15 Finishing the job

After killing the first 3 out of 10 I turned and looked at the other 7 near the tree.

I sneak my way to the goblin that was next in line and killed him. After killing 2 more like that the last 4 that were together turned around and looked at me.

My palms started to get sweaty along with my forehead pouring sweat and my knees almost buckled under the pressure which I assume is their little bloodlust.

"Hahhh, hohh." I take a deep breathe to calm down and be able to kill them.

The goblins continued to stare at me and sniff the air, after figuring something out in their heads they charged at me with 2 coming in front and the other 2 spread to each side before charging.

The goblins in front bared their sharp claws and fangs while running at me, I took a stance that felt natural to me with the blades in a regular grip in my hands.


I blocked their claws with the side of my blade and parred them back and the goblins stumbled back unprepared for retaliation.

After that step back I took the chance and slashed at their necks.


I was able to kill one of the goblins and the other one was to far back to reach for because the goblins on my side had started to charge same as the other 2.

Seeing them charging I took a step back at the last minute.

"whew that was close."

I'm not a fighter so takin that risk was dangerous.

I continue to step forward and attack but they also attack at the same time so it was back and forth for about 5 mins.

At that moment one of the goblins slipped in some mud that had not dried I took that chance and killed him with one slash to the neck.

The last 2 stepped back and we just started at each other with our chest moving back and forth taking in more air.

They look at each other and at that moment I take a chance and try to kill both of them and my gut landed on their necks killing them at the same time.


"Drip, drip, drip."

It was when the goblins body fell and I noticed that I was dripping blood looks like I was not quick enough. My blood is slowly draining. The goblins nails pierced my liver and intestines.

"Thump." I fell on my back and laid there thinking about what I could have done better to be able to live.

"Guess I won't be able to become a adventurer."

At this moment my vision slowly start to fade, but as my vision had faded to black I felt some liquid go down my throat, and boy was that not something I would want to drink to much it wasn't bad but not good.