Back at home again, nothing beats your own home. Let's see I got new powers and strength so I need to adapt to that.
Well night time was already here, so everybody in the house was asleep.
I go to my room and spot Jenna in the bed sound asleep. Guess I was out longer than I said I would be. "Goodnight Honey."
I get out of my clothes and go to sleep.
Time skip
Time for me to take Morales to get tested, I don't want to but I don't know any magic spells so he can only go to school to learn.
"Morales you ready."
"Yes I can finally learn magic."
Well let's head to the church and test your magical affinity.
"5 hours later"
Nothing different happened Morales had a magical affinity. Not anything flashy like a mc of a isekai anime.
"Alright guess I will take you to where you need to go."
"Time skip"
Morales is at the schoo and I'm back at the house waiting on Sarah to bring her new boyfriend home to meet the family that's here.
Guess Sarah got comfortable enough to get a boyfriend. The family already noticed that I don't change and get older, especially after seeing Jenna get older.
I had to come clean and tell them at that moment that I would live forever.
The tears came pouring down after our exchange, reason being is that not just anybody can stay and live forever until the end of time and stay sane.
Jenna understood after asking her parents, especially her mom as she would outlive her dad.
It true though most people will not stay sane after 500 years without some way to wipe your memories. But then what is the point of staying alive.
So I told them I would not help them stay alive longer than there. natural lifespan.
Tears this time cause they all know that I will still be alive and see them a ll pass away and die.
Me and Jenna will outlive the kids and I will outlive our own kids.
"Time skips
Jenna has been pregnant for 9 months and is having a baby right now. It's a girl and the name we are going to give her will be Noire, odd name in this world but is a beautiful name to me.
Sweat dropping, pacing back and forth like I said this will be the next time I'm nervous last will he handing all my daughters off to whoever's they decide to marry.
"Time skip"
Spoiler alert it was a healthy baby girl with pure elven blood, it's what I did to the baby because nobody can handle the blood and genes running through my veins.
Life is still going on I got the S tier platinum guild card a few months back.
Noire is 7 years old, Sarah got married and moved out 3 years back .aeeige age is 15. She has a son that is about 2 years old now.
Morales has graduated a year ago, it took him 1 extra year of learning to decide he was done with school. He came back and now he is out doing his job as an adventurer.
Chloe and Sonido are together at the magic school now. I have been asked to teach there due to me learning and improving some of the magic spells but I declined. Haven't had any problems from the school guess they keep the students in order.
"Time skip"
F**k I knew this would happen but I don't know how to feel but sad. Jenna father passed away and we are at his tombstone now.
Life hits differently and I have to go through this how many times. F**k I don't want to do this.
But it was my choice so I have to deal with it.