After the admiral felt my gaze I guess he was nervous or something, he didn't say anything for the rest of the way to the camp of the secluded valley.
Secluded Valley
"I see why the hunters are not able to fight the Safijiva at all. I can feel the energy all the way up here."
Feeling the energy coming off the Safijiva was big, it hit like waves against my senses. Just pure unaided energy.
"Yeah one of the reason what we can not fight the Safijiva is because of the place. You have to kill the Safijiva fast, reason is that Safijiva is able to absorb energy from the environment and heal from any injuries."
"You serious, this is going to be a annoyance, not that it is stronger than me. Just that I don't want to rush the fight and make a mistake."
The admiral looked at me with surprised eyes.
"You said you can beat it."
"Yeah its not that hard." I had a small smug on the right side of my mouth.
"I will take you word for it, anything you need to start?" The admiral looked me up and down, guess he was looking for my weapons.
"No, but will you be able to keep the other hunters from watching a man needs his privacy." The admiral raised and eyebrow to the statement.
"You the greatest hunter of all time need privacy."
"Yeah and you got a problem with that."
"No I don't I can keep your secrets."
"That's a relief, also how much of this surrounding area do you need?"
The admirals eyes wanted to pop out of their sockets when a asked that question.
" Why do you need to destroy the surrounding area?"
"I trying to test my power and I don't want to have a mess that needs to be fixed due to a mistake."
"Do you really have to destroy the area."
"No I don't but I kinda want to."
"Alrigh just don't destroy the camp area but do what you need to do to kill the monster."
"Thank you."
The admiral rolled his eyes at me.
"Well I got a job to do, and you have a monster to fight so I guess this is goodbye for now."
"Yeah after I kill the Safijiva I'm going back to my family."
"Alright let's split."
Me and the admiral walk towards each other and reach our hand towards each other for a handshake.
After the handshake we both went our separate ways.
Magic in this world is something else, but I'm the only one who can use the magic of another world.
Let go. Walking to the edge I look down I'm not afraid of heights anymore so no problem here.
Jumping off the cliff I hook onto a wingdrake and make my way over to the Safijiva. As I make my way over there I can feel the wingdake start to shake and the power rolling through my senses is becoming more concentrated.
"Hahh this will be fun."