'Paying price for negligence'

'growl growl'

Looking into each others eyes they both know what they need to do. Seeing the dead partner of his,

the second wild dog eyes got red from anger and it started growl.

shiva also know that it is going to to attack anytime now and he increased his vigilance and placed his focus solely on the dog.

"come, come on"

Shiva taunted the dog using his hands asking it to attack, as if saying, if it wants to revenge his dead companion. The wild dog also understood what shiva is doing by his hand gestures and it got so angry, started sprinting towards him.

He also prepared for this attack and tightly hold his dagger in attack position, ready to swish his dagger when dog pounces on him.

"When this dog pounce on me, i should take a step aside while also swishing my dagger at the same time. So, all i need to do is maintain my balance, timing of dodging and swishing. Yes, i almost forgot what the most important matter that i have come here for is, i need to control my strength when i swing my dagger, making it not cleave apart the dog itself."

Thinking up to this point, shiva loosened the grip that he holds tightly on dagger and adjusted his strength to around 40 to 50 kg.

While he is doing adjustment to his strength, the dog is just 2 meters away from him and while its at that distance, it pounced on shiva as though it want to tear every piece of his body as a revenge to its companion.

When the dog mouth is just a moment away from shiva's head, he as tactically and as planned before took a step aside, while swinging his dagger at the same time in a rough manner.

Even though he did it roughly, it still slashed the dogs head horizontally and the wild dog fell on the ground, twitched for a while before dying.


shiva vomited right on the spot, after seeing the dog that died. when he killed the first dog, he just pierced it through the neck, while this second dog died as he slashed open its head and the scene of dog that died here looks so gory. Looking at such a gory scene for the first time, he couldn't take it and vomited.

After killing the dogs shiva directly went back to the temple as his situation is bad because of vomiting. He took 2 hours rest and had lunch while thinking of today's hunt.

"As expected, hunting these wild animals can really help me gain smooth control. when i swish my dagger i can feel that, i should have stopped my dagger halfway through the cut i made. Yes, by practicing like this i can really gain more control over my strength."

Finishing his meal, shiva again went for hunting and started searching for wild animals. This time after going for more than 150 meters, he spotted a rabbit that is munching on something.

Shiva thinking of eating rabbit meat, he slowly made his way towards it while fully putting focus on it. As he was just away from 3 meters, rabbit seems to know someone is approaching it and sprinted forward without even noticing who it was.

Seeing this, shiva made a mad sprint towards it and adjusted his strength to tiny bit possible. he is already faster than twice a normal person can, but in this dash he ran faster than that, But he didn't take any notice of this. As he got closer to the rabbit, he swung his dagger on its neck.

Being a fragile life, all it takes is a swing from the dagger and that rabbit died without knowing why.

" Strong prey on the weak. This sentence really is true, as It didn't even know why it had died."

Taking the rabbit that had stopped struggling, he started to hunt for more animals that come to his sense for 1 more hour.

In this one hour he hunted two more wild rabbits and one wild dogs that's roaming freely on that area. He put the three rabbits on the tree nearby temple.

" There are no more animals that i can hunt seriously in this 200 meters perimeter. I should move a bit forward to see that i can hunt anything decent in there."

Thinking that he started moving towards the area after reaching 200 meters and he put all his focus on the 100 meters distance ahead to see for any dangerous beasts that may present. As he did that he neglected his surroundings and moved over 350 meters.

Suddenly, he felt that something or someone is pouncing towards him. As he felt that he immediately put all of sense in his 30 meter radius without even looking towards the direction, where the beast is attacking from.

He can see a beast that is almost two meters in height and 3 meters long pouncing towards his head with wide opened mouth, that have sharp teeth like dagger in his hands.

"It looks like a tiger,but its size is almost double the size of a normal tiger and also its fur is red. I thinks its one of the beasts that old man told me."

Believing its a magical beast and knows its impossible for him to escape this attack, he tried to step aside, in order to reduce the damage as much as possible.


Still that tigers jaw landed on his left shoulder and its teeth sunk deeper into his flesh. Because of this pain he shouted fiercely and used his dagger on his right hand to stab the tiger on its stomach.

"What the hell!!! it can only pierce halfway through its flesh? How tough is its body."

As he shouted that, he retreated from the tiger that released his shoulder because of the serious injury caused by shiva's dagger. It also looked vigilantly towards shiva, who retreated from its position.

It started looking at shiva, as though it couldn't believe that a normal human like shiva can injure him. As a magical beast, it developed some form of intelligence, even though it is still at early stages.

When it attacked shiva it didn't sense any energy from his body.

Looking at shiva who didn't have any energy, it got so angry because of its shame that a normal human like shiva can injure him. That tiger started running towards shiva, to kill him so that it can erase its shame.

"Its coming!!! i have made a serious injury to it, still its speed is overwhelming. I think i can't dodge this time as its body is so large, i will still get injured. My left hand is in so much pain, i can't even bear to lift it. I should make a quick duck and pierce it from the bottom of its body, when it pounces on me."

After making this plan, shiva put all focus on tiger movements and tightly holds his dagger, so that he can use his full power. He didn't want to take any risk and can't bother to control his power.

Seeing that shiva still standing and holding dagger tightly as though he wants to kill him, the tiger got so angry and made a pounce towards him when it is just 3 meters away from him.

Looking at the tiger making its pounce towards him, shiva eyes shown his joy. while tiger is nearing him he thinks, what if this dumb tiger directly attack him without pouncing.

when the tiger just thinks, that this annoying human is finished. shiva made a quick duck and used his dagger to pierce its abdomen from the bottom. The tiger lost its momentum and fell on shiva, shiva also, this time pierced the abdomen all the way that his dagger can reach.

After pushing the tiger that's already dead. Shiva went to sit on the ground on a nearby tree, while he lean his back on its bark and started to relax his panting. This time he didn't lose his focus and started sensing his surroundings with full vigilance.

" I have neglected my surroundings, while only thinking they will come from inside the forest. Anyhow, i should be more careful from now on and its my first time i killed a magical beast."

Shiva is overjoyed, because he had killed a magical beast that is almost impossible for normal humans.