19 Return

After all the water had frozen over and the goblins had frozen alive I went and walked up to them and started to get the ears off of the goblins that were not destroyed.

No blood came out when I took off their ear from their heads. Guess their blood froze along with their body's.

After collecting all the ears from what I counted it came out to be 47 goblins and probably some more that had died without being whole anymore.

I have been in this cave long enough time to leave.

I fly all the way out of the cave in just a few seconds because I knew the way in, I followed the same path out.

"I'm tired of being in the forest sure the scenery is nice but after a few hours I gets tiring for me."

I fly back to where I had left Morales to pick him up.

I see Morales in the distance, I wonder how long I have been in the cave, keeping time is one of the things I can't do to well.

"Morales how long has it been."

"Mister from the time you have left till now it has been 2 hours."

"Okay I had found a goblin village can't let them get to big so I killed the rest of the monsters needed to be able to complete the quest."

"Mister there was a goblin village, you had to kill that many goblins. I can barely take on 10, you're strong."

"Don't compare you will get to my level in a few years, killing 10 goblins was already a accomplishment. Most kids can probably only take on 2-5 goblins by themselves."


"Alright climb on so we can head back to the city."

Morales climbed on to my back and my wings came out and I took off at a faster pace than what I did earlier.

It was fast enough to make it back to the city in a faster time than when we left.

I arrive about 1 km outside of the city and land and retract my wings. With Morales still on my back I take off at a fast pace it was pretty fast but not as fast as when I was flying.

Making it back to the gate I get in the small line that is outside.

"I see you are back already."

The person that said that was the guard that shown us off this morning.

"Yeah had a good day."

"Alright can I see your identification."

I pull out my guild card and show it to the guard and continue on my way into the city.

I walk to the guild to complete the quest.

I walk in and notice that the guild is pretty empty guess people don't typically come back until later in the day.

"Hey I would like to turn in my quest."

I pull out the parts that are needed for the wolves I did not kill any extra because they are closer to wild animals and not monsters.

When I pull out the big bag of goblin ears and turn in my quest the receptionist gave me a look.

"No I did not steal them, they came from a goblin village that I found in the area."

"Ok. 60 copper for the wolves, 30 copper for the goblins and that is 4 quest complete."

"Yes thank you."

"Now for the extra 44 goblins that will be 22 copper."
