Chapter 2 Kasaya Continent

Next day early in the morning Shiva woke up by the warm sunlight that's trying to peek into the depths of cave. He stretched his body lazily and see beside his stone that he uses to sleep in the cave for more than 15 years, he thought he will be presented with the warm smile from his parents who always sleep beside his stone.

His eyes got moisten remembering that there is no more warmness that he can get from his parents smile, he made a resolve that he needs to leave the cave in order to survive, in order to gain strength and in order to DESTROY.

He did all his necessities and ate some of the rations that leftover,he didn't want to waste any more time and straight out went to see village chief.

Raman who is eating with his family of three saw Shiva coming to him early in the morning, understood what his decision and sighed before saying,

" Come have some food before we talk about your decision."

Looking at the three people happily eating and hearing what old-man said, Shiva got sad and joy at the same time(sad because he didn't have the warmness of his family anymore and joy because at least people are still worry about him).While having a smile that's not smile on his face shiva said to the old man,

" No,Thank you. But i already ate my quota for now and i have decided to leave the cave today itself before the sun rose to the mid sky."

As he said he sat nearby stone and wait for the oldman to finish his food.

After completing his meal Raman came to shiva and sat on the stone beside shiva and said,

"Before you venture outside I will tell you some brief details of this continent that we live in. The continent we are living in is called KAASAYA continent, one of the two continents that resides in the MOUSAN realm. As i have limited knowledge i don't know much about our realm and the other continent, some people told me that other continent is not ruled by humans but by some other race. Now you don't need to know about the other details. Firstly, our kaasaya continent is divided into two parts by the Mountain range of 'somanya' which stretches from one end to other end of the continent. Don't ever venture into the somanya as there are beasts that can tear even gods and rakshasa. Now we are living in the empire Golan which is ruled by gods as you can imagine the other side of continent is Rakshasa empire ruled by Rakshasa."

As he said up to that point before stopping and letting shiva digesting the information .

Looking at shiva who got hold of the information he started again,

" Our empire golan have 111 Kingdoms under its rule. In those 111 kingdoms,the kingdom we live in is Samaratha kingdom. it is situated in the far end south of continent. Samaratha kingdom consists of 11 states, each state have 11 districts. The state we are residing is Dhronam state and the district is dharini district, Dharini contains lot of villages and the village we live in is called KAMAYA."

After saying this he looks into shiva eyes inquiring whether he understood or not.

Shiva nods his head indicating that he understood before saying,

"oldman yesterday you told me you will tell me about warriors and sorcerers?"

Raman ignores what shiva asked and said,

"That you have already decided to move, i will recommend you to my friend in dharini district who is working under viscount of the district to give you some place until you settle there and i will also ask him to provide a work for you. As there is war going on and lot of people died i think district headquarters needs more people,so you don't have to worry about That."

As he said that he took a letter from his cloth bag that has been hanging from his shoulder and he also took a rusty dagger from his bag giving it to shiva.

Looking at dumbfounded shiva,

"My friend name is manish you can ask him at headquarters. As for this dagger you may need it while you travel to dharini. There is a 30 mile distance from kamaya village to dharini all in a single route but it situated in outskirts of mountain range. sometimes wild animals may roam on that road,its for self protection so don't use it for bad purposes."

He looks at shiva intently and knows what shiva wants to know.

Amused by this child curious eyes he said,

"About warriors and sorcerers i don't know much but as you are going dharini district you can ask manish that old fellow he do have contacts with some of them."

Hearing this shiva interest picks up and he wants to leave this this damn cave as soon as possible.

Knowing shiva thoughts, while taking some tightly packed box same size as his palm Raman said,

"I don't know what this box is but your parents told me to give you this when you decided to leave cave while they were dying. Don't ask what this is as i don't know myself. okay, you can start your journey before son reaching mid sky, While you journey you can reach 15 miles by evening where kamaya temple is located. You can stay inside the temple for the night before starting journey next day. when i am child some old people told me that kamaya temple have powers that restrict wild animals to barge into the temple and it really is true i have never seen any wild animal in the temple while i travel to dharini in so many years."

As he said that he looked into the child before his eyes. He sighed and said,

"Live a life that is honest and worthy to yourself. Don't forget your filial piety, so visit us and your parents when you have time."

Finally looking into shiva one last time he said " start your journey now, i won't be seeing out."

The Legend who can destroy anything and gets a name as 'DESTROYER' starts his journey towards the new world.