Chapter 4 'marble with dragon symbol'

As he touched the alter, the marble on his other than forcefully flow out of his hand while he is looking gobsmacked at that scene, the last thing that he saw on the marble is carvings of dragons while it started rotating.

"Th-those are also dragon carvings that looks like those statues on first chamber. Why did something that my parents left for him also have those things. is this marble related to this temple? "

As he pondered over those things, the black marble that rotating while suspending in the air while basking under moonlight that fell on alter gains speed over time. After the time it takes to breathe one breath it started rotating at a speed that is abnormally possible.

Looking at the speed that marble is rotating, Shiva got a premonition that something bad is going to happen and subconsciously tried to move away from the alter. Unbeknownst to him, something is restricting him from moving not to mention moving he can't even take away his hand from the alter.

It look likes it took a lot of time but all it takes is a few moments, so he started panicking and started cursing and shouting for help at the same time.

"What the hell is this? Why can't i move?shit!shit!!shit!!! Help me if anybody out there please help me, anybody help."

While he shouted no one comes to his help and feeling irritated he looks at the marble rotating, sighed himself and left his life in the hands of fate,

"Why did my parents gave this to me and what is the relationship of this temple to my parents? It looks its my parents decision that asked the old man to told me to go this temple while i reach dharini city."


As he mumbling himself,the rotating marble finally stopped rotating for a second before bursting into powder. Shiva looks at the powder particles still hanging in the air with wide eyes open.

Suddenly, the black powder like particles started moving towards shiva and started seeping into his body from every pores and holes of his body.

" What's happening to me?"

These are the last words he screamed atop of his lungs before losing his consciousness.


With a thud his body fell on the floor as the last particles of black marble powder enters his body. The temple returns to its original peacefulness and abnormal silence.

While he is still unconscious, the black powder that enters his body started to integrate every part of his body while strengthening his muscles and inner parts in the process. Lastly, it enters into the stream of his blood and started integrating into every cell of his blood.

As this process going on his blood started to boil, as though it is excited to eat those abnormal black particles. Even though shiva is in unconscious state he is still twitching on the floor because of the abnormal pain that causing to his body.

This process took more than two hours before shiva got relief from this abnormal pain and started sleeping because of the exhaustion that caused to his body.

Everything looks like perfectly normal on outside but while the black particles started integrating into his blood, the color of his blood started changing from blood red color to fiery red.

If you look closer into his body that looks he is having some good dream because he is having a smile that hung on his corner, you can see right side of his neck having a black color dragon carving blinking while glowing.

Its blinking like its deciding whether it should stay there or not, after it takes a time to brew tea it finally decided to stay there before submerging into his skin and disappeared from human view.

Next day early in the morning, shiva woke up from his slumber and suddenly jolted at remembering the events of last night before saying,

" why the f*ck that black marble powder enters my body and what happens to me after that? And who is that grandpa? Why did i find myself so close to him as he is not my family member."

As he mumbled to himself, he tried to reorganize his thoughts. Last night after he lost his consciousness he had a dream, that he flown into the vast starry sky where he meets a grandpa and looking at that old man he sensed familial belonging to him. As for the grandpa he only said two sentences,

" At last we have found the one with the requirements."

As he said this he sighed and looked into shiva saying,

" young one quickly become strong before we call you."

Shiva looked at the old man dumbfounded and wanted to ask something. But before he asks anything the old man waved his hand and shiva flown black to the temple in the same he goes there.

Quickly shaking all those thoughts from his head shiva got up from the alter where he sleeps last night and tried to move towards the first chamber before stopping and looking dumbfounded.

'TUT TUT...'

He was so shocked because as he looks into the first chamber where his belongings are he can see a small black ant carrying one of the ration particles that fell off from his mouth when he was eating yesterday, while the ant is moving and carrying the food particle with its antenna it made tut tut like sounds when the food particle touches ground.

He was shocked because, he can see an ant that is so small when he was 10 meters apart from his bag. Also he can hear some thing that's only abnormally possible, he can see that his senses has improved so much. He pondered for some time and said,

" Is it because of that black marble? well it looks like it as there is no abnormal things happen to me except that one. What exactly is that black marble?"

As he said that he focused on his abnormal senses to try to see how much distance he can see and hear. He tried to see something that is 20 meters away from his range and able to see it perfectly.

While he did this experiment,he was again dumbfounded by the result. As he can actually see 30 meters every thing around him even his eyes closed. He can see around 100 meters in a single line when he focused.

He came to a conclusion,that all he has to do is focus. if he wants to see every thing he just needs to focus everything around him or if he wants to see single place he just needs to focus there.

In remaining time he can see and hear normally, while he is organizing and conducting information he got bursting hunger out of nowhere. He started running towards his bag and stated eating his food in big chunks....