18 Magic again

Walking farther in the cave the light from the sun starts to dim till there was no sunlight left reaching the depths of the cave.

Good thing I can see mostly well for about 20 meters in all directions.

I notice a few burnt out torches on the ground.

Smelling the air I'm able to notice how far away I am from nearby goblins.

There are 2 goblins around the corner.

I make sure my duel blades are on my hips and pull them off to be able to make the least amount of noise.

"Whoosh" "Whoosh"

As I pass by the first goblins its' head falls off and the second goblin's head came right after.

I cut through the necks so fast that there is no blood on my blades.

I continue walking through the cave and while walking I would take out any goblins that are nearby on my way to the hide out.

By the time I arrived at the hideout in the center of the cave I can see the rooms that have been dug out in the cave walls.

Inside some of the rooms there are a few goblins in most of them. After counting then all turns out this will be a little more complicated.

"What hold on why do I need to make this so hard on myself I just learned magic and the best way to make it stronger is by using it in battle."

After talking out loud to myself I start thinking on what the best magic to use in this cave.

I don't want to destroy the cave but I need to kill all the goblins. Fire is to destructive, wind would destroy the mountain, ice would freeze most of this.

Earth is not better than fire, Water could work if used right, or I can use ice.

Let's see flood the rooms up to the goblins knees and then freeze them that seems like a plan.

To start off going through each room would take to much time let's get them all together.

"Always wanted to try this. Explosion!"


I know I'm not trying to destroy the room so I just made the explosion small enough to not destroy anything just to make a sound to get all the goblins up and together.

I did the explosion just right the goblins were getting up and shouting and panicking at the same time.

In about 5 mins all the goblins were gathered in the middle area and that is when my plan was starting.

Being the person I am I started to chant.

"Flood the flood gates, Flood the rivers, Flood the cities along with thou member. Remember the power of water as the flood puts you down under."

Atthe end of the chant a lot of magic was sapped out of my body and in my mind I was imagining a flood along with it.

The water was released and the flood had started to pour and fill the middle of the cave. At this time I started to chant for my next spell.

Look I don't need to chant but it just makes you feel a lot more powerful. Okay let me satisfy my pride.

"Freeze thine waters, Freeze thine air, Let the ice spread in thine air. Flash freeze"

Finishing that chan TV the water instantly froze over and the air had icicles formed in a instant.

Some of the icicles fell and destroyed the goblins heads.