bad Land Continent of Rising Sun Planet.

Mount Shannon was the tallest peak of the One hundred Mountain Range. Snow already covered the peak of this mountain, and the wind sorroundings it howls just like an angry beast awoken from its thousand years of deep slumber.

The whole mountain peak was covered in snow, and no vegetation grows within this harsh weather. Only stones and boulders covered by thick snow can be seen everywhere. The snow storm was continues on this terrain and no living creature dare take this peak as their own nest. No creature from this world dare,even if they had the guts of ten thousand men.

Even if you wrap yourself on the most warm clothing within the world, you'll still feel the stinging chill invading your body. This peak may not be the tallest one, but comparing their weather the Shannon Peak or mountain was the worst. There is no way that any living creature survive in their harsh weather.

Yet for some reason, a four meter tall human silhouette can be vaguely seen on top of the mountain. This human silhouette was assaulted by the harsh and cold frost, yet it didn't even flinch for a second, it stood tall like an erect pillar going against the high heaven.

It was proud and mighty just like a lion yet the loneliness it radiates can fill the whole sea just like the king of the sky.

Upon closer look, you'll immediately notice the cyan colored ancient looking armor donned on this human silhouette's body. This man was donned in armor from head to toe, only his face was not covered, he looks like a war god arrogantly defying the whole heavens. Upon looking at his face, the first thing you'll notice is the large cross shaped scar on his face. Starting from his left eye brow towards his right cheek, intersecting with the other scar which starts from his right eyebrow towards his left cheek.

The eyes of this giant armored are glittering, like gems under the rays of the the sun, even though the sun couldn't be seen clearly because of the all time snow storm that enveloped the whole peak the whole year. Looking into his eyes felt like your looking at a sleeping beast on its thousand years of slumber. The fierceness within those pair of eyes couldn't be hidden even if they are purposely hidden.

The aura of his was overwhelming, it was comparable to the heavens yet a little bit lacking in comparison. But if compared to any normal people, then it's like heaven and earth in comparison.

The pauldrons on his shoulders have the same pattern of roaring lions. The two pairs of lion's eyes are socketed with red gems that shines even if a big and never ending snow storm devastates the whole peak from day and night.

The golden colored belt compliments his whole attire as it made this giant of a man look more noble and handsome, while the arm guards of his has the style of a smiling devil. The pair of war boots of his are exquisite and you can clearly see your appearance under the shine without a doubt it was made sophisticatedly.

The cape has a the engraving of a red dragon rising through the sky with great momentum.

The man slowly heave long and slow breaths, while gazing at one of the famous boulder of the Shannon. This boulder was different from the others, on fact it looks like it was our of place.

No snow could be seen on top or near the spherical did meter tall and five meter large boulder. While at the top of the boulder, a sword was imbedded in the boulder, and almost all of the blade was inside of the boulder. Only the handle and the golden tassel wrapped on the end of the handle can be seen. The golden tassel has an engraved word in it.

Immortal Heaven.

An arrogant name for a simple looking big sword embedded through the boulder. Yet for some reason a mystical light blurred the sword's name and the golden colored tassel. This mystical event made every scientist no matter what field they are expert in, question themselves and what they believed. This event also made many believed about the tale of the god of war and death, Armageddon.

Armageddon, was the god of death and war of Phantom Terrace.

Phantom Terrace, was a heavenly place that was constructed by five powerful gods, who oversee the land of the living, land of the dead, and land of the Fairies. Each god protects a direction, and each of them represents a symbol.

The god that protects the northern direction, Arice, the god of Earth. The god of the east Galeleo who was also the god of life and prosperity. The southern god, Pesse who was the god of fire. Western god of health and wealth, Saknu and the most powerful of them Armageddon the central god who oversee death and favors war.

His symbol was crows, and was heavily worshipped by the masses when the empires of the ten continents started to clash with each other thousands of years ago, vying for dominance and greater wealth.

The four meter tall armored man slowly walk towards the boulder, a smile resurfaced through his devilish face." I told you that I will not disturb your rest after that era. I promised that we'll build an era of peace and prosperity, we did it, in fact it was splendid many us witness the creations prosper, die, then be reborn. Now another and much stronger threat has resurfaced through this world... will you show the brilliance of the forgotten Immortal Heaven?"

He waited for a minute before a strong and world shaking might spread throughout the whole peak. Together with the world shaking might was a bloodlust so immense that it physically manifested; the snow throughout the whole peak are thrown out of the peak. Leaving behind a clear rocky peak of the famous Shannon peak.

An ancient attired scholar walks out of the back of the boulder. The scholar looking man stared straight into the pair of beautiful gem like eyes of the armored war god. His hair was about to reach his buttocks, and the chiseled like face of his was breathtaking. His body was just draped with a thin red robe, exposing his milk colored skin tone. He has no other clothing expect the long thin red robe.

" Armageddon... the so called war god, the so called strongest of the five, the leader of a powerful pantheon was now looking pathetic... why thee looks so tired. I thought that you favored war more than anyone else."

Armageddon known for his arrogance, and pride that not even the world can contain finally fell into his knees. Armageddon can be arrogant, proud and flex his strength to other gods, but not this one. This scholar wasn't a god, yet base on seniority even the oldest god living his life within the world of Rising Sun would step down and give that crown. Even though this one was just a Celestial Spirit, Armageddon have deep respect and reverance towards this spirit. The spirit of the Immortal Heaven was strong enough to rival an elder god and was the weapon of his father, the God of Creation and Destruction Pluto.

He slowly look at the face of the scholar before slowly stating his purpose. " The Lord of Fire, just sent a transmission to me... the barrier has weakened... the invaders have crossed and an elder god level powerhouse personally lead this invasion."

The scholar sighed with a hint of tiredness before looking at the snowy skies." I knew this was coming... your father was always right... now that I think of it, after he went into slumber towards the hall of the dead... it has been a million years right?"

Armageddon replied:" yes."

" Then that insect queen should be thirsty for revenge, towards Pluto and the Seductress of the Hades. After all her other half was slain by your father and his soul was destroyed by that Immortal Hades child. So tell me child of Pluto does the heavenly army of the old era and new era as sharp when it was my era or did they became rusty through the passing of times."

Armageddon felt the looming pressure that he felt when talking to his father on Immortal Heaven. The pressure that stand and defied time, the pressure of an Elder God! Armageddon proudly smiled." They are much sharper and stronger than before. I assure you, uncle."

The scholar looking Immortal Heaven finally changed his form and the sword imbedded within the massive boulder voluntarily took itself out and hovered towards the sky. " They better be, little child of my companion. They better be."