13 Flight

After looking around the guild for a little I head towards the board and try to find some request that I can do at my level and notice that there are many collecting quest, but very few subjugation quest.

I find a few subjugation but most are against weak monsters so that won't be a problem.




Goblins 10

For proof being in the goblins right ear.

20 copper and 1 copper every extra 2 goblins.




Wind Wolves 5

For proof bring back the left canine tooth off every slain wolf.

30 copper for completion and 6 copper for every extra wind wolf.


I picked those 2 and 2 more quest just like them other than the amount of goblins and the wolves changing for wind to earth wolves needed.

Once I grabbed the request of the board and walk toward the shortest line to be able to get out of here quickly so I don't take all day.

When I made it to the front I notice that it is Ben again the one that helped me when I first came to the guild.

"Hey Ben it's been a while since I have seen you."

"It has been almost 2 weeks and your card would have expired in another 2 weeks if you did not come to take a request. And my I ask who is the little one next to you."

"This is my son Morales I'm taking him with me on this quest to help him train and get stronger."

"You know that their is no age limit on when a person can become a adventurer."

"I know bit I don't want him to go through some tough times without being prepared."

"Alright I see, so let me see the quest you choose."

I handed my papers to Ben and he gave me them back after registering them in the system.

"Be safe on your quest."

"Okay see you later."

Saying that me and Morales left the building and started to head towards the forest that is a little ways away from the wall. The travel takes about 2 hours walking and I did not want to walk for that long.

"Morales climb on to my back."

"But mister I can walk all the way their on my own."

"It's not that I just want to speed up the time it takes so we can get their faster.

So climb up."

I say as I crouch down for Morales to be able to climb up my back.

"I guess but I can walk all the way without stopping."

Morales still in his own tangent thought climbs up my back.

"Keep your mouth closed don't try to talk and make sure that you hold on tight."

"Why would I need to hold on tight."

"Morales have you ever been flying."

"No, what what do you... MEEEANNN!"

While Morales was talking I brought my wing out and took off pretty quick for a regular kid.

Morales was screaming at first and then he was squeezing my neck so tight that I almost couldn't breathe properly.

"Calm down we are almost there."

All I hear is wheezing from when Morales was scared but by the time we made it he had already calmed down.

As I let him down he asked a question why staring at me.

"Mister what are you."