33 Safi'jiva hunt(Part 2)

"Hahaha this will be fun."

After turning the corner I'm able to see Safijiva below me. Safijiva is a red western dragon with black talons and horns, with orange eyes and black pupils.

About 2 times as tall as me and so long I can barely see the whole body from a distace.

Haha this bastard is going down.

I start to pull all my magic into my body, I normally keep my mana around my body. Due to pulling my mana in it strengthens my body.

Let's see how much power I will be able to exert."It been so long since I have used my body to it's full capacity."

I start pulling a little bit mana to my feet and grow my wings while at the same time letting go of the wingdrake.

With the mana building in my feet and my wings grown I'm ready to fight. The Safijiva has seen me and I have seen it.


Safijiva roars while I'm free falling trying to get more speed.

"Boom." I burst the mana in my feet unrolled my wings and broke the speed barrier, I was going at least 4 times the speed of sound and still accelerating.

This is the fastest speed I've ever gone, everything is just a blur so I focus and only look at Safijiva. I pull my fist back and start pushing that one arm to the limit, the Safijiva starts to charge a beam.

Let's go I might be able to fight through the beam. "Lets start you bastard."

"Boom." I hit the beam that was fired and just push straight through it, not to say there was no power behind it. If I did not use magic to cover myself I would have been in trouble.

"Ha ya bastard that actually hurt a little, but will you be able to take my hit."

The Safijiva was still on guard, one thing I like about monsters is that they don't get cocky and think they already won.

I don't know how many hunters thought they already killed me only to die the next second because they celebrated to early.

Anyway back to the fight at hand.

As I get closer our eyes meet and at that moment we were going to finish it in one hit. I retracted my wings and moved all magic into my arm and fist.

My arm started to bulge and my arm transformed into my dragon form, and spikes grew out. That's new guess I will have to look into it.

Safijiva on the other hand starts to condense a mass of energy in its mouth.

So this must be the ability I was warned about.

It's to late now all my magic is in my arm. I will have to depend on body to take the brunt of the force.

We keep getting closer and closer until the 2 meter mark and everything change.

Safijiva fired its mass of energy, it was going slow, but I had no control of my body so I couldn't dodge.

When I met the saffire star it was right in Safijiva's face.

"Boooooooooooooooooom" Explosion so load I lost hearing for the next week.

Even though my first hit first it was only for so long and my speed slowed down to just a little bit over the speed of sound.

Safijiva seemed to be surprised that something smaller than it took its attack.

Its skin started to glow and he tried to charge another star.

"You f**ker you think I'm going to let you do it again."


I hit the ground it was like a hot knife through butter.

I underestimated just how much magic can enhance my powers. I was like a missile going through a human, just slowed down, but it didn't matter.

The blood from Safijiva started to leak from its brains onto my body. It wasn't until now that I felt the pain from the star.

My clothes were gone skin missing, and only a little bit of muscle was left to protect my organs.

I quickly spread my magic through my body and notice my muscles growing back, it would take a few minutes to get back to my prime.

Thanks to magic I can live another day, because if not I would have died with the Safijiva.