Dharini city

After taking some rest, shiva didn't want to hunt anymore and took the rabbits that placed from the tree.

" How about eating a magical beast? I have never ate tiger meat and now i have the chance to eat a magical tiger beast. I really shouldn't waste this opportunity."

Looking at the tiger, shiva started drooling, thinking of eating a magical tiger. Shiva placed the three rabbits on his shoulder and dragged the magical tiger beast using its tail, all the way to the shore of the lake.

By the time shiva started cleaning the rabbits, the sun has already started setting towards the west.

Because this is his first time doing the cleaning of carcass and cutting it, shiva wasted a lot of parts by ruining them. By the time he cut the last rabbit meat, he learned from his past mistakes and didn't not waste lot of meat.

After taking all the good meat, shiva started gathering dry sticks from outer area of mountain range.

It didn't take much time to collect sticks, but it took him lot of time to start the fire. Because he didn't have any fire starting instruments, he resorted to oldest method of using two stones.

shiva used his dagger and pierced the meat of rabbit. He did it to 5 to 6 pieces at the same time and hold his dagger over the fire, so that he can fry them without worry. Time to time shiva started to rotate dagger, so that meat can fry from all sides.

"Looking really delicious. I can't wait anymore."

shiva didn't have any seasonings to add in the fried meat, all he have is a little amount of salt. So, he added salt to the fried rabbit meat, he couldn't wait anymore started gobbling it.

After he was done eating rabbit meat, shiva looked satisfied. He rested for some time before starting to fry remaining rabbit meat.

" If i fry this rabbit meat slightly, the water in its carcass will be dried. After that i will add some salt to it, if what old man said is true, i can store the meat for long periods of time."

Frying slightly, shiva added salt to the meat before placing them in his cloth bag. Finishing with the rabbit meat shiva looked at the tiger, he started cutting it into pieces.

While he was cutting, shiva decided to took its nails and tooth. so that, he can gain some money by selling them in the city. As he cut deeper into its head, so that he can take its tooth without damaging them, he was obstructed by something.

" What is it, that can obstruct my dagger in its head?"

He started digging its head to look what obstructed its dagger. sometime later, he dig out a red crystal in the shape of sphere, its size is only 1/3rd of black marble.

"what was this crystal? why was it struck in its head."

shiva got bewildered by this situation, a crystal is actually struck in its head? shiva didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Shiva knew crystals are valuable and place it in his own pocket, instead of placing it on cloth bag.

Looking at the tiger meat shiva started to dry fry its meat,so that he can carry as much as the carry bag able to hold. After doing this he dumped all the remaining meat into the lake.

He didn't go to any hunt in the evening, even though he wants to go he restrained himself from going. After the sunsets, he roasted a bit of tiger meat and rabbit meat as his meals.

"This tiger meat is really is delicious!!!! and i should start my journey tomorrow early in the morning."

He exclaimed while eating.

Because of the exhaustion from fighting and doing all the work, he slept early thinking of doing journey early in the morning.

Next day early in the morning, shiva did all his necessities and still ate tiger meat as his breakfast,before starting his journey towards dharini city.

sometimes, shiva started sprinting towards the city and sometimes he walked normally. This he didn't take entire day time to cross 15 miles, by the time sun reached the mid sky shiva is already at the entrance gate of dharini city.

Looking at the majestic wall that may have sorrounded the entire city, shiva looked enthralled. As he looked, he started walking towards the people who gathered at a particular space nearby wall.

There is a route map of dharini city is placed on the wall and two guards stood there explaining the people who can't read the map. As one guard point towards the map, started explaining each section.

"Our dharini city is divided into four parts, the one that shows west and east section of the city map is the place where residents of the city is located. For normal people like you, you can only access to the east section of residential area, if you want to live in dharini city. West section residential area is living quarters of aristocratic people and people who works for kingdom like us, it is strictly prohibited for unauthorized entrance."

Saying that, That guard looked so proud of himself. While the second guard, looking at this smug companion of his shook his head before continues to explain next two sections.

"This north section is the place where all civil work offices are present, including military head quarters, viscount chamber, count's chamber and mayor's chamber. Many more court chambers are there as you can see on this map. The south section is the place where entertainment industry, exchange shops, equipment shops and so on are present. Finally dharini city is residence for 1 million people and welcome to dharini city for all of you on behalf of mayor "

As guard said viscount chamber, shiva's eyes shown brilliantly and he remembered the area where the guard pinpointed the viscount location when he explained.

" Here i comes dharini city."

Looking at the entrance gate, where there is a small queue, shiva shouted on his mind, before moving towards the entrance.