Training Part 1

"Grandpa manish, didn't i say you will be amazed by my strength."

Shiva also looks very happy with the result and looking at the stuttering butler manish, he said proudly.

"Shiva, did you eat any fruits that you can't recognize while you are child?"

Shiva looked confused by this question and thought himself,

"Looks like grandpa manish thinks, i have ate some precious fruits that gave me this strength. But its all because of that black marble thing. Anyhow i couldn't tell about it to anyone, that's kinda fishy." Thinking that shiva thought for a while before answering.,

"No, grandpa manish i didn't ate anything like that." He didn't admit it, so that he can prove himself with innocence about his strength.

"Looks like i have found a genius with innate divine strength. I have only seen one person who have divine strength of 500 kg, he is absolutely a monster. Still shiva himself have 300 kg strength, even though he is not comparable to that person, he still is a monster. I have to recommend him to my sect, so that i can gain some contribution points."

Thinking like that, he looked at shiva, like he is looking at some precious gift send to him by god himself.

That look of butler manish made shiva shiver and strands of his hair on his neck stood up.

"Shiva, there are some people in this world who are born with innate divine strength. They are absolute geniuses who are gifted by god, looks like you also posses such gift. I will prepare a training schedule for you to train in mortal realm and also i think you don't need four years to reach mortal realm level 3. By the time you turn 17, you can reach level 3 mortal realm."

Saying that he looked at shiva and added,

"Before we start i will explain you what we will do with your regime of training. In order to train mortal realm to apex, you have to strengthen every part of your body to its limits. For reaching that you have to some stances like Horse stance, Kneeling stance, Front stance, Crouching stance. While you doing all this stances, i will add weights to your body and you also need to lift weights. You also need to attend your work in black smith shop daily."

Saying that, he looked at shiva waiting for his response.

"I will definitely do my best grandpa manish and also i will definitely attend to workshop." Shiva said firmly.

"Then we can start with your training now." As he said that he started looking for something in the training hall, it didn't take long before he found some weights that needed to add on shiva and he tied all of them on shiva.

"Did you feel any weight, i added 150 kg to your body." he asked to confirm, whether it is enough or not.

"Yes grandpa manish, i am feeling little bit heavy." Shiva responded with sincere smile.

"That's enough then, let's start with horse stance......" As he said that he started instructing shiva, on his training. It didn't take long before shiva started sweating by this intense training.

Like this shiva trained on his stances while lifting weights at the same time for two hours before collapsing on the floor.

"This child didn't even complain once, even when he reached his limits, looks like he really is determined to get stronger. What a strong heart this fellow have, that did not match his age."

As he praised shiva, he bend his knees while his hands clasping on shiva's body and lifted him to his shoulder. He carried shiva to his room, placing him on his bed.

Before he makes his way out of shiva's room, he looked at shiva who is feeling comfortable by the soft bed, butler manish couldn't help but chuckle before leaving.

Next day, early in the morning, shiva woke up with pains all over his body. But he didn't let himself rest and started doing his necessities, before storming out of his room towards the workshop.

Because of the hunger caused by his body, he ate nearly 2 kg of tiger meat, before he went to work.

"Looks like the rations and tiger meat won't last even three, if i eat like this."

While he started moving towards the workshop, he started thinking about his rations worrying that he may need to spend his money, that butler manish gave him.

"Master blacky, i am here for today's work."

Looking at shiva who announced his arrival, master blacky broke into wild smile that made shiva shiver all the down his spine.

"Why the hell all these old fogs smile like this?" he thinks himself.

"Yesterday, because i didn't yet accept you, i couldn't introduce your two apprentice brothers. Let me introduce them now."

As he said that he called the two workers, who are doing their work busily.

"Let me introduce you, this big fellow is raghav, whose role to maintain fire temperature and this short fellow is harish, his role is handling metals."

As he introduced two of them to shiva, he looked at the two juniors of his for their responses.

"Junior apprentice brother, i am happy to work with you. Lets enjoy the time we work together." Responded the big fellow with sheepish smile on his face, Who looks like in his twenties.

"Apprentice brother, nice to meet you." Harish responded with a bit shy. Looks like he is only a year or at most 2 years older than shiva.

"Nice to meet you, apprentice brothers. Lets work together happily." Shiva responded with bright smile on his face.

Looking at the smile on his face, two apprentice brothers and his master also started conversing with him with bright smiles on their faces. After talking some time, they went to do their on works.

"Master blacky, what should i do today." Shiva asked, as he didn't know what to do now.

"Like yesterday, all you have to do is hand me the materials and hammers when i needed. Do you think after single day of observing the process, you can start black smithing." Blacky snorted as he retorted shiva.


Shiva did exactly like yesterday, by the time today's work complete, shiva bid his farewells to the three people and stormed out of the workshop.