14 Fighting

"Mister what are you."

I stared back at him and said.

"You will know when it is time to know."


Then after that we turned and faced the forest we were only about 100 feet(Bout 30.5 meters) away from the forest.

Guess it is time for me to test out some skills in this world. But to start off.

"Morales here."

What I gave Morales was the first pair of fuel blades that hunters get. You know the first s

pair in the metal category.

After handing him those I pulled out the same weapon and said let's start.

"Morales you will lead the way I want to see what skills you have I will only intervene if their is a problem."


-----------Pov Morales-----------

After mister told me that I will be the one to lead the hunt I decided to want to show off.

But what were those wing that came out of Mister's back they seem more like what the legends of dragons wings would look like.

Also he pulled out 2 pair of daggers and called them duel blades when he gave them to me.

After looking at them incandescent see why though they are too long to be considered daggers.

This is new they feel different and that they have to both be used or the balance will just feel really off. Like trying to pickpocket without being stealthy.

As I was thinking in my head we were wondering through the forest until I caught a whiff of goblin scent in the air.

I know that my nose is not the best it is my agility and flexibility. But as a cat person I must rely on 5 scenes to determine the best possible action.

"Mister I picked up a goblins scent that way should we go there or not."

"Morales I told you that you will be making the decisions on what to do.

So if you want to we can go and if not we can keep looking around."


I decided we will follow that scent and see where it leads us.

It took about another 20 m in an to finally find where that goblin scent was coming from because in front of us was about 10 goblins around a campfire eating a wild rabbit.

"mister what should we do there are 10 of them."

"you your brain think of ideas, such as going in and just killing, throwing something in the fire to make it explode, or using some type of distraction."


I got to thinking on what to do, so let's see I can throw a rock at a tree to distract then and kill from behind.

I picked up a rock of the ground a threw it at a tree.

"Clunk." [I suck at these noises.]After that all the goblins looked that way and I guess they started to argue on whose go in ng to go check it out.

After waiting 5 mins and no movement from their original spot I threw another rock at the tree and this time they all got up and about 7 went to go check it out.

The three that stayed behind were al facing in the direction of the tree so I knew it was time. The first one I sneaked up behind and put a clothe on my hand and over it mouth and slit the throat.

After the blade went threw the flesh and the blood started to spill I knew it wouldn't be long before they notice so I picked up the pace and killed the other 2 by this time the other 7 had already arrived at the tree.