22 Shivers

F**k these people I see what those main characters mean when they have a woman and that women can really shop a person ro exhaustion.

It's not physical but mental traveling in that district had me scared.

At first Jenna was to scared but at the end she had me trying on different clothes that look nice on me.

I spent about 2 silver on clothes I know that is a lot I can buy about a couple of weeks worth if food with that.

Damn who knew you could spend that much on clothes, hopefully I can raise my kids to not spend that much on money.

I'm not broke or out of money but I just don't like wasting money like that. Money was a big thing in the MH universe, you needed money to own a garden to raise some bees or herbs and anything else, so you would be able to live the next day.

That's why I'm ranting in my mind about money. But what is done is done.

Oh yea before o forget we are now together I thought it would take much longer, but a date was all that it took.

----------Jenna POV------------


I just got out of the bath after my date with Zino now my boyfriend. That was one of the best days of my life.

I guess he already noticed that I'm a half-elf but did not ask, he did not give me the look that other men give when they see me.

I got the genes of a elf so I look beautiful and age slower, but unlike most elf's that have a natural lifespan of 500 years, most half-elf's don't live past 300.

This year I'm about 30 but look like just turned 20 and I will continue to look the same until my last few years.

Elf's and half-elf's body change at the last days of their life.

Back to honey.


"That's a word I have not every used to talk about somebody."

Honey had helped me try on a few dresses. I guess he was not as nervous as I was as he led the date for the most part but at the end....

'Heavy blush'

"Stop brain stop please."

I try to refresh my head to not blush and get nervous anymore.

He brought me back to my house time for me to ho through my bags.

Time passes

"whew. Took longer than expected."

I finished putting up the new clothes so that they were not all over the place.

Hopefully I can go on another date with Zino, those clothes where nice i want to by him some more.

------------Zino pov‐-----------


I felt my whole body shiver for like a good ten seconds. Whi can be talking about me that my body can shiver.

But next topic now that I'm home for a while guess I will get rid of those slave marks by tomorrow. The kids have been living in this house for about a month give or take a few days.