Chapter 3 Kamaya Temple

As raman went away telling shiva to move as soon as possible, Shiva packed his belongings and remaining rations into a cloth bag. Before he goes out of the cave he bid his farewells to all the people in the cave as there are only around 100 or so people.

After just coming out of the cave,his eyes could not take the sunlight which is halfway into the mid sky. Shiva used his right hand to see the way before moving muttering himself,

"Lets begin the journey that begins the new life of mine."

From kamaya village to Dharini city its gonna take 2 days journey as we need to sleep near the Kamaya temple for the night. Shiva started walking in constant pace neither too slow nor too fast to maintain his stamina.

Inside the cave, Raman came to the entrance of cave and looking in the direction shiva went he muttered himself,

"You people came out of nowhere at that night with a newborn baby and said you ask me for shelter. I thought you are normal people like us who suffered from catastrophe in this war. But looks like its not the situation, you people died from some poison but ask me to tell your son its from hunger. I don't know your situation, but i keep my promise that you ask, i gave the box that you ask me to hand him while also telling him to stay at the Kamaya temple for the night that he goes out of the cave. I did what i promise and i hope the karma that i had with you ends here."

As he said this he sighed and went into the cave.

Shiva walked along the road under the shades of trees which gave cool breeze and reached the Kamaya temple before sun setting.

Its looks like an ancient temple that has been constructed even before the ancient era where real gods roamed this continent not the self proclaimed gods. It gave people who looks at it vibes of peacefulness and wanted to kowtow towards the temple.

A small pond is located near the temple and temple itself is sorrounded by lot of trees that didn't even let light to enter except at the center of temple.

Even though trees can extend to the center of temple they didn't reach there as though some barrier is barring them from extending towards the center of temple. Looking at this sight shiva said to himself,

"Its quite odd why didn't trees extend to there as though they fear that place they took turns of their branches."

As he said that before entering the temple he went near the pond and took a bowl and collected some water.

Kamaya temple didn't have any entrance as it is wide open 5 grown men can enter inside the temple at the same time. Temple itself is divided into two chambers, one can only enter into the first chamber through the entrance and the chamber itself is large enough to fit 100 people inside.

it only contain three statues that looks like dragons in myths, shiva found it has enough space for him to sleep and sit nearby a statue that is smaller than other two statues. Looking at the statues he said,

"These statues look like dragons from the stories dad said when i was child. Lets eat the food for now and look at what my parents left for me. Why didn't they give it to me directly, is it that important?"

As he said he took out the food he have and started eating.

While he was eating his food the setting sun completely submerged himself into the far end mountains. As sun sets darkness completely envelopes the temple.

Looking at this shiva said to himself,

"Looks like i need to finish fast and rest before starting my journey early in the morning, as i need to reach dharini district before sunsets tomorrow."

saying that he started eating quicker and completed his fill in few moments.

After completing his meal shiva took out the box that was given to him and put the cloth blag behind his as head as pillow and lean his body on the floor,that pose is comfortable for sleeping as he is used to sleep on the rocks in cave.

Shiva removed the cloth that binds box and looked at the box dumbfounded, the box is look like its made of material that used for utensils that he has seen in the cave. But he know that it is definitely is not that material. He said,

"its actually is glowing and looks so beautiful,that i have never seen anything this beautiful in the cave. Even shasha, daughter of aunt kulani is not as beautiful as this."

exclaimed by the beauty of the box.

The box didn't have any locks, as he looks for opening he found it easily and opened the box. Inside the box it looks like made of red cloth sewn on sponge like thing, in the center of box lays a black marble. He took the marble,size of egg into his hand and put the box aside. The marble isn't looking plain but something has been carved on it.

"light is dim here i should go outside to see what is carved on this marble."

As he said that, he sat in upright position from his sleeping position. He looks outside to see whether moonlight has been illuminated or not.

" Moonlight is looking so beautiful and peaceful."

As he said that he stated moving towards outside,while he is moving outside he subconsciously looked back into the second chamber that brightly lit. Second chamber is the place where center of whole temple while first chamber cover it,it only contains a single altar and roof of second chamber has a meter width hole that is exactly where barrier that is barring trees from center.

seeing this he subconsciously stopped going outside and started moving towards alter. As he got inside chamber he looked into the hole on the roof top.second chamber is only 2 meters width perfect square shaped room.

" Looks like this hole is specifically created for moonlight to lit the alter, what's so special about this alter?"

As he said he reached his other hand that is not holding the marble on top of the alter to feel it. as he touched the alter something happened that made him horrified.