As Morales was fighting the goblins I was high up in the trees so that I would be able to respond but at the same time not interrupt the fight just by being there.
As watching the whole time it was hard to not want to go down and save him, I took most of my will to not release my aura.
My aura has a dragonic domain, along with my bloodlust from killing so many monsters and people.
Only in the game are everybody working together to protect civilizations.
But in the real world there are gangs, bandits, and criminal organizations that wanted to poach, sell eggs and monster parts for money, and sometimes lead monsters to hurt the civilians.
Human greed can lead to many downfalls, but overcoming those downfalls makes us stronger.
One thing I can say is that Morales is a pretty strong willed kid. He didn't throw up after killing a living being for the first time.
For me it was hard because the monster was not harming anybody, but I was told we kill to live to the next day and after that I was fine until I killed my first human.
But that a story for another time.
Morales is doing well being able to narrow the battle down to 2 vs 1. I can see that both groups are getting tired and worn out.
It's all up to who ever makes a mistake first.
After seeing the goblins make a mistake and Morales go in for the kill I was ready to go and congratulate him, until I noticed that he was bleeding.
Morales had blood flowing and hitting the ground facing away from me, that I noticed he needed a healing potion right then.
My heart lurched and a solemn feeling crept over my being as I approached the almost unconscious Morales laying on the ground.
After walking next to him I held the bottle above his mouth and slowly tipped the bottle and poured the potion in his mouth and I can tell you the taste ain't the best.
The taste of the potion is like trying to adding a little bit sugar to water and expecting it to taste exceptionally great.
As I finished with the potion I see Morales wounds close up and stop bleeding.
I walk to Morales and pick him up off the ground and head out of the forest. I just need to wait for him to wake up before I go and kill the wolves to be able to complete the quests that I have.
While waiting I will see what kind of power I'm able to use due to the mana increasing my body strength and stamina.
Because from the MH world you were able to use more strength in exchange for a bigger consumption of stamina.
A example of this is when you are charging a greatsword for those true charge slashes, or the demon mode of duel blades.