"Pop x20"
I'm finally able to stand up after sitting for 1 hour not moving.
My body has finally healed enough to where there is no long lasting injuries. I just need to adapt to my body, all my skin and some muscles have been remade but this time with magic.
Let's see how much power I will get from this Safijiva.
"Guuullppp" That was a big bite, almost chocked on a rib there.
That energy rolling around and off the body taste very great.
Nothing beats dragon, from what I have eaten they have always been the best. I got a few more things to do so I guess right now I will be alright.
But from eating that Safijiva I feel as I can take a saffire star head on and not take any damage. Just a feeling not solid.
There was another world that I want to go to. Let's see if I jump in right before the metal vessels are spread throughout the world I should be able to get all the Djinn in one go.
Lets leave a message for the old man.
"Yo, nice seeing you again but as I said I have other things to do."
That's the message I left him. Time to go.
I open a portal and step through it to get back to the middle of the omniverse.
I jump into the next portal to the world.
Damn that is some strong rukh but it's not the feeling you would like, it's like somebody is watching over you. The rukh is also split between to types Regular and fallen, but I can't feel any difference between the too.
This is the world of Magi what should I expect well let's see I'm about an hour early.
I just block out all of the gazes that come from the rukh and just wait outside the sacred palace.
I then teleport inside the sacred palace and just listen in on the final conversation before I consume them.
10 mins later
Ugo is crying his eyes out as he prepares to spread the metal vessels that are caring the Djinn my turn to act.
"How you folks doing."
"Who are you."
Ugo looks at me and ask, the others just look.
"Don't worry I only come to cause some problems, but none you have to worry about." Wow I really came off as a villain saying that line.
"If you are able to come here and want to cause problem then I need to stop you."
Ugo got into a fighting stance getting ready to fight.
"I would allow that if I wasn't running out off time so just stand right where you are."
After saying that I acted with the quickness and ate them all in the blink of the eye without giving them a chance to react.
These powers are nice I can use full Djinn equips with any Djinn I absorbed right off the bat.
Next targets primordial dragon, and a crimson lion.
10 mins later
I stop in front of a massive blue dragon.
"I have been waiting on you, I just got a question why are you doing this."
"Me, just for power to be able to protect my family now and forever."
"Ok, that's more of a reason people start but then they turn villain."
"Don't worry about that just become my lunch for now, so goodbye."
Damn that was good,just pure dragon rukh, now that was delicious.
"I shouldn't be saying things like that. Thank you for your sacrifice."
Now let's head over a get a few crimson lions and then I will go back.