'Oldman manish'

shiva directly joined the queue that is entering the city through entrance gate. While you can enter the city of dharini for free, you needed to be checked whether you are carrying any kind of weapons, before allowing you to enter the city.

About five minutes later, its shiva turn to get checked. Two guards are checking the stuff of people,while the first guard check people's belongings, the second one inquiring about their details and their purpose of visit to dharini city.

When its normal times, it won't be this strict. But war is still happening and in order to guarantee the safety of residents living in the city, the city mayor tightened the security.

"Ha! let me check what's in your cloth bag kid. It looks kinda heavy!!!!"

Guard, who is responsible for checking the belongings of people asked as shiva came to them. He was surprised by the attire of shiva's dressing.

"What's inside the bag and where are you from?"

As the first guard took cloth bag from shiva, second guard started asking about his details.

"Inside my bag contains, a little bit of grains and 4 to 5 kg of tiger meat. I am from kamaya village, which is 30 miles away from dharini city."

The second guard looked surprised by shiva's answer and started asking more details.

"Are you a hunter? Looking at your age, it is not possible and what is the purpose of your visit to dharini city?"

Shiva looked at the guard and thought he's looking funny.

"It was hunted by my village elders, as i am going on a journey they gave me some of its meat. My village chief is a good friend of oldman manish from viscount chamber, he asked me to contact him after coming here, so that i can get a decent job."

While shiva explained his purpose of visit, the first guard confirmed that, what shiva told is true.

"Ohh!! you know butler manish from viscount chamber? you should have told us earlier little brother, we didn't need to check you at all, as you are a person from most trusted subordinate of viscount."

While the second guard looked surprised, the first guard gave shiva his cloth bag. Looking at shiva, second guard shouted for some other guard who is sleeping nearby gates.

"What's up tarun, why the hell did you wake me from my gorgeous dream? i-i am almost into her."

Shiva looked puzzled by this answer, while the two guards laughed at this subconscious answer.

"Well, enough making a fool of yourself Rutan. Look, this little brother said he know butler manish from viscount chamber, you should escort him to there and check whether he said is true or not."

That guard named Rutan looked at shiva with astonishing eyes before saying,

"Little brother, follow me and i will lead you to viscount chamber. As it is crowded, you will easily get confused."

Saying that he started moving into the city. Shiva also picked his cloth bag and started moving closely with that man.

"Little brother, what's your name? how do you know that death god? i mean butler manish from viscount chamber."

Shiva also surprised by this chatter box, who couldn't take anymore from the silence while they walk.

As shiva is new to city and its also his first time visiting a city, he wan enchanted by the sheer beauty of its constructions and magnificent buildings. So, he didn't talk anything with the guard.

"Ahh!! Big brother Rutan, my name is shiva and i am from kamaya village. I didn't know oldman manish, but he is best friend of my village chief Raman."

Looking at shiva, "Did you got any recommendation letter from your village chief. Looks like your village chief isn't a normal person." Rutan got puzzled before asking.

"Yes,oldman raman gave me a letter and asks to give it to oldman manish. B-Big brother rutan, why did you call oldman manish as death god?"

He asked a bit timidly, as though fearing he may offend this guard by this question.

"Looks like, you are a curious fellow!!! Let me tell you some rumors that's rotating in the city, that oldman manish is actually a real cultivator like those gods and rakshasa. Not only that, even mayor himself will behave his manners when talking to oldman manish."

Looking at shiva, who's eyes are as big as chicken eggs, Rutan was satisfied with this expression.

"let me ask you, as a mayor of this city did he need to respect someone, who is just a butler of viscount chamber? Even viscount himself didn't get that much respect from mayor."

Shiva also surprised by this and as they talk and walk, they reached the viscount chamber in 15 minutes.

Rutan directly went to the person who is guarding the entrance of viscount chamber and told him something,before coming back to standby shiva's side.

That guard looked at shiva suspiciously, but he didn't say anything and directly went inside the viscount chamber.

As, shiva was looking at the magnificent construction of viscount chamber. The guard went inside came out with an elderly man who's head is full of white hair, but his eyes shows that he is still full of vigor and radiates deep seeped coldness from their depths.

" Who are you? Why are you looking for me?"

Looking at Rutan, he asked coldly.

"B-Butler m-m-manish, i-it is not me that is looking for you, its this little brother. I-I just escorted him to check whether he really knows you or not?"

Rutan stuttered because of the cold tone of oldman manish, as he answered.

Looking at shiva, who has pure and innocent eyes. The coldness from oldman manish eyes receded and replaced with a hint of softness.

"Child, do you know me?"

Looking at this situation, Rutan cursed by this unfairness and screamed inside 'why did you treat him different that me????'

"Ah! i didn't know you old grandpa, but look at this letter and you will know."

He handed the letter, that was given to him by old man raman to oldman manish. Looking surprised by the letter, oldman manish took letter from shiva's hand before opening and started reading.

As he started read the letter, a smile was hung on the corner of his lips by the end of it.

"You can leave for now, this child is related to one of my friends."

Before saying anything to shiva, he looked at shiva with eyes containing full of warmness and said rutan to leave. Rutan also didn't want to stay there, so he took his leave before saying his farewell to shiva.

"Come inside child, we need to talk lot of things."

After saying that, he lead shiva into the viscount chamber.