Time Skippp part 2

Time skip

Chloe and Sonido have graduated and Morales has finally got a girl and made a family. Sarah had another son.

Now I'm only waiting for Chloe and Sonido to finally settle down.

time skip

Noire is old enough now to go back to the Elven forest with her grandma to learn elven magic there and more. Today is the day we send her and her gradma off.

I gave her a western dragon pendant with an array to protect her life up to 20 times before I need to add more energy.

Now that is out of the way I can finally bi**ch about her leaving us for now.

My child is growing up in life. She's now bout to go back to the forest withher grandma and learn magic. I will be alright as long as she doesn't come back with a boyfriend.

Life is just flashing past my eyes and this will be the only family I will have for the next few centuries.

After my wife dies I will see what I want to do, the idea that is sticking out the most in my head is either Fate/Stay UBW

or modern Earth. Well both are modern Earth one just has magic in the background.

I might just stop at the world of Sekiro to pick up the 3 text with skills, the Shinobi, Ashina, and Senpou Temple text. I guess while I'm at it I will get the 2 mortal blades that are known.

I can go early and get all the text memorize them and put them back for Sekiro to be able to get. After that just spend my time mastering the moves that are recorded. I don't need no prosthetic arts because I have both arms.

Or when Sekiro finally kills Isshin and completes his mission, kill him on the spot and gain his memories along with the others he has slain on his path.

I know I sound evil but to gain immense power fast you have to take the route if evil. I'm not worried though with how many worlds and their parallels exist I can destroy a world and not feel any guilt.

The reason for Sekiro's world is due to me being so strong that I can only control about 75% of my power. Sure that is alot but it's not the 99-100% I want it to be at.

Sorry for the rant now back to my daughter leaving.

"I better not see you come back here with a child while already married. Show me the person you are going to marry. I just want to talk if you do bring someone back."

I finished talking and I can feel the bloodlust that is leaking off my own body. I do need to calm down but I just worry about my girl, anything can happen.

"Dad stop worrying I'm not going to be killed or anything, and my standards for a marriage partner are not low. So if I bring someone next time you see me don't scare them off."

My daughter sent me a glare that said you better not. Damn how I can't argue with her.

""Alright goodbye Noire my daughter. See you too mother in law.""


And off they go into the distance Jenna is next to me trying to put up a strong front for our daughter.

"Wife I understand how you feel but we can't keep her here the whole time she has to leave one day to find her own direction."

"I know but it's just said to see her leave after watching her grow up for so long."