Chapter 6 First Hunt

" It is so good to take bath every day, inside the cave i can't even able to bath once in three days."

When he was living in the cave, there is only a small stream that flows nearby the cave. Well, water there may be abundant but you need to take turns to go there under the protection of village's protectors.

Village protectors aren't people who are well versed in any martial arts, they are also farmers but compared to other people they are just a bit bigger and muscular. Even though they are just bigger than normal people, they are at least able to use their brute force when there is any precarious situation arise, while when venturing outside the cave.

Kamaya village, itself is situated near the outer area of mountain range of somanya and the cave he lived in is right at the border of mountain range. As there is no water supply inside the cave and the nearby stream is the only water supply. So, they had to venture outside.

This is the sole reason, village old man created a team of villagers who are well build and named them 'village protectors'. Their only purpose is to carry water for drinking and escorting limited amount of people for bathing outside the cave.

Because of this limited QUOTA, Shiva's turn can only come once in three days.

After doing his bath and putting on his worn out clothes, shiva went straight into the first chamber of the temple where his cloth bag is present. He sat down near the small dragon statue and started eating his food.

Eating his meal shiva started contemplating, what he should do in order for him to control his strength.

"I should lift more stones with different weights while adjusting my strength, that should be a bit helpful."

While he is thinking and got to a conclusion, he finished his meal. shiva straight out went to the place where stones are, and started lifting them from lowest weight stones to largest stones.

As he is doing these things, he got quite the result he wanted and knowing this will help him control his power, he started doing it more rigorously. After doing this for more than a hour, he did gain more control over his power.

While he is thinking that it isn't going to help anymore, he suddenly got a brilliant idea and he started gathering all stones from lowest to largest.

After gathering all the stones, he started throwing them to a distance of 20 meters. As he did that he started adjusting his strength to throw the stones approximately around 20 meters.

"This method is more helpful than the last one."

That method is really helpful than the last one, because he can now control his strength clearly better.

"Well, i can control my strength better for this lifeless things. Then what about living beings, if i can't control my strength and hurt someone that will really be dangerous situation."

Pondering what he should do with this problem, he also got his answer.

" I can go hunting into the mountain range outer area, as there are only wild animals present there. But, wh-what if the beasts that old man told appears? they can even hunt gods and rakshasa."

he doesn't know, what to do anymore. As he was thinking, sun starts to climb towards the mid sky, suddenly he shot out on his feet and his eyes shows that he had made his resolve.

"Whatever may comes on my way, i should be able to destroy it and no one can change it. I can sense anything around 30 meters and can see 100 meters ahead, while my speed is twice the normal speed and my strength also increases enormously. If i can't even had the courage to go outer area of mountain range, how can i become strong enough to destroy anyone that threatens. If there are any beasts that oldman said comes, i can see them from hundred meters away and if i put my vigilance all the time, can start my escape into the temple without any problem."

Making his resolve, he slowly made his way towards the mountain range. After he enters the mountain range which is covered by tall and lush green mountain trees, he put his focus in all directions. so he can see everything that is 30 meters around him.

" Lets begin, my first hunt in the way of becoming the strongest."

Saying those words, he started moving forward with full vigilance. Nothing entered his sense for the first 100 meters he moved into the forest.

" It may be the effect of kamaya temple is so near. I should move forward a 100 meters more to see any wild animals, if i can't find any, i will return back as it is unnecessary for me to put myself in danger."

Thinking like that he moved forward slowly in a straight line and as he got around 70 more meters, he can see two wild dogs eating a rabbit that they have hunt, to the right side of his around 25 meters away.

" Two wild dogs?! First, i should need to eliminate one of them with a sneak attack, as it is is my first time attacking i don't want to take the risk."

Saying those words to himself, he took out the dagger that village chief gave him and hold it in his right hand. He took a long breath before moving towards them very slowly and carefully. As he got closer to them his heart started to beat quicker than normal.

He inches towards them step by step, 25 meters...20 meters...15 meters...5 meters....3 meters...

As he was only a mere 2 meters away from them,

"This is going to be my first kill in my entire life"

After thinking those words, he pounced on the dog that is close to him and directly stabbed it into the neck of it. Before knowing what happened, the first dog died.

"That's one down and one more to go."

Saying that, he looked towards the dog that ran frantically because of panic caused by the sudden attack. The second dog has already slowed down after running 10 meters and looked ferociously towards shiva, eyes showing that it wants to tear him apart.