Chapter 1 Myth of Shiva

Once upon a time there is a boy called Shiva born in the era of 'RAKSHASA'. That time Rakshasa holds ultimate power that can threaten the so called 'Gods' who ruled the previous era, era of god's. Wars are happening everywhere across the world due to their conflict and Rakshasa holds the upper hand by the time of Shiva born.

He lost his parents in the war. Shiva parents are normal farmers and they don't hold any power to struggle against warriors and sorcerer's in the war, because of this reason they hold their newly born son and went to hide in large cave nearby their village along with other villagers. As farmers they stockpiled lot of grains as their rations in the cave.

As they struggle to survive, war doesn't seems to have an ending. As time goes on,Shiva has become 10 year old scrawny child with weak body as there is little nutrition to his body because of rations that they got has almost over. Lot of people in the cave died because of less nutrition and hunger.

Shiva parents got lot weaker and died on his 15th year as they gave most of their food to Shiva as he is child and can't bear hunger. As a child Shiva suffered immensely because of his parents death, when his parents died they told him to leave the cave as there is no rations left.

Shiva started contemplating something while he is suffering as he is thinking what is he contemplating he got the answer, why his parents died? It's not because they gave Their food to him nor because hunger.

What is the sole reason of this situation he is in? Isn't that because of war that's happening outside in the world. He got his answer and he made his resolve to stop the war, but what can he do a pitiful child of 15 Years old. That is the reason he started asking everyone in the cave when will the war stops.

He got his answer from the village chief, The village chief name is raman. He is the only one in the entire village who can read and write,and he is also the only person ventures outside world and has some knowledge about the world ways.

As Shiva asks Raman told him

" There are two ways to stop the war one is one side completely won the war by annihilating the other side and the second one needs someone who is more powerful than both sides to stop them. Forget about the second one as there is no such person currently resides in this world that can stop the ultimate warriors of Rakshasa and god's army."

Shiva's curiosity picks up, as a child and a brilliantly intelligent one at that Shiva is more interested in information that gains knowledge to him he asks,

" Why can't some one be more powerful than them."

Raman laughs at Shiva's innocence and he said,

" First of all, you need to know power levels of warriors to know why second option is impossible. I will tell the details of levels to you later, secondly why do you think we are hiding in the cave while war is going outside and why can't we fight in this war. In normal wars, we people of KAMAYA VILLAGE also participate in the wars as kingdom needs our service even though we are farmers, but why can't in this? because it's not war for mortals like us it's war for WARRIOR'S AND SORCERER'S."

Village chief declared proudly and looks at Shiva and children that gathered in the cave because of his tale. Yeah those innocent children think it's a tale and listened with curious eyes and perked up ears.

Shiva started contemplating what village chief told and started digesting the information he got.

seeing Shiva listening and contemplating village chief nod his head and continues to say,

" Warrior's and Sorcerer's like I said are not like us normal people they can fight ten's of us at a time, that to the weakest ones possible in them. Some strong ones can lift 100 tons with single hand and some can make fire out of their hands out of nothing and use it to fight others. Not only they have strength to fight others but they can also live a long life than us mortals. I have seen a warrior he looks my age around 70 on my adventures but I heard from my companion that his actual age is 250 years old. That is enough for today, I will tell remaining details later."

As he said that he 'shooed' all the children that gathered around him.

As he looks at Shiva and asks

" are you leaving the cave?"

looking at the old Raman Shiva said,

" As rations given to me by parents is almost over I have to move outside. Anyhow, I am already 15 years old I can know more about the world and I will try my best to survive this war."

Looking at the pitiful child and knows that Shiva is more intelligent and determined that most of his peers he sighed and said,

" If you want rations you can take it from my son, there are only three people in my family and we have more rations to survive some more years. If you are determined to leave the cave, look for me when you decide to left I will tell more details about the world and recommend you to one of my friends nearby city, as he is well of than us."

As he said this Raman left Shiva.