21 Start of date

After the day Me and Morales trained it was time for my date with Jenna.

But Morales really surprised me when he was able to complete the workout and still have enough energy to move. Guess that boy had more endurance than I thought.

Time for me to go for my date scheduled today. I get some jitters every time I think about this date.

This will be my first one in years. I did try in my first life but none of those worked out and I died really young so yea.

Also in the Monster hunter world I was getting stronger and did not have time to think about love. With the village always needing my help.

Especially the last few years of my career when we found a new continent and some new monsters that had not ever been seen in the new world.

That unknown monster which we named Shara Ishvalda, and that ruiner Nergigate that was spotted. Killing those two took the most effort and energy to take down compared to the time when we had to take out Xeno'jiva.

Back to the date I look at myself in the mirror. My beard has not grown whatsoever, I took a razor blade earlier and straightened out my hairline can't have that being crooked. "I guess being a dragon hair does not grow to fast."

My reason being I only have to shave about every 5-10 years depending on if I need to keep the clean look and if I even have time due to protecting the village.

I have my dreads pulled up into a high ponytail just to keep them from hanging on my neck most of the time.

I put on a black tee and some black joggers. It might be a date but I'm not trying to hard to impress with appearances. Because if that was the case I could most likely have most women on the street. Don't mind my narcissistic remarks, they just happen.

I already told the kids on what I'm going to be doing today. Guess I really can't call it a date just yet we didn't even schedule a time and place guess I will just go to her job and see if she is there.

I was walking out the door when I realized that I had people in this house other than me."Bye kids."

""""By mister.""""

"Enjoy yourselves and stay out of trouble while I'm gone. Also Sarah you are in charge while I'm gone okay."


"You kids don't give your big sister any trouble."

"""We won't."""

After I finished I walked out and closed the door behind me.

15 mins later

I arrive in front of Jenna job palce and see her working guess I will just go in and eat and talk for now.

As I walk in Jenna noticed me and waved then went to the back for some reason.

"Mister how many."

A waitress came up to me and asked.

"I just waiting on someone right now so I will just stand here for the time being."

After standing for about 10 mins and getting stares from some of the waitress that probably know what is happening.

Jenna comes from the back and walks towards me.

"Alright, I got the rest of the day off, so where are we going."

"You know I haven't thought of that anyplace you want to go. Anyplace."

"Guess when can start in the shopping area and look at some clothes."

"That would work."

After we decided we walked out of the restaurant and went towards the main shopping district in the middle area.

Let the date begin.


"What's so funny."

"Nothing just a random thought that popped up in my head."