Chapter 5 Strength

As shiva ate half the remains of his rations, he found his muscles started brimming with energy. His body started transforming at a rate, that is visible to human eyes.

it didn't take much time for this transformation, he as a 15 years old kid used to be 170 cm in height, and has weak and lean body due to malnutrition in the cave.

Now he is 175 cm in height and still has a lean body, but a bit of muscles protruded outwards from his arms and chest making him look a bit handsome than average person.

"I'm almost grown 5 cm more and i can feel the strength in my muscles, t-that i have this feeling that i can lift anything."

Of course its impossible for him to lift anything in this world. But it is his first time that he has gain this strength that is so overwhelming, he wanted to check his new found strength. So, he started sprinting to outside the temple.

" My speed is almost doubled than what i can used to be?"

While he was running outside he realized that he was running faster than what he used to be calculated that he was running faster than double. As he ran outside the temple he stopped to see where stones are located.

He saw a lot of stones nearby the lake, scattered across the area. After seeing lot of stones he started sprinting towards them, he wanted to check what his strength is right now. He got so overwhelmed by the things that happened to him and can't stop himself from running.

As he reached the stones, he looked toward a stone and thinks its a optimal option to try his strength and started moving towards the stone.

" I will try with this one, it looks to be around 50-70 kg in weight and i used to be able to lift 25 kg stone while i was in cave. So, it shouldn't be a problem for me to lift this stone."

Saying that he bend towards the stone and used both of his hands to lift the stone,while he did that something unexpected happened to him.

"uurhhh uurhhh"

He lifted the stone thinking, it is around 50-70 kg in weight so i should use a bit of force. As he pulled the stone using almost all of his strength, the stone got lifted like a paper and with a whoosh stone which is in his hands flown atop of his head and fell about 120 meters away from his back.

Because of this unexpected situation, his body couldn't take his actions and lost balance. He fell on his bump with a thud, where a multiple tiny stones are present. As they pierced his bump causing lot of pain assaulting him and that made him cried out.

"aaarhh!! What the hell was that, i am in so much pain."

After sometime, a lot of pain has receded. so,he got up and checked his bump for any injuries. Because there are no sharp stones around where he fell, he just got away with the pain and also seeing the stone that fell far way he was so surprised by his own strength.

"I thought my strength increased by a lot but throwing a 50-70 kg stone almost over 100 meters??!!!! Also i need to control my newfound strength as i have to avoid serious problems like what happened just now."

After saying that he looks so serious, as though what happened now was really a serious situation of his life.

" First i should check how much my strength has increased and later I should try something else to get a control over my strength after this."

He looked toward a stone that is almost 5 times that of the stone he has lifted and started moving towards it. Looking at the stone, he first relaxed his muscles before bending over to lift the stone using his both hands.

This time he didn't lost his balance,but lifted it with some effort and also got an estimation of how much his strength has increased.

"This is not so easy like last time but i can still lift it easily and i think my maximum strength is around twice the strength of this stone."

He looked for a stone that is twice the size of stone that he just lifted. He searched for around a minute before finding a stone that is approximately twice the size of the last stone he lifted.

He didn't waste anymore time and bend to lift the stone using both his hands. But,

this time it didn't go as he expected, he just barely be able to lift the stone.

" From calculating the first stone i lifted that is around 50 to 70 kg, the second should be around 250 kg. so, this stone should be around 500 kg, that means each of my hand have the strength of 250 kg."

Saying this he looks so overwhelmed and surprised at the same time. He thinks of something and said,

"This is all happened because of that black marble left by his parents, what is that marble?why did i grow so much strong after it flow into me? who exactly are my parents?"

As he thinks all of this, he thought of his parents and tears threat to almost burst out of his eyes. But he didn't let that happen and his eyes looked resolved and determined.

"I will destroy all those that are responsible for the death of my parents. I should first gain strength before taking it on them."

He swore his resolve but he didn't let it consume himself and his eyes once again became clear like the lake that is beside him without a ripple.

"Before going to dharini i should train myself to control this strength. so, i will stay in this temple one more day before starting journey. Anyhow it is so peaceful here and i still got half the rations left by my parents."

Saying this, he looked at himself and felt that he is so dirty. He straight out went for the lake and jumped into the water to take this must needed bath.